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Simply speaking, discourse is language in use, and discourse analysis is the research of what is said, how to say, why say so and the consequnences of a particular discourse being framed. Discourse is of great importance in international relations because the interaction of actors is completed through discourse as well as the expression of intention of the actors. The constructional function of discourse should be laid great emphasis by researchers of international relations. The so-called threat and enemy are always not objective for they are constructed through political discourses, and what is being constructed and how to construct depend on the needs and cognition of policymakers. Therefore, where there is need and cognition of threat and enemy, there is a framed discourse and constructed enemy. In this thesis, theories and methodologies of linguistic philosophy and postmodern philosophy related to discourse analysis are applied into the research of international relations. The foreign policy discourse of U.S. president and its construction of threat are being studied in the thesis, and three speeches are chose as cases(Woodrow Wlison's Fourteen Points, Harry Truman's Speech on Issues of Greece and Turkey, and George W. Bush's speech of Freedom at War with Fear).
    ② Nicholas Onuf, World Of Our Making:Rules and Rule in Social Theory and International Relations, Columbia:University of South Carolina Press,1989.
    ③ Friderich Kratochwil, Rules, Norms, and Decision:On the Conditions of Practical and Legal Reasoning in International Relations and Domestic Affairs, New York:Cambridge University Press.1989.
    ④ James Der Derian and Michael J. Shapiro, eds., International/Intertextual Relations: Postmodern Readings of World Politics, Lexington Books,1989.
    ⑤ Francois Debris ed., Language, Agency and Politics in a Constructed World. New York:M.E. Sharp,2003. p.3.
    ⑦ Gavan Duffy, "Language Games:Dialogical Analysis of INF Negotiations," International Studies Quarterly, Vol.42,1998.
    ⑧ Hansen, Lene, Security as Practice:Discourse Analysis and Bosnian War, London:Routledge, 2006.
    ⑨ K.M. Fierke, Changing Games, Changing Strategies:Critical Investigation in Security, Manchester:University of Manchester Press,1998.
    ⑩ Fierke, " Links Across the Abyss:Language and Logic in International Relations" International Studies Quarterly,2002(46), p.340.
    11 Jennifer Milliken:Discourse in Interpretational Relations, European Journal of International Relations,1999 Vol.5, No.2, p.231.
    12 Ibid.
    13 Ibid.
    14 Janice Bially Mattern, Ordering of International Politics:Identity, Crisis, and Representational Force, New York:Routledge,2005
    15 Ibid., p.95. 16 Campbell, David, Writing Security:United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity, Manchester:Manchester University Press,1992.
    17 Huysmans, Jef, The Politics of Insecurity:Fear, Migration and Asylum in the EU, New York: Routledge,2006.
    18 Larsen, Henrik, Foreign Policy and Discourse Analysis:France, Britain, and Europe, London: Routledge,1997.
    19 Goh, Evelyn, Constructing the U.S. Rapprochement with China,1961-1974:From 'Red Menace' to 'Tacit Ally.' New York:Cambridge University Press,2005.
    20 Lawrence, Mark A., Assuming the Burden:Europe and the American Commitment to War in Vietnam, Berkeley:University of California Press,2005.
    21 Malmvig, Helle, State Sovereignty and Intervention:A Discourse Analysis of Interventionary and Non-interventionary Practices in Kosovo and Algeria, New York:Routledge,2006.
    22 Welds, Jutta, "Constructing National Interest," European Journal of International Relations, Vol.2,1996. Cultures of Insecurity:States, Communities and the Production of Danger, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1999.
    24 刘永涛:《安全政治视角的新拓展》,北京:长征出版社,2002年版。
    26 J.P.Gee, An Introduction to Discourse Analysis.Theory and Method, London:Routledge,1999.
    27 Foucault, Michel, The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language, translated from the French by A. M. Sheridan Smith, New York:Pantheon Books,1972.
    28 David Howarth and Yannis Stavrakakis,eds.,Discourse Theory and Political Anaysis, Manchester:Manchester University Press,2000,pp.1-24.
    29 Norman Fairclough, "Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method in Social Scientific Research," in Ruth Wodak and Michael Meyer, ed. Methords of Critical Discourse Analysis, London: Sage,2001,pp.121-128.
    30 此处的观念特征包括观念、理念、规范、身份和文化,在对社会实践进行诠释时,这些因素都有别于物质特征,有时甚至与之相悖,参阅Lene Hansen,Security as Practice:DiscourseAnalysis and the Bosnian War, p122.
    Chilton, Paul A., Security Metaphors:Cold War Discourse from Containment to Common House, New York:Peter Lang,1996.pp.405-406.
    32 李菁华:《方法与应用:话语分析与美国公众外交》,《世界经济与政治》2008年第5期。
    3 Stuart Kauffmann, Modern Hatreds:Symbolic Politics of Ethnic War, Cornell:Cornell University Press,2001,pp.15.
    34 施旭:《究竟什么是“话语”和“话语分析”》,载《社会科学报》,2008年2月14日。
    35 孙吉胜:《国际关系的语言转向与建构主义理论发展研究:以语言游戏为例》,载《外交评论》,2007年2月,总第94期。
    36 刘永涛:《语言、社会与国际关系》,载《现代国际关系》,2004年1期。
    37 刘永涛:“理解含义:理论、话语和国际关系”,《外交评论》,2007年第2期。
    38 刘永涛:“话语作为(不)安全实践:理论、语言和‘邪恶轴心’”,《世界经济与政治》,2008年第5期。
    39 路德维希·维特根斯坦:《哲学研究》,北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第23至24页。
    40 韩林合:“维特根斯坦论‘语言游戏’和‘生活形式’”,《北京大学学报:哲学社会科学版》,1996年第一期,第70至71页。
    1 Austin, John L., How to Do Things with Words, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1962.
    42 Austin, John L., How to Do Things with Words, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1962,pp17-25.
    43 刘宓庆:《翻译与语言哲学》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001年版,第202页。
    45 Selden,Raman, A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. Sussex:The Harvester Press Limited,1985,p27.
    46 米歇尔·福柯:《疯癫与文明》,刘北成、杨远婴译。北京:三联书店,1999年版。
    47 王岳川:《后殖民主义与新历史主义》,济南:山东教育出版社,1999年版,第35页。
    48 朱力元:《当代西方文艺理论》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1997年版,第104页。
    49 爱德华·赛义德:《东方主义》,台北:立绪文化事业有限公司,1999年版。
    50 J.Der Derian, "The boundaries of knowledge and power in International Relations",in J.Der Derian and M.J.Shapiro eds.,International Intertextual Relations:Postmodern Readings of World Politics,Massachusetts,1989,p.6.
    Campbell, David, Writing Security:United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity, Manchester:Manchester University Press,1992.
    Derrida, Jacques, Position, Minuitington:Indiana University Press,1972, p6.
    Jahn Egbert ed. Copenhagen Papers 1,European Security:Problems of Research on Non-military Aspects.p.9.1987.
    54Ibid, p36.
    55 Buzan, Barry, Security:A New Framework for Analysis, Boulder, Colo.:Lynne Rienner Pub., 1998.
    56 Ibid, p26.
    57 Ibid,p31.
    58 Ibid, p204.
    59 刘永涛:《语言、社会与国际关系》,载《现代国际关系》,2004年1期。
    60 刘永涛:“语言、身份建构和美国对外政策话语中的‘邪恶论’”,《国际观察》,2005年第5期。
    61 Weiss, Gilbert, Critical Discourse Analysis:Theoiy and Interdisciplinarity, New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2003,p26.
    62 Ruth Wodak, Disorders of Discourse, New York,1996; Norman Fairclough and Ruth Wodak, "Critical Discourse Analysis", in Van Dijk, Teun A. ed., Discourse as Social Interaction, London; Thousand Oaks and New Delhi,1997, pp.258-84.
    63 参见Norman Fairclough,Language and Power,London:Longman,1989;Critical Discourse Analysis:The Critical Study of Language,London and New York,1995.
    64 刘永涛:“伊拉克‘战争动员’:对美国总统话语权的一种分析”,《世界经济与政治》,2005年第6期。
    65 刘永涛:“语言、身份建构和美国对外政策话语中的‘邪恶论’”,《国际观察》,2005年第5期。
    66 译自大英百科全书网络版“十四点计划“词条。
    67 译自大英百科全书网络版“杜鲁门主义”词条。
    68 译自大英百科全书网络版“自由与恐惧的战争”词条。
    69 Judith Goldstein & Robert Keohane, eds., Ideas & Foreign Policy, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993,p.3.
    70 王缉思:“美国外交思想传统与对华政策”,中国社会科学院美国研究所、中华美国学会编《中美关系十年》,北京:商务印书馆,1989年版,第131页。
    71 贾庆国:“美国外交思想与实践”,《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》,2005年4月。
    72 基辛格《大外交》,第36页;Frabcis Gavin, The Wilsonian Legacy in the 20th Century, p.629.
    73 John Krout, The US since 1865, p.129.
    74 Address at Niagara Falls, June 30,1914.引自E. Robinson and V. West, The Foreign Policy of Woodrow Wilson,1913-1917, New York:Macmillan,1917, p39.
    75 Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation, New York:Signet,1970, p923.
    76 Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy, New York:Simon and Schuster,1994, p30.
    77 刘永涛:“伊拉克‘战争动员’:对美国总统话语权的一种分析”,《世界经济与政治》,2005年第6期。
    78 刘永涛:“理解含义:理论、话语和国际关系”,《外交评论》,2007年第2期。
    ——:“批判与重建:对安全政治的新思考”,《现代国际关系》,2002年第8 期。
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