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In this thesis, I make my points around the concept of animation’s creation, to prove that Realism as a classical concept of artistic creation could be and should be used by Chinese animation creators nowadays.
     There is Realism in animation, in the movies or in the conceptions of the main spirits of the movie; Realism is an important part of animation. But Realism in animation is different with other kinds of arts. In animations, Realism usually mixes with Romanticism; it’s hard to tell them apart from each other. The differences are: Realism in animation emphasis on real life, ordinary people, to reflect life as the way it is, to explain life, looking after for truth, good and beauty, to care for life and humanity.
     To observe Realism animation creation, the history and current situation, we can tell: in Americans’creation of animation, Realism is about now, about the spirit of today, also it’s about ordinary people. In Japan, artists emphasis on ordinary people, especially people live in the bottom of the society. In Europe and in Canada, artists are full of the spirit of Humanism, and work with strong sense of responsibility of the society. But in China, creation of animation goes without Realism, which is just been need both in practice and research of the animation theory. This deficiency is very negative to Chinese animation nowadays.
     Add Realism into Chinese creation of animation is possible. And the ideal situation is: make unity of Chinese Animation creators by changing their concept of artistic creation and method of artistic creation with Realism. Thus we can gradually have a healthy circle made up by creators of animation, animations and audience of animation.
     To make my theory research more useful, there has to be the discussion about the method of artistic creation. Realism should be used in the real process of animation creation, from the inspiration to the post-production. We have two principles, be in accord with the properties of animation, be accord with the requests of Realism and be accord with the situation of Chinese animation.
     Through the discussion and analyzation of Realism in the animation creation, the conclusion is the creation of animation could and should be combined with Realism. Especially to Chinese animation, to add Realism into Chinese animation creation is signification.
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