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Chinese American literature as an emerging genre develops with Asian American Studies. The Civil Rights Movement since the 1960s'was in part a response against the Americanization movement. Among the many voices of multiethnic literatures, Chinese American literature emerges as a way of establishing identity and reconstructing the history for the Chinese Americans. Since its inception, Chinese American literary criticism has been carried out on a binary basis as apposed to mainstream American literature.
     The 1970s'witnessed the role of the author's origin and cultural sensibility in building up identity of the Chinese Americans, and critics paid more attention to the manhood aspect of Chinese Americans, neglecting the role Chinese American women play. From the 80s, identity study was more closely connected with gender and class. The 1990s saw the shift from the Nationalism paradigm to that of Transnationalism, national border crossed and the focus of criticism shifting from the content to the form of the literary texts. However, with the expansion of Asian American literature to the South Asian and Southeast Asian American writers, the younger generation of Chinese American writers and immigrant writers are neglected in criticism to a certain extent. As a result, there is a gap between Asian American literary studies and the fast development of Chinese American literature. Though Chinese American literary studies in China have gained a lot of achievements with many papers and monographs published, there still exist some drawbacks with most research centered on such women writers as Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan, resulting in discourse repetitions due to the influence of the previous paradigm of Asian American literary criticism. Based on an analysis of criticism on Ha Jin's works, Chapter IV intends to reveal that Chinese stories portrayed in the writings by immigrant writers are transformed into American stories when they are told in English.
     The significance of criticism does not mean to reach a fixed conclusion, but rather to expand the space of interpretation of a literary text. Conclusions can never be definitely drawn once and for all. The more classical the literary texts are, the more meanings people can explore in them. In light of the characteristics of Asian American literary criticism in different periods, the thesis aims at revealing the possible underlying reasons for the shift of focus from ethnicity to literariness in Chinese American literary criticism. Chinese American literature, as a kind of cross-cultural literary texts, can not be regarded as part of American literature if it is without literariness, nor can it be viewed as Chinese American literature if it does not embody ethnicity—its Chineseness at all. The ethnicity of Chinese American literature can be found both in its content and in its writing form. Therefore, Chinese American literary criticism is expected to combine the study of the content and that of the form together, taking into consideration of ethnic aspects and literary traits of the Chinese American literary texts. Only in this way can Chinese American literary studies go beyond the binary opposition, thus well combining literary studies and cultural studies together and avoiding going one way too far.
    Frank, Chin; Jeffery Paul Chan. "Racist Love" in Richard Kostelanetz, ed. Seeing Through Shuck. New York: Ballantine Books,1972. p.65.
    'Kai-yu Hsu & Helen Palubinskas. Asian American Authors. Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company,1972. Jefferry P. Chan, Frank Chin et. al. ed.Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Asian American Writers. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.1974. David Hsin-Fu Wand, ed. Asian American Heritage:An Anthology of Prose and Poetry. New York: Washington Square Press,1974.
    Elaine H. Kim. An Introduction to the Wrtings and Their Social Context北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年。
    Jefferry P. Chan, Frank Chin et. al. ed.Aiiieeeee!An Anthology of Asian American Writers. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.1974.1991年再版时加了新“前言”。该选集在1991年修订,史名为The Big Aiiieeeee!AnAnthology of Chinese and Japanese American Writers. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.,1991(《大啊咦!美国华裔和日裔文学选集》简称《大啊咦!》)
    Elaine H. Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年。
    Bakhtin M. M. Dialogic Imagination:Four Essays.ed. by Mikhail M. Bakhtin, Michael Holquist, Vadim Liaponov. University of Texas Press.1982. p.30.
    Amy Ling. Between Worlds:Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry, Pergamon Press,1990.
    Kandice Chuh. Imagine Otherwise:On Asian Americnist Critique. Durham & London:Duke University Press, 2003.p.9.
    这是Zhou Xiaojing本人自己的翻译。她是一名美籍华人学者,现为美国太平洋大学英语系教授。早年曾在山东大学学习,笔者者幸在2009年南京大学外国语学院和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)亚美研究系主办的“美国华裔文学国际研讨会”遇到她,向她求教其中文名字,她给笔者写下了“周肖劲”。
    ZhouXiaojing and Samina Najmi. ed. Form and Transformation in Asian American Literature. Seattle and London:University of Washington Press,2005. p.5.
    ①转引自Shawn Wong. Asian American Literature:A Brief Introduction and Anthology. New York:Addison Wesley Educational Publishers Inc.1996, p.5.
    ③据林英敏(Amy Ling)考证,第一个用英文创作的华裔作家当推李延富(Yan Phou Lee),他发表了第一本华裔自传《我在中国的孩童时代》(When I was a Boy in China,1887)第一个用笔名水仙花发表华裔短篇小说集《春香太太》(Mrs. Spring Fragrance,1912)的是埃迪斯·伊顿(Edith Eaton).
    "UCLA Professor Yuji Ichioka:The Creator of Asian America," May 23,2008. http://yellowworld.org/ activism/164.html.
    Kai-yu Hsu & Helen Palubinskas, ed. Asian American Authors. Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company,1972.
    David Hsin-Fu Wand, ed. Asian American Heritage:An Anthology of Prose and Poetry. New York:Washington Square Press,1974.
    King-Kok Cheung. "Re-viewing Asian American Literary Studies" in An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature ed. By King-Kok Cheung, Cambridge, New York and Melbourne:Cambridge University Press,1997. pp.2,5.
    Adam Kupper, "Culture, Difference, Identity",见王晓路等的《当代西方文化批评读本》,成都:四川人民出版社,2004年,第377页。
    Bryan S. Turner, "From Orientalism to Global Sociology",见王晓路等的《当代西方文化批评读本》,成都:四川人民出版社,2004年,第365页。
    Sander L. Gilman. " Introduction:Ethnicity-Ethnicities-Literature-Literatures". PMLA, Vol.113, No.1, Special Topic:Ethnicity. January,1998. pp.19-27.
    参见Betty Ann Bergland. "Representing Ethnicity in Autobiography:Narratives of Opposition" The Yearbook of English Studies, Vol.24, Ethnicity and Representation in American Literature.1994. p.71.
    J. Milton Yinger. "Ethnicity" Annual Review of Sociology, Vol.11,1985. pp.151-180.
    参见Betty Ann Bergland. "Representing Ethnicity in Autobiography:Narratives of Opposition" The Yearbook of English Studies, Vol.24, Ethnicity and Representation in American Literature.1994. p.71.
    廖炳惠:《关键词200Key Words in Literary and Critical Studies)),台北:麦田出版公司,2003年,第222-223页。
    廖炳惠:《关键词200Key Words in Literary and Critical Studies》,台北:麦出出版公司,2003年,第223页。
    Peterson's Guide to Four Year Colleges. Princeton:Peterson's Guides,1992.
    Sau-ling Cynthia Wong. "Chinese American Literature" in An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature. ed. King-Kok Cheung. Cambridge Unversity Press.1997. p.40.
    Ling-chi, L. Wang. "Roots and Changing Identity of Chinese in the United States". In The Living Tree:The Changing Meaning of Being Chinese Today. ed. by Tu Wei-ming. Stanford University Press,1994. pp.202-208.
    Sau-ling Cynthia Wong, Reading Asian American Literature. Princeton University Press,1993. p.6.
    转引自Shirley Geok-lin Lim. "Assaying the gold:or, contesting the ground of Asian American literature". New Literary History. Vol.24.1993. p.147.
    尽管洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学亚裔美国研究中心编选的《根:美国亚裔读本(Roots:An Asian American Reader)出版于1971年,但由于该选集包括身份、历史和社团三部分,汇集了关于亚裔美国人的刻板印象、与亚洲关系的改变以及亚裔移民历史等方面的历史材料,还称不上是一部亚裔作家作品选集。
    Kai-yu Hsu & Helen Palubianskas. ed. Asian-American Authors. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1972, p.1.
    David Hsin-Fu Wand, ed. Asian American Heritage:An Anthology of Prose and Poetry. New York:Washington Square Press,1974.
    ①David Hsin-Fu Wand, ed. Asian American Heritage:An Anthology of Prose and Poetry. New York:Washington Square Press,1974. p.ⅹⅰ.
    ②Emmanuel S. Nelson, ed. Asian American Novelists:A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, Westport: Greenwood Press,2000. p.49.
    ③Jefferry P. Chan, Frank Chin et. al. ed.Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Asian American Writers. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.1991. Preface, p. ⅹⅲ
    ④Jefferry P. Chan, Frank Chin et. al. ed.Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Asian American Writers. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.1991.见封面《党派评论》。
    ⑤Sau-ling Cythia Wong, "Chinese American Literature" in An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literautre. Ed. King-Kok Cheung. Cambridge:Cambridge Unversity Press.1997, p.40.
    ⑥Frank Chin. "Come All Ye Asian American Writers of the Real and the Fake", in The Big Aiiieeeee!An Anthology of Chinese and Japanese American Writers. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.,1991. Preface, pp. ⅹⅰ-ⅹⅱ.
    Jefferry P. Chan, Frank Chin et. al. ed. Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Asian American Writers. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.1991, p.7.
    Frank Chin. "Come All Ye Asian American Writers of the Real and the Fake", in Jeffery Paul Chan, et al. ed. The Big Aiiieeeee!An Anthology of Chinese American and Japanese American Literature. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.1991. p.34.
    社会学家倪志伟(Victor Nee)出生在中国,五岁移民美国,哈佛大学社会学博士。从2001年起担任Cornell University的经济与社会研究中心的主任。他的研究领域主要集中于经济社会学,新制度主义,国家社会主义社会分层与不平等和移民问题。http://economicsociology.bokee. com/1277106. html
    ② Frank Chin. "Come All Ye Asian American Writers of the Real and the Fake", in Jeffery Paul Chan, et al. The Big Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Chinese American and Japanese American Literature. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.1991. p xiv.
    ① Island:Poetry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel Island 1910-1940. San Francisco:History of Chinese Detained on Island Project,1980.
    参见Joseph Bruchac. ed. Breaking Silence:An Anthology of Contemporary Asian American Poets. Greenfield Center, New York:Greenfield Review Press,1983. xiv.编辑Virginia Cerenio认为,正是由于“啊咦男孩”(theAiiieeeee Boys)《亚美学刊》(Amerasia)《格林菲尔德评论》(Greenfield Review)以及《桥》(Bridge)等杂志的共同努力,“出现了一批亚裔美国文学的读者和听众’
    Making Waves:Writings By and About Asian American Women, Boston:Beacon Press,1989 (co-edited with Asian Women United of California); Making More Waves:New Writing By Asian American Women, Boston: Beacon Press,1997. (co-edited with Lilia V. Villanueva)
    参见吴冰为该书所写的《导读》,Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年。
    Elaine H. Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年,第59页
    Elaine H. Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年,第71页
    Elaine H. Kim. "Asian American Literature," in Columbia Literary History of the United States,1988. p.813.
    Elaine H. Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年,第173页。
    Elaine H. Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年,第198页。
    Elaine H. Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年,第107页。
    见《导读》,Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年。
    自1986年起,有18所美国高校设置了美国亚裔文学终身教授职位,如Bowling Green State University; Brown University; Cornell University; George Washington University; Georgetown University; the University of California at Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, and Riverside; the University of Colorado; the University of Hawaii; the University of Southern California, the University of Michigan; the University of Wisconsin at Madison; Stanford University; and Washington State University.参见黄秀玲《解读美国亚裔文学:从必须到奢侈》(Sau-Ling Cynthia Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton UP.1993. p.213.
    Elaine H. Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context北京:外语教学与研究出版社,天普大学出版社,2006年,第iii,x页。
    Bickelhaupt, Susan, and Maureen Dezell. "Keeping up with the Nieldses." Boston Globe 11 Sept.1996:F2. in Sander L. Gilman. "Introduction:Ethnicity-Ethnicities-Literature-Literatures." PMLA, Vol.113, No.1, Special Topic:Ethnicity. Jan.,1998. pp.22.
    Jahan Ramazani. "A Transnational Poetics" American Literary History, Vol.18. No.2,2006. p.332.
    Shirley Geok-lin Lim and Amy Ling. Reading the Literatures of Asian America. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1992. p. xi-xii.
    Elaine H. Kim, Lilia V. Villanueva and Asian Women United of California, ed. Making More Waves:New Writing by Asian American Women. Boston:Beacon Press,1997. Preface, p. xi.
    Asian Women United of California, Making Waves:An Anthology of Writings by and about Asian American Women. Boston:Beacon Press,1989.
    Elaine H. Kim, Lilia V. Villanueva and Asian Women United of California, ed. Making More Waves:New Writing by Asian American Women. Boston:Beacon Press,1997. Preface, p. ix.
    第四部分的标题是:《挑战:向美国和全世界讲述这一故事》(Contestation:Tell This Story to American and the Whole World)。
    Shirley Goek-lin Lim et.al. The Forbidden Stich:An Asian American Women's Anthology. Corvallis:CALYX Books.1989.
    Sylvia Watanabe & Carol Bruchac, ed. Home to Stay:Asian American Women's Fiction. New York:Greenfield Review Press,1990.
    King-Kok Cheung& Stan Yogi, ed. Asian American Literature:An Annotated Bibliography. New York:Modern Language Association.1988. p. v.
    Kingston. China Men. NewYork:Knopf,1980.
    Li, David Leiwei. "The production of Chinese American Tradition:displacing American orientalist discourse" In Shirley Geok-lin Lim and Amy Ling, ed. Reading the Literatures of Asian America. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1992. p.328.
    Island:Poetry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel Island 1910-1940. San Francisco:History of Chinese Detained on Island Project,1980.
    Shirley Geok-lin Lim:"Immigration and Diaspora," in Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature, edited by King-Kok Cheung, New York & Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1997, p.300.
    Maxine Hong Kingston. "Cultural Mis-readings by American Reviewers." In Guy Amirthanayagam, ed. Asian and Western Writers in Dialogue:New Cultural Identities, London:Macmillan.1982. pp.55-56.
    Shirley Geok-lin Lim,ed. Approaches to Teaching Kingston's The Woman Warrior, Modern Language Association of America,1991.
    Elaine H. Kim. "Defining Asian American Realities through Literature." Cultural Critique, No.6,1987. pp. 87-111.
    Li, David Leiwei. The production of Chinese American Tradition:displacing American orientalist discourse. In Shirley Geok-lin Lim and Amy Ling, ed. Reading the Literatures of Asian America. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1992. pp.319-320.
    ⑥参见Sau-Ling C. Wong. ed. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance. Princeton University Press,1993. p.1.
    参见Cheng, Lucie. "Chinese Immigrant Women in Nineteenth Century California", in Carol Berkin and Mary B. Norton, ed. The Women of America, Original Essays and Document, Boston:Houghton-Mifflin,1978. pp.123-145.
    Amy Ling. "Forword", in Between Worlds:Writers of Chinese Ancestry, Pergamon Press,1990. p 15.
    Pin-chia Feng, The Femail Bildungrsoman by Toni Morrison and Maxine Hong Kingston:A Postmodern Reading. New York:Perter Lang Publishing, Inc.,1998. pp.1-2.
    参见Mona Pers. Outside the Mainstream:Essays on Chinese American Literature. Vasteras:Malardalen University Press,2002. p.173.
    Elaine Showalter. A Literature of Their Own:British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lesssing北京:外语教学与研究出版社(影印本),2004年,第12页。
    1991年斯蒂芬·苏密达(Stephen Sumida)所著的《对岸的风景》(And the View from the Shore)主要研究夏威夷地区亚裔作家的创作,在拓展疆界方面起了一定的作用,但研究内容过于集中,影响较小。
    Sau-Ling Cynthia Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993.
    Shirley Geok-lin Lim, ed. Approaches to Teaching Kingston's The Woman Warrior, Modern Language Association of America,1991.
    Shirley Geok-lin Lim and Amy Ling ed. Reading the Literatures of Asian America. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1992.
    Between Worlds:Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry; Reading the Literatures ofAsian America (co-edited with Shirley Geok-lin Lim); Imagining America:Stories from the Promised Land (co-edited with Wesley Brown); Visions of America:Personal Narratives from the Promised Land (co-edited with Wesley Brown); Mrs. Spring Fragrance and Other Collected Writings of Sui Sin Far (co-edited with Annette White-Parks) Yellow Light:The Flowering of Asian American Arts.
    Amy Ling. Yellow Light:The Flowering of Asian American Arts. Philadelphia:Temple University Press.1999.
    Amy Ling. Preface in Between Worlds:Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry, Pengamon Press,1990. p. xi.
    ibid, p.15.
    Amy Ling. " Preface" in Between Worlds:Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry, Pengamon Press,1990, p.14.
    Amy Ling. Between Worlds:Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry, Pengamon Press,1990, p.20.
    ① Amy Ling. Between Worlds:Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry. Pengamon Press,1990, p.3.
    ② Amy Ling. Yellow Light:The Flowering of Asian American Arts. Philadelphia:Temple University Press.1999. p.5.
    King-Kok Cheung. Articulate Silences. Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1993. p.16.
    Sau-ling C. Wong. "Multiple Reconciliations", American Quarterly. Vol.47, No.2,1995. p.349.
    King-Kok Cheung. Articulate Silences. Ithaca and London:Cornell Unversity Press,1993. p.90.
    ①Sau-ling C. Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993. p.9.
    描述勇兰的节俭习惯:“我妈妈已经把该说的说完了。除非确实必需,她是不会再多说一个字的,这是她的生活准则,她宁愿种蔬菜也不种草坪。”对于无名女人的描述:“通奸是一种奢侈”。见Maxine Hong Kinston.Women Warrior:Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts. New York:Vantage Books,1977. pp.6-7.
    ②Sau-ling C. Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993. p.20.
    ③ Sau-ling C. Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993. p.43.
    Frank Chin. "The Chichencoop Chinaman " and "The Year of the Dragon ":Two Plays. Seattle:University of Washington Press.1981. p.83.
    ②Sau-ling C. Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993. p.86.
    Kingston, Maxine Hong. The Woman Warrior:Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts. New York:Vintage Books, 1977. p.210.
    Sau-ling C. Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993. p.89.
    Janis P. Stout. The Journey Narrative in American Literature:Patterns and Departures. Westport:Greenwood Press,1983. p.3.
    ①Shawn Wong. Homebase. New York:I. Reed Books.1979. p.2.
    Sau-ling C. Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993. p.148.
    Frank Chin. "The Chichencoop Chinaman " and "The Year of the Dragon ":Two Plays. Seattle:University of Washington Press.1981. p.119.
    Janis P. Stout. The Journey Narrative in American Literature:Patterns and Departures. Westport:Greenwood Press.1983.
    Ehrmann, Jacques. "Homo Ludens Revisited." Yale French Studies, Vol.41.1968. p.43
    Frank Chin. "The Chichencoop Chinaman " and "The Year of the Dragon ":Two Plays. Seattle:University of Washington Press.1981. p.117.
    Sau-ling C. Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993. p.209.
    Sau-ling C. Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton University Press.1993. p.1.
    转引自Lisa Lowe. Immigrant Acts:On Asian American Cultural Politics. Durham:Duke University Press, 1996. p.83.
    Diana Fuss. Essentially Speaking:Feminism, Nature and Difference. New York:Routledge.1989. p.35.
    Spivak, G. Chakravorty:"Sulbaltern Studies:Deconstructing Historiography" in Other Worlds. New York: Routledge,1988. p.205.
    Zhou Xiaojing & Samina Najmi, ed. Form and Transformation in Asian American Literature. Seattle and London:University of Washington Press,2005. p.3.
    Sudesh Mishra, "Diaspora Criticism", in Julian Wulfreys, ed. Introducing Criticism in the 21st Century, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2002. p.87.
    Lisa Lowe, "Heterogeneity, Hybridity, Multiplicity:Marking Asian American Differences," Diaspora No.l, 1991. pp.26,27,35.
    Lisa Lowe, "Heterogeneity, Hybridity, Multiplicity:Marking Asian American Differences," Diaspora No.1, 1991.pp.39,27,29.
    Lisa Lowe. "Literary Nomadics in Francophone Allegories of Postcolonialism:Pham Van Ky and Tahar Ben Jelloun." Yale French Studies, No.82.1993. p.46-47.
    转引自David McCrone & Frank Bechhofer, " National identity and social inclusion", Ethnic and Racial Studies Vol.31 No.7, Oct.,2008. p.1246.
    Koshy, Susan. "The Ficition of Asian Amerian Literature", Yale Journal of Criticism, No.9,1996.p.317.
    ZhouXiaojing and Samina Najmi. ed. Form and Transformation in Asian American Literature. Seattle and London:University of Washington Press,2005. p.5
    Harold Bloom. "Introduction" in Asian American Women Writers. Philadelphia:Chelsea House Publishers, 1997. p.xv.
    Lisa Lowe. Immigrant Acts:On Asian American Cultural Politics. Durham:Duke University Press,1996.p. 9.
    Werner Sollors. Beyond Ethnicity:Consent and Descent in American Culture. New York:Oxford University Press,1986.
    Werner Sollors. "Introduction:The Invention of Ethinicity" in The Invention of Ethinicity. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1989. pp. ix-xx.
    Pachel Lee. The Americas of Asian American Literature:Gendered Fictions of Nation and Transnation. Princeton University Press,1999. p.3.
    ②Guiyou Huang, ed. Asian American Literary Studies, Edinburgh University Press,2005.p.10.
    Tan, Amy:"In the Canon, for All the Wrong Reasons." Harpers. No.12,1996. p.28.
    Kingston, Maxine Hong. "Cultural Mis-readings by American Reviewers." Guy Amirthanayagam, ed. Asian and Western Writers in Dialogue:New Cultural Identities. London:Macmillan,1982. pp.64-65.
    The Columbia Guide to Asian American Literature since 1945, New York:Columbia University Press,2005. p.5.
    'Sau-Ling Cynthia Wong. Reading Asian American Literature:From Necessity to Extravagance, Princeton UP. 1993. p.17.
    Sau-ling C. Wong. "Denationalization Reconsidered:Asian American Cultural Criticism at a Theoretical Crossroads." Amerasia Journal,21.1.1995. p.42.
    Abdul R. JanMohamed and David Lloyd, "Introduction:Toward a Theory of Minority Discourse:What Is to Be Done". In Abdul R. JanMohamed and David Lloyd, ed. The Nature and Context of Minority Discourse, New York:Oxford University Press.1990. pp.10-11.
    Kandice Chuh. Imagine Otherwise—On Asian Americanist Critique. Durham & London:Duke UP,2003.p. 9.
    Chen, Tina. Double Agency—Acts of Impersonation in Asian American Literature and Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press,2005.
    Ling Jinqi. Narrating Nationalism:Ideology and Form in Asian American Literature, New York:Oxford University Press.1998.
    ZhouXiaojing and Samina Najmi. ed. Form and Transformation in Asian American Literature. Seattle and London:University of Washington Press,2005. p.5.
    Jeffery P. Chan et al. ed. The Big Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Chinese and Japanese American Writers. New York:Penguin Books USA Inc.,1991. p.11.
    见1989年Vintage出版的国际版本Maxine Hong Kingston, The Women Warrior:Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts.
    Betty Ann Bergland. "Representing Ethnicity in Autobiography:Narratives of Opposition", The Yearbook of English Studies, Vol.24, Ethnicity and Representation in American Literature.1994. p.70
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