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Development is not only the major theme in today’s society, but also the first important task to build up a well-off society in the 21st Century in China. In southwest minority regions (such as Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou), higher medical education and human resource development of sanitation are backward and there is a large gap compared with the national average level. The problems they are facing are that they should speed up the development and how to develop. With philosophy dialectical materialism and scientific development viewpoint as the guide, with medicine, minority, higher education and mode theory as the basis and as regards the sanitation requirements in southwest minority regions, this paper discusses the theories about education development and development concepts, reviews and concludes the medical education development history in China and southwest minority regions and analyzes the particularity and characteristics of higher medical education development in southwest minority regions integrating history and actual situation, minority regions and developed regions, home and foreign countries, theory and practice, macro and micro. The author mainly analyzes and probes into the existing problems, influence factors, theories selection for development, development approaches, scale, speed, structure, quality and mode of higher medical education in southwest minority regions so as to provide theory basis and practical references for higher medical education development in southwest minority regions.
    Through discussion and analysis on development and education development theory, this paper points out education development is a kind of value selection and integration, and the sanitation requirements of southwest minority regions is in accordance with the goal and will of guiding development with scientific development theory, shortening the gaps among different regions and between cities and towns, and building up a well-off society. The value orientations are unanimous. The contents of education development include the increase in quantity, improvement in quality, optimization in structure and improvement in benefits. Scientific development viewpoint is an advanced theory that guide medical education development.
    In order to absorb the past experiences and lessons, the author reviews the medical education development history in China and southwest minority regions in this paper and believes that during the process of medical education development, economic development and the sanitation requirements from people are absolutely the basic and directly elements
    of influence on development. But political element often plays a greater promotion and restriction role and scientific and technical development and foreign exchange are also important elements of promoting medical education development. The higher medical education development in southwest minority regions should absorb the past experiences and lessons. We should respect law of medical education development and lay stress on human development in all-round.
    In this paper, the author surveys and analyzes the medical education situation and requirements. It is found out that the higher medical education and sanitation service level in southwest minority regions are obviously lower than the national average level and there exists an obvious region difference, especially with developed regions. Moreover, the human resource in sanitation is in the status of “Inverse Triangle”. The sanitation resource in cities is relatively superfluous while it is lacking in rural regions which have nearly 80% of population, and thus an obvious difference between cities and towns is formed. However, through years of efforts, the higher medical education development in southwest minority regions has developed into some certain foundation and scale.
    Meanwhile, the author analyzes in this paper the particularity and influence elements of higher medical education development in southwest minority regions and concludes that the southwest minority regions locate i
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