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In the light of political process theory, this dissertation proposes afive-core-variable political process analysis model for the investigation of theAmerican left-and right-wing social movements, conducts a comparative study of thepolitical process of the American left-and right-wing social movements since the1970s and explores the two recent cases of left-and right-wing social movements, i.e.the Occupy Wall Street movement and Tea Party movement.
     This dissertation begins with a hypothesis, that is, there exists a correlationbetween the social and political impact of social movements and their soundcommunity basis, unified movement appeals, attaching great importance to theconstructing and communication of movement discourse at the moral level, thestrategies and means of influencing party and electoral politics, and the favorablesocial incentives. In order to test this hypothesis, an analysis model for thecomparative study of left-and right-wing social movements is first proposed based onthe political process theory. Then this dissertation probes the structural characteristicsof left-and right-wing social movements and their connection with externalopportunities and environment from the perspectives of new social movement theory,post-industrial social theory and social capital based on the development of Americansocial movements and relevant historical data of socio-political, economic andcultural development since the1970s. The study mainly revolves around the mostrepresentative left-and right-wing social movements since the1970s. Left-wing socialmovements include the environmental movement, the women’s movement, the labormovement, the peace movement, the anti-globalization movement, the pro-choicemovement, and the Occupy Wall Street movement. Right-wing social movementsinclude the new Christian Right movement, the pro-life movement, and Tea Partymovement. After an overall investigation of the changes in social movements duringthis period, this dissertation will use a comparative analysis model to describe andanalyze the political process of American left-and right-wing social movements sincethe1970s in great details. Finally, this dissertation ends with a study of two recentcases of American left-and right-wing social movements, i.e. the Occupy Wall Streetmovement and Tea Party movement.
     The findings of this study can be listed as follows: first, there exists a positiverelationship between the impact of social movements and their sound communitybasis, unified movement appeals, attaching great importance to the constructing andcommunication of movement discourse at the moral level, the strategies and means ofinfluencing party and electoral politics, and the favorable social incentives. It isnoteworthy that the relationship between favorable social incentives and the impact ofsocial movements is more complex, i.e. favorable social incentives may not only leadto the inaction of social movements which lies in the favorable social environment(e.g. the Occupy Wall Street movement), but also provoke the emergence of thosesocial movements which lie in the unfavorable social environment (e.g. Tea Partymovement). Moreover, the increasing use of emerging information and communication technologies in future social movements might pose a challenge to thepositive relationship between a sound community basis and the impact of socialmovements. Second, social movements have been occurring frequently since the1970s, many of which were large-scale. However, these movements were short-livedwith simplistic appeals, lacking the follow-up of sustained community-basedmovements. The relative decline of social movements since the1970s is attributed tothe change of structural characteristics of social movements per se (includingprofessionalization of social movement organizations, fragmented appeals, and themeans of mobilization shifting from grassroot mobilization to direct mail mobilization)and the transformation of social, political and economic environment (including thedecline of social capital in the United States, the diminishing of the number andseriousness of social problems with the social progress, the right-turn of Americansociety and politics after the radicalness of1960s social movements, and theeconomic prosperity in most of time since the1970s covering up the bad socialconsequences of neo-liberal economic policies). Third, the community-basedgrassroot mobilization model, unified movement appeals, the construction andeffective communication of movement discourse at the moral level, alliance withtraditional political parties and favorable social incentives are the major reasons forthe relative prevalence of right-wing social movements over left-wing ones since the1970s. Fourth, the latest cases of left-and right-wing social movements retained thepower imbalance between left-and right-wing social movements since the1970s.Being initially instigated abroad, lack of core leaders and the support of grassrootorganizations, absence of movement discourse construction at the moral level,simplistic movement strategy, neglect of alliance with the political elite, lack ofeffective echoes from traditional political allies and support from left-wing traditionalmedia, all these account for the weakness of the Occupy Wall Street Movementcompared with Tea Party Movement. Although the Occupy Wall Street Movement isgenerally less powerful in its influence than Tea Party Movement, it manifests somenew characteristics different from other left-wing social movements since the1970s,i.e. the use of emerging information and communication technologies to organize andmobilize large-scale protests and demonstrations, the left-wing social movements’renewed focus on such macroeconomic issues as the government’s economic policy,tax and welfare policies, social injustice, and the social gap between rich and poor. Itis noteworthy that the use of emerging information and communication technologiesin the social movements will probably become a key factor in changing the futurebalance of power between left-and right-wing social movements.
     The social movement is a mirror of the micro-social change, a barometer of thesocial structure, political and economic systems and cultural changes as well.Theoretically speaking, this dissertation continues the context and analysis logic ofpolitical process theory in the study of social movements, highlighting thecomparative study of left-and right-wing social movements to which enough attentionis not given by the academic world. In a practical sense, this dissertation helps betterunderstand the development and evolution of left-and right-wing social movementsafter the boom of American social movements in the1960s, and the socio-political and economic changes with regard to the balance of power between left-andright-wing social movements, and the intrinsic pattern and periodicity of socialmovements as well.
     There are two innovations in this dissertation: first, it places the study ofright-wing social movements under the theoretical framework of political processtheory; second, based on political process theory, it conducts a comparative study ofAmerican left-and right-wing social movements, supplemented with an analysis ofrecent cases of American left-and right-wing social movements.
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    ⑤Tea Party Movement, http://www.conservapedia.com/Tea_Party_Movement, Conservapedia.com, June22,2012,访问日期2012年12月20日。
    ①Election Day Tea Party2010, http://www.electiondayteaparty.com/, ElectionDayTeaParty.com, a project of theNationwide Tea Party Coalition,访问日期2012年12月20日。
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    ①The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America, The Cato Institute,1998,p43.
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    ①Sidney Tarrow,““The Very Excess of Democracy”: State Building and Contentious Politics in America”, inAnn N. Constain,&Andrew S. McFarland, Social Movements and American Political Institution, New York:Rowman&Littlefield Publishers,1998, p.33.
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    ②Charles Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley,1978.
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    ④Bert Klandermans, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Sidney G. Tarrow, eds., From Structure to Action: Comparing SocialMovement Research across Cultures, International Social Movement Research, vol.1, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI,1988.
    ⑤Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities, New Brunswick, NJ: TransactionBooks,1993.
    ⑥W. A. Gamson&D. S. Meyer,“Framing Political Opportunity,” in D. McAdam, J. McCarthy&M. N. Zald eds.,Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements, Political Opportunities, and Cultural Framings, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996, pp.275-290.
    ⑦Jeff Goodwin, James M. Jasper&Francesca Polletta eds., Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,2001.
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    ⑦McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970.
    ⑧Anne N. Costain, Inviting Women’s Rebellion: A Political Process Interpretation of the Women’s Movement,Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press,1992; Anne N. Costain, Richard Braunstein, and Heidi Berggren,
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    ⑥Paul Burstein&April Linton,“The Impact of Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Social MovementOrganizations on Public Policy: Some Recent Evidence and Theoretical Concerns,” Social Forces, Vol.81, No.2,2002, pp.380-408.
    ⑦Henry P. Caufield,“The Conservation and Environmental Movements: An Historical Analysis,” inEnvironmental Politics and Policy: Theories and Evidence, ed. James P. Lester, Durham, NC: Duke UniversityPress,1989, pp.13-56.
    ⑧Steve Bruce, The Rise and Fall of the New Christian Right, New York: Clarendon,1988.
    ⑨Jo. Freeman, Social Movements of the Sixties and Seventies, New York: Longman,1983.
    ①Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action.
    ③Neil J. Smelser, Theory of Collective Behavior.
    ①Emile Durkheim, Suicide, New York: Free Press,1951, p.246.
    ②Robert C. Tucker ed., The Marx-Engels Reader, pp.70-81.
    ②Frances Fox Piven&Richard A. Cloward, Poor People’s Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fall.
    (Introduction and Plan of the Work)。
    ⑤Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action; Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, andIdentities.
    ③Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-19702nd ed., p7.
    ①William Kornhauser, The Politics of Mass Society, Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press,1959, p.32.
    ②Herbert Blumer,“Elementary Collective Behavior,” in New Outline of the Principles of Sociology, edited byAlfred McClung Lee, Barnes&Noble, Inc.,1951, pp.166-222.
    ③Ted R. Gurr, Why Men Rebel.
    ④Neil Smelser, Theory of Collective Behavior, p.11.
    ①Gerhard Lenski,“Status Crystallization: A Non-vertical Dimension of Social Status,” American SociologicalReview19, August1954, pp.405-413.
    ②Nick Crossley, Making Sense of Social Movements, Philadelphia: Open University Press,2002.
    ③Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-19702nd ed.,p9.
    ⑤Peter B. Clark&James Q. Wilson,“Incentive Systems: A Theory of Organizations,” Administrative ScienceQuarterly VI, September1961, pp.129-166.
    ⑥Lars Udehn,“Twenty-five Years with The Logic of Collective Action,” Acta Sociologica, vol.36, July1993,pp.239-261, p.240.
    ①参见S.E. Finkel, E.N.Muller&K. D. Opp,“Personal Influence, Collective Rationality, and Mass PoliticalAction,” American Political Science Review83,1989, pp.885-903; M. L. Gibson,“Public Goods, Alienation, andPolitical Protest: The Sanctuary Movement as a Test of the Public Goods Model of Collective RebelliousBehavior,” Political Psychology12,1991, pp.623-651.
    ①Graeme Chesters&Ian Welsh, Social Movements: the Key Concepts, pp.7-9.
    ②Nathan Leites&Charles Wolf Jr., Rebellion and Authority: An Analytic Essay on Insurgent Conflicts, Chicago:Markham,1970.
    ③Michael Lipsky,“Protest as a Political Resource,” American Political Science Review62,1968, pp.1144-1158.
    ④Anthony Oberschall, Social Conflict and Social Movements, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall,1973.
    ⑤J. D. McCarthy&M. N. Zald, The Trend of Social Movements in America: Professionalization and ResourceMobilization.
    ⑥J. D. McCarthy&M. N. Zald,“Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory”.
    ①Anthony Oberschall, Social Conflict and Social Movements, chapter1.
    ②Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities, pp.22-23.
    ③Ibid., p.22.
    ④Ibid., p.37.
    ⑤J. D. McCarthy&M. N. Zald, The Trend of Social Movements in America: Professionalization and ResourceMobilization, p.1.
    ①J. D. McCarthy&M. N. Zald,“Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory,” p.1213.
    ③Ibid., p.1221.
    ④J. D. McCarthy&M. N. Zald,“Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory,” pp.1216-1217.
    ⑤Graeme Chesters&Ian Welsh, Social Movements: the Key Concepts, pp.9-10.
    ②Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1982.
    ③Michael Lipsky,“Protest as a Political Resource”.
    ④Peter K. Eisinger,“The Conditions of Protest Behavior in American Cities,” American Political Science Review
    67, March1973, p.11.
    ⑤Ibid., p.27.
    ①Charles Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution, chapter3pp.1-4.
    ②Ibid., chapter3pp.4-7.
    ①Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1999, p.36.
    ②Ibid., p.37.
    ③Ibid., pp.29-30.
    ④Ibid., p.38.
    ⑤Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1999, p.35.
    ①Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1982, pp.51-52.
    ②参见Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1982/1999.
    ①Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1999,preface to thesecond edition.
    ②F. F. Piven&R. Cloward, Poor People’s Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fall, pp.3-4.
    ③Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1982, chapter3.
    ④Ibid., p.53.
    ①参见Louis A. Zurcher Jr.&David A. Snow,“Collective Behavior: Social Movements,” in Social Psychology:Sociological Perspectives, ed. Morris Rosenberg and Ralph H. Turner, New York: Basic Books,1981, pp.447-482;Bruce Fireman&William A. Gamson,“Utilitarian Logic in the Resource Mobilization Perspective,” in TheDynamics of Social Movements, ed. Mayer N. Zald&John D. McCarthy, Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop,1979,pp.8-44; Craig J. Jenkins,“Resource Mobilization Theory and the Study of Social Movements,” Annual Review ofSociology9,1983, pp.527-553;Bert Klandermans,“Mobilization and Participation: Social-PsychologicalExpansions of Resource Mobilization Theory,” American Sociological Review49,1984, pp.583-600.
    ②Jean L. Cohen,“Strategy or Identity: New Theoretical Paradigms and Contemporary Social Movements,” SocialResearch52,1985, pp.663-716.
    ③Jürgen Habermas,“New Social Movements,” Telos49,1981, pp.33-37.
    ④Alberto Melluci, Nomads of the Present: Social Movements and Individual Needs in Contemporary Society,Philadelphia: Temple University Press,1989.
    ⑤Alain Touraine,“An Introduction to the Study of Social Movement,” Social Research52,1985, pp.749-787.
    ①参见David A. Snow, B. Rochford, S. Worden&R. Benford,“Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization,and Movement Participation,” American Sociological Review51,1986, pp.464-481; David A. Snow&R. Benford,Ideology, Frame Resonance, and Participant Mobilization, International Social Movement Research1,1988,pp.197-218.
    ②参见D. McAdam, J. D. McCarthy&M. N. Zald, Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: PoliticalOpportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Culture Framing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1996.
    ③Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1999, p.53.
    ④Ibid., pp.43-48.
    ①参见J. Goodwin&J. M. Jasper, Rethinking Social Movements: Structure, Meaning and Emotions, Rowman&Littlefield, Lanham, MD,2004.
    ②Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1999, p.48.
    ③Ibid., p.37.
    ①Doug McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency1930-1970,1999, p.37.
    ②Ibid., p.36.
    ④Arthur Marwick,“The Cultural Revolution of the Long Sixties: Voices of Reaction, Protest, and Permeation,”The International History Review Vol.27, No.4, Dec.2005, p.780.
    ②同等保护权的依据是美国宪法第十四修正案第一项:“任何人,凡在合众国出生或归化合众国并受其管辖者,均为合众国及所居住之州的公民。任何州不得制定或执行任何剥夺合众国公民特权或豁免权的法律;任何州亦不得未经正当法律程序而剥夺任何人的生命、自由或财产;亦不得对任何在其管辖下的人,拒绝给予平等的法律保护。”其中的“不得对任何在其管辖下的人,拒绝给予平等的法律保护。”即为美国宪法的同等保护权条款(equal protection clause),保障公民在法律上被同等的对待,这也就是美国宪法中同等保护权的规范由来。
    ①Hans H. Gerth&C. Wright Mills, From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, New York: Oxford University Press,1946, pp.297-301; Sheldon L. Messinger,“Organizational Transformation: A Case Study of a Declining SocialMovement,” American Sociological Review20,1955, pp.3-10.
    ②J. D. McCarthy&M. N. Zald, The Trend of Social Movements in America: Professionalization and ResourceMobilization.
    ③Anthony Oberschall, Social Conflict and Social Movements.
    ④Luther P. Gerlach&Virginia H. Hine, People, Power, Change: Movements of Social Transformation,Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill,1970.
    ⑤William A. Gamson, The Strategy of Social Protest,2nd ed.
    ①Jo Freeman&Victoria Johnson, Waves of Protest: Social Movements since the Sixties, Maryland: Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,1999, pp.328-329.
    ①Kenneth B. Clark,“The Civil Rights Movement: Momentum and Organization,” in Roots of Rebellion: theEvolution of Black Politics and Protest since World War II, ed., Richard P. Young, New York: Harper&Row,1970,p.295.
    ②Jo Freeman&Victoria Johnson, Waves of Protest: Social Movements since the Sixties, pp.328-330.
    ①Jo Freeman&Victoria Johnson, Waves of Protest: Social Movements since the Sixties, pp.331-332.
    ②Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities, pp.267-268.
    ①August Meier&Elliot Rudwick, CORE, A Study in the Civil Rights Movement,1942-1968, New York: OxfordUniversity Press,1973, p.311.
    ②Jeniffer Warren,“Former Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver Dies at62,” Los Angeles Times, May02,1998,http://articles.latimes.com/1998/may/02/news/mn-45607,访问日期2012-08-30。
    ③Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities, p.270.
    ④Jerome H. Skolnick, The Politics of Protest, New York: Ballantine Books,1969, p.31.
    ①Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities, p.270.
    ②Ibid., pp.30-31.
    ①Paul Levine&Harry Papasotiriou, America since1945: the American Moment,2nd ed., Palgrave Macmillan,2011, pp.157-158.
    ②Jo Freeman&Victoria Johnson, Waves of Protest: Social Movements since the Sixties, p.333.
    ③Thomas R. Brooks, Walls Come Tumbling Down: A History of the Civil Rights Movement,1940-1970, EnglewoodCliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,1974, p.17.
    ④Nancy J. Weiss,“The Negro and the New Freedom,” in The Segregation Era1863-1954, Allen Weinstein andFrank Otto Gatell, New York: Orford University Press,1970, p.130.
    ⑤Louis E. Lomax, The Negro Revolt, New York: Harper&Row,1962.
    ⑥Oscar Glanz,“The Black Vote,” in The Segregation Era1863-1954, Allen Weinstein and Frank Otto Gatell, NewYork: Orford University Press,1970, p.261.
    ①Steven F. Lawson, Black Ballots: Voting Rights in the South,1944-1969, New York: Columbia University Press,1976, p.256.
    ②Thomas R. Brooks, Walls Come Tumbling Down: A History of the Civil Rights Movement,1940-1970, p.237.
    ①Samuel Lubell, White and Black, Test of a Nation, New York: Harper&Row,1964, pp.127-128.
    ②Paul Levine&Harry Papasotiriou, America since1945: the American Moment,2nd ed., p.145.
    ①Paul Levine&Harry Papasotiriou, America since1945: the American Moment,2nd ed., p.146.
    ②Ibid., p.147.
    ①Gray T. Marx,“External Efforts to Damage or Facilitate Social Movements: Some Patterns, Explanations,Outcomes, and Complications,” Paper prepared for conference on the Dynamics of Social Movements: ResourceMobilization, Tactics and Social Control, Vanderbilt University,1976, p.5.
    ②Reginald Major, A Panther is a Black Cat, New York: Morrow,1971, p.297.
    ③William B. Helmreich, The Black Crusaders: A Case Study of a Black Militant Organization, New York: Harper&Row,1973, pp.120-121.
    ④Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Final Report.Hearings, vols1-7, Washington D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office,1976, pp.50-52.
    ⑤Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities, p.286.
    ⑥The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, Pub. L.90-351, June19,1968,82Stat.197,42U.S.C.§3711.
    ⑦Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities, p.343.
    ⑧Joe R. Feagin&Harlan Hahn, Ghetto Revolts, the Politics of Violence in American Cities, New York: Macmillan,1973.
    ⑨Horace Webb,“Police Preparedness for Control of Civil Disorders,” Municipal Yearbook, Washington D.C.:International City Management Association,1969.
    ①Lemberg Center for the Study of Violence,“April Aftermath of the King Assassination,” Riot Data Review,no.2(August), Brandeis University Mimeographed,1968.
    ②Dave Dellinger, More Power than We Know, Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor,1975, p.278.
    ④Gary M. Walton&Hugh Rockoff, History of the American Economy,11th ed., OH: South-Western, CengageLearning,2010, pp.510-511.
    ②Jo Freeman&Victoria Johnson, Waves of Protest: Social Movements since the Sixties, p.336.
    ③Peter Goldman, Report from Black America, p.201.
    ④Lewis M. Killian, The Impossible Revolution, Phase II: Black Power and the American Dream, New York:Random House,1975, p.146.
    ⑤Paul Levine&Harry Papasotiriou, America since1945: the American Moment,2nd ed., p.153.
    ①Paul Levine&Harry Papasotiriou, America since1945: the American Moment,2nd ed., p.153.
    ②Anthony Oberschall, Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities, p.283.
    ③Seymour Spilerman,“The Causes of Racial Disturbances: A Comparison of Alternative Explanations,” AmericanSociological Review35,4,1970, pp.645-646.
    ④Dave Dellinger, More Power than We Know, p.99.
    ⑤Jerry Rubin, Do It, New York: Simon and Schuster,1970, p.107.
    ②Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, NY: M.E. Sharpe Inc.,2004, p.429.
    ③Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, New York: W.W. Norton,1963.
    ④Sara Evans, Personal Politics: The Roots of Women’s Liberation in the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left,New York: Vintage Books,1991.
    ⑤Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.400.
    ⑥Robin Morgan, Goodbye to All That, reprint, Pittsburgh, PA: Know, Inc.,1971; Marge Piercy,“The Grand CoolieDamn,” in Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women’s Liberation Movement, ed., RobinMorgan, New York: Vintage Books,1970, pp.473-492.
    ②Rebecca Walker,“Becoming the Third Wave,” in Women: Images and Realities, A Multicultural Anthology,2nded., ed. Amy Kesselman, Lily D. McNair, and Nancy Schniedewind, Mountain View, CA: Mayfield,1999,pp.532-533.
    ①Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.1052.
    ②David S. Meyer,“Protest Cycles and Political Process: American Peace Movements in the Nuclear Age”, p.459.
    ③Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.1080-1096.
    ④Milton Katz, Ban the Bomb: A History of SANE,1957-1985, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,1986.
    ⑤Adam Garfinkle,Telltale Hearts: The Origins and Impact of the Vietnam Antiwar Movement, New York: St.Martin's Press,1995, pp.20-21.
    ⑥David S. Meyer,“Protest Cycles and Political Process: American Peace Movements in the Nuclear Age,” p.459.
    ⑦Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.1057.
    ⑧Ibid., p.1058.
    ①Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.624.
    ②Michael Goldfield, The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1987, pp.221-231.
    ③Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.633.
    ①Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, pp.633-634.
    ②Robert J. Brulle,“The U.S. Environmental Movement,”2003, p.1,http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~brullerj/Twenty%20Lessons%20in%20Environmental%20Sociology-Brulle.pdf,访问日期2012年9月8日。
    ③Ibid., pp.1-11.
    ④Erik W. Johnson,“Social Movement Size, Organizational Diversity and the Making of Federal Law”, p.3.
    ⑤Robert J. Brulle,“The U.S. Environmental Movement,” p.11.
    ⑥美国十大环境保护运动组织:塞拉俱乐部(Sierra Club,1892)、国家奥杜邦协会(the National AudubonSociety,1905)、国家公园保护协会(National Parks and Conservation Association,1919)、艾扎克沃尔顿联盟(Izaak Walton League,1922)、荒野保护协会(Wilderness Society,1935)、全国野生动物联合会
    (National Wildlife Federation,1936)、美国环保基金(Environmental Defense Fund,1967)、地球之友
    (Friends of the Earth,1970)、国家资源保护委员会(National Resources Defense Council,1970)、绿色和平组织(Greenpeace,1970)。
    ①Jacqueline Vaughn Switzer, Environmental Politics: Domestic and Global Dimensions, NY: St. Martin’s Press,1994, pp.24-25.
    ②Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1962.
    ③Richard N. L. Andrews, Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of AmericanEnvironmental Policy, Yale University Press,1999; Paul Portnoy, Public Policies for Environmental Protection,Johns Hopkins University Press,1990.
    ④George Tyler Miller Jr., Environmental Science: Sustaining the Earth, Wadsworth,1991, p.11.
    ⑤Debra C. Minkoff,“The Sequencing of Social Movements,” American Sociological Review, Vol.62, No.5,1997,p.779.
    ①Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness, New York: Penguine,1964, p.131.
    ③“Executive Order10925-Establishing the President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity,” TheAmerican Presidency Project, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=58863,访问日期2012年9月
    ①Thomas Byrne Edsall&Mary D. Edsall, Chain Reaction: the Impact of Race, Rights and Taxes on AmericanPolitics, New York: W.W. Norton,1991, p.52.
    ③Thomas Byrne Edsall&Mary D. Edsall, Chain Reaction: the Impact of Race, Rights and Taxes on AmericanPolitics, pp.111-112.
    ③Clyde Wilcox, God’s Warriors: The Christian Right in Twentieth-Century America, Baltimore, Maryland: TheJohn Hopkins University Press,1992, p.1.
    ①Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.1402.
    ②Clyde Wilcox, God’s Warriors: The Christian Right in Twentieth-Century America, p.14.
    ③Albeno Melucci,“The New Social Movements Revisited: Reflections on a Sociological Misunderstanding,” in L.Maheu ed. Social Movements and Social Classes: The Future of Collective Action, London: Sage,1995, p.113.
    ④Alan Touraine, The Voice and the Eye, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1981, p.30.
    ①Jürgen Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Action, Cambridge: Polity,1981.
    ②Claus Offe,“New Social Movements: Changing Boundaries of the Political,” Social Research,52,1985,pp.817-868.
    ③Russell J. Dalton&Manfred Kuechler, Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements inWestern Democracies, Oxford University Press,1990, p.232-233.
    ④Bert Klandermans, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Sidney G. Tarrow, eds., From Structure to Action: Comparing SocialMovement Research across Cultures.
    ⑤Andre Gortz, Farewell to the Working Class: An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London: Pluto Press,1982.
    ⑦Manuel Castells,“The Rise of the Network Society,” in Volume1of The Information Age: Economy, Societyand Culture, Oxford: Blackwell,1996, pp.208-220.
    ⑧Ronald Inglehart, Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,1990.
    ⑨Louis Maheu ed., Social Movements and Social Classes: The Future of Collective Action, London: Sage,1995.
    ①Ronald Inglehart, Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society.
    ③Albeno Melucci,“The New Social Movements Revisited: Reflections on a Sociological Misunderstanding”.
    ①John D. McCarthy&Mayer. N. Zald,“The Trend of Social Movements in America: Professionalization andResource Mobilization,” p.3.
    ②Ronald G. Shaiko,“More Bang for the Buck,” in Interest Group Politics,3rd ed., Allan J. Cigler&Burdett A.Loomis,1991, p.124.
    ②Kenneth T. Andrews,“The Impacts of Social Movements on the Political Process: The Civil Rights Movementand Black Electoral Politics in Mississippi,” American Sociological Review62,1997, pp.800-819.
    ③Doug McAdam, Freedom Summer, Oxford University Press,1990, pp.132.
    ④John D. McCarthy&Mayer. N. Zald,“The Trend of Social Movements in America: Professionalization andResource Mobilization”.
    ⑤Margit Mayer,“Social Movement Research and Social Movement Practice: the U.S. Pattern,” in Research onSocial Movements: the State of the Art in Western Europe and the USA, ed. Dieter Rucht, Boulder, Colo: WestviewPress,1991, p.64.
    ①Jacqueline Vaughn Switzer, Environmental Politics: Domestic and Global Dimensions, p.25.
    ②Robert Wuthnow, Sharing the Journey, Free Press,1996, pp.3-6,转引自帕特南著:《独自打保龄:美国社区的衰落与复兴》,第171页。
    ③R. Kenneth Godwin, One Billion Dollars of Influence: The Direct Marketing of Politics, Chatham House Pub,1988, p.48.
    ④Minkoff,“Producing Social Capital,” p.613.
    ①John D. McCarthy,“Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Mobilization: Infrastructure Deficits and New Technologies,” inSocial Movements in an Organizational Society: Collected Essays, ed. Mayer N. Zald&John D. McCarthy, NewBrunswick, N. J.: Transaction Books,1987, pp.49-66.
    ②Caryle Murphy,“Promise Keepers at a Prayerful Crossroads: One Year after Mall Rally, Men’s Religious GroupGrapples with Message, Money,” The Washington Post, October7,1998.
    ③James L. Guth, Lyman A. Kellstedt, John C. Green&Corwin E. Smidt,“Onward Christian Soldiers?: Religionand the Bush Doctrine,” Books and Culture, August2005,http://www.booksandculture.com/articles/2005/julaug/13.20.html,访问日期2012年9月17日。
    ①Anne N. Costain, Inviting Women’s Rebellion: A Political Process Interpretation of the Women’s Movements,pp.79-121.
    ②Marshall Ganz,“Left Behind: Social Movements, Parties, and the Politics of Reform”; Nathan Newman,“Governing the Nation from the Statehouses: The Rightwing Agenda in the States and How Progressives can FightBack,” The Progressive Legislative Action Network, February21,2006; Sara Robinson,“What can We Learn fromConservatives about Winning in Politics,” AlterNet, March13,2008; Sara Robinson,“How did ConservativesConvince the Public to Think Differently about Government?” AlterNet, March15,2008.
    ③Mayer N. Zald&Roberta Ash,“Social Movement Organizations: Growth, Decay, and Change”, pp.327-340.
    ①Beth Schaefer Caniglia&JoAnn Carmin,“Scholarship on Social Movement Organizations: Classic Views andEmerging Trends,” Mobilization: An International Journal,10(2),2005, pp.201-212.
    ②Paul Osterman,“Overcoming Oligarchy: Culture and Agency in Social Movement Organizations,” AdministrativeScience Quarterly,51,2006, p.622.
    ③John D. McCarthy&Mayer. N. Zald,“The Trend of Social Movements in America: Professionalization andResource Mobilization,” p.20.
    ⑤Margit Mayer,“Social Movement Research and Social Movement Practice: the U.S. Pattern”, p.64.
    ①Margit Mayer,“Social Movement Research and Social Movement Practice: the U.S. Pattern”, p.11.
    ②Marshall Ganz,“Left Behind: Social Movements, Parties, and the Politics of Reform”, p.9.
    ①Donal Snow, Inside the Environmental Movement: Meeting the Leadership Challenge, Washington D.C.: IslandPress,1991, p.9.
    ②Riley E. Dunlap&Angela G. Mertig eds, American Environmentalism: The U.S. Environmental Movement,1970-1990, Washington D.C.: Taylor and Francis,1992, pp.11-26.; Christopher J. Bosso,“Facing the Future:Environmentalists and the New Political Landscape,” in Allan J. Cigler&Burdett A. Loomis eds, Interest GroupPolitics,5th ed.,1999, pp.101-130.
    ①Robert Cameron Mitchell, Angela G. Mertig&Riley E. Dunlap,“Twenty Years of Environmental Mobilization:Trends among National Environmental Organizations,” Society and Natural Resources, vol.4,1991, pp.219-234.
    ②Ibid., p.223.
    ③John D. McCarthy,“Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Mobilization: Infrastructure Deficits and New Technologies”, p.62.
    ④R. Kenneth Godwin, One Billion Dollars of Influence: The Direct Marketing of Politics, p.55.
    ⑤Linda L. Fowler&Ronald G. Shaiko,“The Grass Roots Connection: Environmental Activists and Senate RollCalls,” American Journal of Political Science31,1987, p.490.
    ⑥Sidney Tarrow, Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics,2nd edition, p.133.
    ①Philip A. Mundo, Interest Groups: Cases and Characteristics, Chicago: Nelson-Hall,1992, p.178.
    ②Roper Report97-3, New York: Roper Starch Worldwide,1997, pp.117-121.
    ⑤Doug McAdam, John D. McCarthy&Mayer. N. Zald eds, Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements:Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framing, p.12.
    ⑥Erik W. Johnson,“Social Movement Size, Organizational Diversity and the Making of Federal Law”, p.1.
    ①David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule&Hanspeter Kriesi, The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, Malden,MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd,2004, p.633.
    ③Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.429.
    ①Laurie Goodstein,“Coalition’s Woes May Hinder Goals of Christian Right,” New York Times, August2,1999.
    ②James L. Guth, Lyman A. Kellstedt, John C. Green&Corwin E. Smidt,“Onward Christian Soldiers?: Religionand the Bush Doctrine”, p.73.
    ①John D. McCarthy,“Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Mobilization: Infrastructure Deficits and New Technologies”, p.56.
    ③Deborah R. McFarlane&Kenneth J. Meier, The Politics of Fertility Control: Family Planning and AbortionPolicies in the American States, New York, N.Y.: Chatham House,2001, pp.94-95; Melody Rose, Safe, Legal, andUnavailable? Washington, D.C.: CQ Press,2007, pp.103-104.
    ①“Union Members Summary,” Bureau of Labor Statistics, January27,2012,http://www.bls.gov/news.release/union2.nr0.htm,访问日期2012年9月28日。
    ②Immanuel Ness, ed, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, p.429.
    ①[美] R. G.哈切森:《白宫中的上帝》,段琦、晓镛译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992年版,第198页。
    ①Marshall Ganz,“Left Behind: Social Movements, Parties, and the Politics of Reform,” pp.8-9.
    ②Ari Berman,“Big$$for Progressive Politics,” The Nation, October16,2006.
    ①Clyde Wilcox&Carin Robinson, Onward Christian Soldiers?: The Religious Right in American Politics,Bolder,CO: Westview Press,1996, pp.111-129.
    ②John Hicks,“The Political Subsistence of the Religious Right: Why the Christian Right Survives and Does notThrive,” The American Religious Experience,2001, pp.5-6.
    ③Pat Robertson,“A Message from the President,” Christian Coalition of America,http://www.robertsonelectric.com/president-message.php,访问日期2012年9月26日。
    ①Ari Berman,“Big$$for Progressive Politics”.
    ②参见Frances Fox Piven&Richard A. Cloward, Poor People’s Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fall;Suzanne Staggenborg,“The Consequences of Professionalization and Formalization in the Pro-Choice Movement,”in Jo Freeman&Victoria Johnson, Waves of Protest: Social Movements since the Sixties, pp.99-135.
    ③Suzanne Staggenborg,“The Consequences of Professionalization and Formalization in the Pro-ChoiceMovement,” p.121.
    ①James L. Guth, Lyman A. Kellstedt, John C. Green&Corwin E. Smidt,“Onward Christian Soldiers?: Religionand the Bush Doctrine,” p.73.
    ⑦Duane Murray Oldfield, The Right and the Righteous: the Christian Right Confronts the Republican Party,Lanham, p.62.
    ①Duane Murray Oldfield, The Right and the Righteous: the Christian Right Confronts the Republican Party,Lanham, p.6.
    ①Charles W. Dunn, The Future of Conservatism: Conflict and Consensus in the Post-Reagan Era, Wilmington, Del.:ISI Books,2007, pp.vi-vii.
    ②Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, Routledge Press (the UK),1944.
    ②George H. Nash,“The Uneasy Future of American Conservatism,” in Charles W. Dunn, The Future ofConservatism: Conflict and Consensus in the Post-Reagan Era, p.9.
    ②George H. Nash,“The Uneasy Future of American Conservatism,” p.15.
    ①Alan I. Abramowitz&Kyle L. Saunders,“Is Polarization a Myth?,” The Journal of Politics, Vol.70, No.2,2008,pp.542-555; Morris P. Fiorina&Samuel J. Abrams,“Where’s the Polarization?,” in Richard G. Niemi, Herbert F.Weisberg&David C. Kimball, Controversies in Voting Behavior, Washington D.C.: CQ Press,2011, pp.309-318.
    ①Nolan McCarty, Keith T. Poole&Howard Rosenthal, Polarized America: the Dance of Ideology and UnequalRiches, MA: The MIT Press,2008, p.17.
    ②基尼系数是20世纪初意大利学者基尼(Corrado Gini)根据劳伦茨曲线所定义的判断收入分配公平程度的指标。是比例数值,在0-1之间。若低于0.2表示收入绝对平均;0.2-0.3表示比较平均;0.3-0.4表示相对合理;0.4-0.5表示收入差距大;0.6以上表示收入差距悬殊。
    ②Frank Rich,“Hollywood’s Brilliant Coda to America’s Dark Year,” New York Times, December12,2009.
    ②James F. Smith,“Ron Paul’s Tea Party for Dollars,” Boston Globe, December16,2007,www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2007/12/ron_pauls_tea_p.html,访问日期2012年10月30日。
    ③David Boaz,“We Miss You, Bubba,” Washington Times, January11,2010.
    ①Scott Rasmussen&Douglas Schoen, Mad as Hell: How the Tea Party Movement is Fundamentally Remakingour Two-Party System, p.118.
    ②猪肉桶(pork barrel)是美国政界常用的一个词汇。它源于美国南北战争前,南方种植园主家里都有几个放着腌猪肉的大木桶。这些腌猪肉是用来分给奴隶的,故指人人都有一块。后来,美国政界将国会议员在通过拨款法案时拨款给各自选区或各自热衷的项目的做法称为“猪肉桶”。
    ③Kate Zernike,“Unlikely Activist Who Got to the Tea Party Early,” New York Times, February28,2010.
    ④John V. Last,“A Growing ‘Tea Party’ Movement?” Weekly Standard, March4,2009,www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/03/04/opinion/main4843055.shtml,访问日期2012年10月31日。
    ⑥David Gardner,“A Million March to US Capitol to Protest against ‘Obama the Socialist’,”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1213056/Up-million-march-US-Capitol-protest-Obamas-spending-tea-party-demonstration.html,访问日期2012年10月30日。
    ①Brian Beutler,“Pelosi: This is Astroturf, Not Grassroots Protests,” Talkingpointsmemo.com, April15,2009,http://tpmdc.takingpointsmemo.com/2009/04/pelosi-this-is-astroturf-not-grassroots-protest.php,访问日期2012年10月30日。
    ②Theda Skocpol&Vanessa Williamson, The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism, p.11.
    ③RasmussenReports,“35%View Tea Party Favorably,42%Do Not,” July11,2012,http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/july_2012/35_view_tea_party_favorably_42_do_not,访问日期2012年10月31日。
    ①Scott Rasmussen&Douglas Schoen, Mad as Hell: How the Tea Party Movement is Fundamentally Remakingour Two-Party System, p.148.
    ②Charles Hurt,“Sarah’s Tea Talk Sounds Presidential,” New York Post, February8,2010,www.nypost.com/p/news/national/sarah_tea_talk_sounds_presidential_w3U7DqYM18s7uhq6ydzDiL,访问日期,2012年11月1日。
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    ②The Economist/YouGov poll,February20,2010,http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2010/02/economistyougov_poll_0,访问日期2012年11月1日。
    ③“Who are the Tea Party Activists?” CNN Polling Center, February18,2010,www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/02/17/tea.party.poll/index.html,访问日期2012年11月1日。
    ④The Economist/YouGov poll,February20,2010,http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2010/02/economistyougov_poll_0,访问日期2012年11月1日。
    ②Amy Garder,“Gauging the Scope of the Tea Party Movement in America,” Washington Post, October24,2010.
    ③Theda Skocpol&Vanessa Williamson, The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism, p.90.
    ④“The Rolling Stone Interview of Barack Obama,” Rolling Stone Magazine, October15,2010.
    ①Matt Gertz,“Beck’s Mutually Beneficial Partnership with FreedomWorks,” June14,2010,http://mediamatters.org/research/2010/06/14/becks-mutually-beneficial-partnership-with-free/166159,访问日期2012年11月1日。
    ③Our Country Deserves Better PAC,“Mission Statement,” http://www.teapartyexpress.org/mission,访问日期2012年11月2日。
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    ①David Weigel,“Behind the Cato-Koch Kerfuffle,” Slate, March1,2012,http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2012/03/01/behind_the_cato_koch_kerfuffle.html,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ③Tim Phillips, New York Times, March3,2012,http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/04/opinion/sunday/catching-up-with-tim-phillips-of-americans-for-prosperity.html,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ④Tom Hambruger, Kathleen Hennessey, Neela Banerjee,“Koch Brothers Now at Heart of GOP Power,” LosAngeles Times, February6,2011, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/06/nation/la-na-koch-brothers-20110206,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ⑤Brody Mullins,“Americans for Prosperity to Air Ads Slamming Obama’s Ties to Solyndra,” Wall Street Journal,November9,2011,http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2012/01/14/americans-for-prosperity-to-air-ads-slamming-obamas-ties-to-solyndra/,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ⑥Peter Wallsten&Tom Hamburger,“Conservative Groups Reaching New Levels of Sophistication in MobilizingVoters,” Washington Post, September20,2012,http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decision2012/conservative-groups-reaching-new-levels-of-sophistication-in-mobilizing-voters/2012/09/20/3c3cd8e8-026c-11e2-91e7-2962c74e7738_story.html,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ①Tea Party Patriots, https://www.teapartypatriots.org/about/,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ②Kate Zernike, Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America, New York: Times Books,2010, p.101..
    ③Devin Burghart&Leonard Zeskind,“Tea Party Nationalism: A Critical ExTea Party Movement and the Size,Scope, and Focus of its National Factions,” Rep. Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, Fall2010,http://justanothercoverup.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/TeaPartyNationalism.pdf,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ④Bernie Becker,“A Revised Contract for America, Minus ‘With’ and Newt,” The New York Times, April15,2010.
    ⑥Scott Rasmussen&Douglas Schoen, Mad as Hell: How the Tea Party Movement is Fundamentally Remakingour Two-Party System, p.150.
    ①Tea Party Nation, http://www.teapartynation.com,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ②Tea Party Nation, http://www.teapartynation.com/profiles/members/,访问日期2012年11月2日。
    ③尽管2009年发生的茶党运动与“波士顿倾茶事件”都是与税收相关的抗议运动,但“波士顿事件”是由英国国会对东印度公司免税直接导致的抗议事件,而2009年的茶党运动则是反对奥巴马政府增加税收的抗议运动。相关内容见Joseph J. Thorndike,“A Tax Revolt or Revolting Taxes?” Tax History, December14,2005,http://www.taxhistory.org/thp/readings.nsf/ArtWeb/1BC5839831CD15EE852570DD0061D496?OpenDocument,访问日期2012年11月5日。
    ①Louis Jacobson,“Welcome to the Tea Party,” State Legislatures, September2011, pp.13-14.
    ②Eric Boehm,“Liquor Store Privatization Battle Begins, Again,” PA Independent, July8,2011.
    ③Louis Jacobson,“Welcome to the Tea Party,” p.14.
    ①Theda Skocpol&Vanessa Williamson, The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism, p.81.
    ②Mark Leibovitch,“Being Glenn Beck,” New York Times, September29,2010.
    ④W. J. Rorabaugh, Donald T. Critchlow, Paula C. Baker, America’s Promise: A Concise History of the UnitedStates, Rowman&Littlefield,2004, p.210.
    ②David Boaz,“The Roots of the Tea Parties,” Cato@Liberty, May15,2010,http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/the-roots-of-the-tea-parties/,访问日期2012年11月5日。
    ①Theda Skocpol&Vanessa Williamson, The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism, p.7.
    ②Frank Lambert, Religion in American Politics: A Short History, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,2010,pp.34-40.
    ③John B. Judis,“Tea Minus Zero: The Tea Party Menace will not Go Quietly,” The New Republic, May27,2010,p.20.
    ①The Economist/YouGov poll,February20,2010,http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2010/02/economistyougov_poll_0,访问日期2012年11月8日。
    ③John B. Judis,“Tea Minus Zero: The Tea Party Menace will not Go Quietly,” p.19.
    ①John V. Last,“A Growing ‘Tea Party’ Movement?”.
    ①Theda Skocpol&Vanessa Williamson, The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism,pp.131-133.
    ①Ned Ryun,“Wither the Tea Party?” The American Spectator, July/August2011, p.64.
    ②Ibid., p.65.
    ③Ibid., p.64.
    ①John B. Judis,“Tea Minus Zero: The Tea Party Menace will not Go Quietly”, p.21.
    ②Alex Pappas,“Congressional Tea Party Caucus Receives Mixed Reviews from Tea Party Activists,” The DailyCaller, July22,2010,http://dailycaller.com/2010/07/22/congressional-tea-party-caucus-receives-mixed-reviews-from-tea-party-activists/,访问日期2012年11月15日。
    ③Kate Zernike,“Republicans Strain to Ride Tea Party Tiger,” New York Times, January23,2010,www.nytimes.com/2010/01/23/us/politics/23teaparty.html?pagewanted=print,访问日期2012年11月12日。
    ④“Mark Kirk’s Extremely Liberal Voting Record,” Republican News Watch,http://republicannewswatch.com/wp/?p=30,访问日期2012年11月12日。
    ①Scott Rasmussen&Douglas Schoen, Mad as Hell: How the Tea Party Movement is Fundamentally Remakingour Two-Party System, p.183.
    ②Brett LoGlurato,“The Resurgent Tea Party is about to Take out a Six-Term Republican Senator,” May8,2012,http://www.businessinsider.com/dick-lugar-trails-tea-party-candidate-mourdock-in-indiana-republican-senate-2012-5,访问日期2012年11月13日。
    ③Adam Liptak,“Tea-ing Up the Constitution,” New York Times, March12,2010,www.nytimes.com/2010/03/14/weekinreview/14liptak.html,访问日期2012年11月14日。
    ①Frank Newport,“Americans’ Satisfaction at All-Time Low of9%,” Gallup Politics, October7,2008,http://www.gallup.com/poll/110983/americans-satisfaction-alltime-low.aspx,访问日期2012年11月14日。
    ②David Brooks,“The Tea Party Teens,” New York Times, January4,2010.
    ①Scott Rasmussen&Douglas Schoen, Mad as Hell: How the Tea Party Movement is Fundamentally Remakingour Two-Party System, p.53.
    ②Ibid., pp.83-84,97.
    ③Susan Page,“Analysis by Jim Norman of USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of1,007Adults Taken March27-29,” USATODAY, April14,2009, www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-04-14-biggovernment_N.htm#table,访问日期2012年11月14日。
    ⑤Frank Lambert, Religion in American Politics: A Short History, pp.23-25.
    ①Gerald F. Seib,“Lawmakers Seek Middle Ground at Their Own Risk,” Wall Street Journal, March12,2010,http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704349304575115583850338638.html,访问日期2012年11月
    ②Shailagh Murray&Lori Montgomery,“House Passes Health-care Reform Bill without Republican Votes,” TheWashington Post, March22,2010,http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/21/AR2010032100943.html,访问日期2012年
    ①Annalyn Censky,“A Rough10Years for the Middle Class,” CNNMoney, October14,2011,http://money.cnn.com/2011/09/21/news/economy/middle_class_income/index.htm,访问日期2012年11月15日。
    ①Jack Shenker&Adam Gabbatt,“Tahrir Square Protesters Send Message of Solidarity to Occupy Wall Street,”The Guardian, October25,2011,http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/25/egyptian-protesters-occupy-wall-street?newsfeed=true,访问日期2012年12月3日;Michael Saba,“Wall Street Protesters Inspired by Arab Spring Movement,” CNN, September
    17,2011, http://edition.cnn.com/2011/09/16/tech/social-media/twitter-occupy-wall-street/index.html,访问日期2012年12月3日。
    ③Michael Saba,“Wall Street Protesters Inspired by Arab Spring Movement”.
    ①What is Occupy? Inside the Global Movement, Time, NY: Time Books,2011, pp.8-9.
    ②Chris Barton,“‘Occupy Auckland’ Protest Speaks with Many Voices,” The New Zealand Herald, October29,2011, http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10762353,访问日期2012年12月3日。
    ③Richard Lambert,“Its Camp is Gone, but the Occupy Movement will Grow,” Financial Times, November15,2011,http://blogs.ft.com/the-a-list/2011/11/15/its-camp-is-gone-but-the-occupy-movement-will-grow/?Authorised=false#axzz2DxURXgGf,访问日期2012年12月3日。
    ④John Gapper,“A Better Way to Occupy Wall Street,” Financial Times, November16,2011,http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/3724b32a-1047-11e1-8211-00144feabdc0,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2F3724b32a-1047-11e1-8211-00144feabdc0.html&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FOccupy_Wall_Street_Movement#axzz2DxV9Vx9a,访问日期2012年12月3日。
    ②Stephen Kobrin,“The Clash of Globalizations,” Foreign Policy112,1998, pp.97-109.
    ①David Kidd,“Indymedia: A New Communications Commons,” in Barbara McCaughney&Michael Ayers,Cyberactivism: Online Acts in Theory and Practice, New York, NY: Routledge,2003, pp.47-69.
    ②Jürgen Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,1983.
    ③Manuel Castells, The Power of Identity (The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Volume II),Oxford, UK: Blackwell Press,1997; The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society,Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers,2001.
    ④Henry Jenkins, Convergence Culture, New York, NY: New York University Press,2006; Mario Diani,“SocialMovement Networks Virtual and Real,” Information, Communication and Society3(3),2000, pp.386-401.
    ⑤见下列学者的研究:Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello&Brendan Smith, Globalization from Below: The Power ofSolidarity, Cambridge, MA: South End Press,2000; Joyce Nipp,“The Queer Sisters and its Electronic BulletinBoard: A Study of the Internet for Social Movement Mobilization,” in Wim Van De Donk et al., Cyberprotest:New Media, Citizens and Social Movements, New York, NY: Routledge,2004, pp.233-258; William Bennet,“Communicating Global Activism,” Information, Communication and Society6(2),2003, pp.143-168.
    ⑥David Kidd,“Indymedia: A New Communications Commons”.
    ①Douglas Schoen,“Polling the Occupy Wall Street Crowd,” The Wall Street Journal, October18,2011,http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204479504576637082965745362.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop,访问日期2012年12月4日。
    ①Sean Captain,“Infographic: Who is Occupy Wall Street?” Fast Company, November2,2011,http://www.fastcompany.com/1792056/infographic-who-occupy-wall-street,访问日期2012年12月4日。
    ②Elizabeth Flock,“Occupy Wall Street: An Interview with Kalle Lasn, the Man behind it All,”, The WashingtonPost, October12,2011,http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/occupy-wall-street-an-interview-with-kalle-lasn-the-man-behind-it-all/2011/10/12/gIQAC81xfL_blog.html,访问日期2012年12月4日。
    ①Sean Captain,“Infographic: Who is Occupy Wall Street?”.
    ①Eleazar David Melendez,“Occupy Wall Street’s May Day in New York Ends in Failed Plaza Occupation,”International Business Times, May2,2012,http://www.ibtimes.com/occupy-wall-streets-may-day-new-york-ends-failed-plaza-occupation-694899;JoeCoscarelli,“What Comes after May Day for Occupy Wall Street?” New York, May1,2012,http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/05/may-day-occupy-wall-street-uncertain-future.html; Justin Grant,“The TeaParty Remains Strong as Occupy Wall Street Sputters,” Advanced Trading, May9,2012,http://www.advancedtrading.com/regulations/the-tea-party-remains-strong-as-occupy-w/240000089,访问日期2012年12月5日。
    ②Adam Weinstein,““We are the99Percent” Creators Revealed,” Mother Jones, October7,2011,http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/10/we-are-the-99-percent-creators,访问日期2012年12月6日。
    ③Peter Whoriskey,“CBO: Incomes of Top Earners Grow at a Pace Far Faster than Everyone Else’s,” TheWashington Post, October27,2011,http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/cbo-incomes-of-top-earners-grow-at-a-pace-far-faster-than-everyone-elses/2011/10/26/gIQAHlVFKM_story.html,访问日期2012年12月6日。
    ①Kat Stoeffel,“Occupy Wall Street’s Media Problems,” New York Observer, September26,2011,http://observer.com/2011/09/occupy-wall-streets-media-problems/,访问日期2012年12月6日。
    ②Edward Schumacher-Matos,“Newsworthy? Determining the Importance of Protests on Wall Street,” September
    ③Ginia Bellafante,“Gunning for Wall Street, With Faulty Aim,” New York Times, September25,2011,http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/25/nyregion/protesters-are-gunning-for-wall-street-with-faulty-aim.html?_r=1&pagewanted=print,访问日期2012年12月6日。
    ④Sean Captain,“Infographic: Who is Occupy Wall Street?”.
    ①Erik Eckholm,“Occupy Movement Regroups, Preparing for Its Next Phase,” The New York Times, February11,2012.
    ②Carolina Tamayo,“Occupy Anniversary Protests Fall Flat,” September17,2012,http://www.ntn24.com/news/news/occupy-anniversary-protests-fa-17431,访问日期2013年2月8日。
    ③Erik Eckholm,“Occupy Movement Regroups, Preparing for Its Next Phase”.
    ④What is Occupy? Inside the Global Movement, p.34.
    ①Douglas Schoen,“Polling the Occupy Wall Street Crowd”.
    ②Laura Marcinek,“Wall Street Areas Blocked as Police Arrest Seven in Protest,” Businessweek, September19,2011.
    ③Colin Moynihan,“80Arrested as Financial District Protest Moves North,” The New York Times, September24,2011.
    ④“700Arrested after Wall Street Protest on Brooklyn Bridge,” Foxnews.com, October2,2011,http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/01/500-arrested-after-wall-street-protest-on-nys-brooklyn-bridge/,访问日期2012年12月11日。
    ⑤Alyssa Newcomb&Carlos Boettcher,“Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Protests Dwarfed by Police Presence,”ABCnews, September17,2012,http://abcnews.go.com/US/occupy-wall-street-celebrates-anniversary-protests/story?id=17249773#.UMZ_iqWzm9o,访问日期2012年12月11日。
    ⑥Daniel Edward Rosen,“Is Ray Kelly’s NYPD Spinning Out of Control?” The New York Observer, December1,2011, http://observer.com/2011/11/is-ray-kellys-nypd-spinning-out-of-control/?show=all,访问日期2012年12月
    ⑦Karen McVeigh,“Occupy Wall Street: the Direct Action Committee Driving the Protes’s Success,” TheGuardian, October5,2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/05/occupy-wall-street-direct-action,访问日期2012年12月12日。
    ①What is Occupy? Inside the Global Movement, p.38.
    ②Rick Hampson,“‘Occupy’ Movement Faces Challenge from Violent Fringe,” USA Today, November14,2011,http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2011-11-13/occupy-movement-violent-fringe/51188258/1,访问日期2012年12月12日。
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    ②Erik Eckholm,“Occupy Movement Regroups, Preparing for Its Next Phase”.
    ③Douglas Schoen,“Polling the Occupy Wall Street Crowd”.
    ①Erik Eckholm,“Occupy Movement Regroups, Preparing for Its Next Phase”.
    ②Frank Newport,“Americans’ Satisfaction at All-Time Low of9%”.
    ①J. Craig Jenkins&Craig M. Eckert,“The Right Turn in Economic Policy: Business Elites and the NewConservative Economics,” Sociological Forum, Volume15, Issue2, June2000, pp.307-338.
    ②Thomas Ferguson&Joel Rogers, Right Turn: The Decline of the Democrats, New York: Hill and Wang,1986.
    ③Michael Sprinker et als, The Year Left: An American Socialist Yearbook1985, Verso Books,1985, p.82.
    ④M. Levinson&L. MIshel,“Whose Recovery is it, Anyway?” Democratic Left, September-October,1987, p.4.
    ①“An Interview with Victor Reuther, Paying Dues for Half a Century,” Multinational Monitor, February,1987,p.7.
    ②“Union Members Summary,” US Department of Labor.
    ③Thomas Byrne Edsall,“Money and Politics in Both Parties,” Dissent, Fall1986, p.406.
    ⑤Thomas Byrne Edsall,“The Republican America,”http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/1986/apr/24/republican-america/?pagination=false,1986,访问日期2012年12月17日。
    ⑥John R. Petrocik&Frederick T. Steeper,“The Political Landscape in1980,” Public Opinion,September-October,1987, p.42.
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    ②Thomas B. Edsall, New Politics of Inequality, New York: Norton Co.,1984, pp.245-246.
    ④Anne N. Costain&Andrew S. McFarland, Social Movements and American Political Institutions,p.10.
    ①The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America, p43.
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