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本文主要评介美国教师联盟(American Federation of Teachers,AFT)的发展历程,对该组织的成因进行分析,概述其组织结构及其功能,以及运作机制和发展的趋势。AFT在近百年的历程中,从无到有,从小到大,已成为可以与全美教育协会(National Education Association)相媲美的教师群众组织。AFT之所以具有魅力和影响力,是因为其秉持工会取向和专业取向,在努力提高教师社会地位和权益、提高教师工资福利待遇的同时,努力为基础教育服务、提升教师的专业水平和整体素质,因而受到广大教师会员的支持和厚爱。本研究的目的不光是评介AFT组织的基本概况,而在于为我国教师教育提供一份宝贵的参考资料,尤其是为我国新一轮课程改革中教师发展和教师教育等方面提供可借鉴的经验和可参照的思想资源。AFT的专业取向是值得学习和仿效的,建立具有专业功能的教师群众组织是符合我国国情的,它既能够减轻教育行政部门的负担,又能够开发和利用各种社会资源,全面提高各级教师的专业水平和整体素质。这对于我国基础教育来说具有理论的价值和实践的意义。
This study tends to make an introduction to American Federation of Teachers (AFT)and comments on its development, cause analysis, organization and functions, operationalmechanics and its growing tendency. In the course of its development, the AFT has grownto a strong and influential association from a small organization, which can be comparedfavorably with National Education Association. The reasons why the AFT is so charmingand influential and enjoys teacher members' support and appreciation are that it upholdsboth the Union and professional orientations and tries to improve teachers' social statusand their rights, increase their welfare and living conditions, and develop theirprofessional levels and overall qualities as well. The study is not only an introduction tothe AFT, but also provides China's teacher education with valuable resources, andparticularly produces some referential experiences and theoretical sources for our teacherdevelopment in the new curriculum reform. The professional orientation of AFT is worthlearning and following. To organize teachers' association with professional orientation iscompatible with Chinese characteristics, and is able to decrease the load of educationaladministration, to exploit and employ various social recourses, and to develop teachers'professional levels and overall qualities. Thus, the author believes that the study hastheoretical value and practical significance.
[1] Charlene Haar, Myron Lieberman, Leo Troy. 1994. The NEA and The AFT The Teacher Unions in Power and Politics. See: http://www.educationpolicy.org/files/neaftbk/book.htm. 200701/03.
    [2] 同上。
    [1] 姜添辉,2000,美英两国三个主要教师组织之比较研究分析,《国立新竹师范学院2000年度教育学术研讨会论文集》第1112页
    [2] Charlene Haar, Myron Lieberman, Leo Troy. 1994. The NEA and The AFT The Teacher Unions in Power and Politics. See: http://www.educationpolicy.org/files/neaflbk/book.htm. 200701/03.
    [3] 王艳荣,2005,美国教师组织发展的初步研究,《福建师范大学教育科学与技术学院.教育学硕士学位论文》。
    [1] Charlene Haar, Myron Lieberman, Leo Troy. 1994. The NEA and The AFT The Teacher Unions in Power and Politics. See: http://www.educationpolicy.org/files/neaflbk/book.htm. 200701/03.
    [2] 程晋宽,没有完成的使命—美国八十年代教育改革的历史分析,《外国教育研究》第2期:第39页.
    [3] 程晋宽,1994,没有完成的使命—美国八十年代教育改革的历史分析,《外国教育研究》第2期:第39页。
    [1] Charlene Haar, Myron Lieberman, Leo Troy. 1994. The NEA and The AFT The Teacher Unions in Power and Politics: See: http://www.educationpolicy.org/files/neaftbk/book.htm. 200701/03.
    [2] Berube, M. R. 1998. The Influence of Teacher Unions in Politics. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No ED299659).
    [3] Macke, S, M. 1998. Teacher unionism: Back to the future, Contemporary Education, Vol. 69(4): 180-181.
    [1] 刘安彦,1996,美国教师组织与教育改革,《教育资料与研究》第9期参见:http://www.cbs.ntu.edu.tw/gem_browse.php/fpath=gem/brd/education/O/F00100HO&num=10.
    [1] 郭朝红,2006,试析国外中介组织对教师政策的影响方式,《教育理论与实践》第4期,第30页.
    [2] 郑彩凤,2003,美国教师工会之发展:兼论对台湾组织教师工会之启示,《教育政策论坛》第2期第34页.
    [2] NEAFT. NEAFT Partnership. http://www.nea.org/aboutnea/NEAFTPartnership.html. 2004/08/12, 2006/11/10.
    [1] Charlene Haar, Myron Lieberman, Leo Troy. 1994. The NEA and The AFT The Teacher Unions in Power and Politics. See: http://www.educationpolicy.org/files/neaftbk/book.htm, 200701/03.
    [1] AFT. AFT Salary Survey: Teachers Need 30 Percent Paise—Teacher Pay Insufficient To Meet Rising Debt, Housing Costs in Many Areas. See: http://www.aft.org/presscenter/releases/2007/032907.htm, 2007103/31.
    [2] AFT. Teacher Salaries Remain Stagnant but Health Insurance Costs Soar-AFT Releases Annual State-by-State Teacher Salary Survey. See: http://www.aft.org/presscenter/releases/2004/071504.htm 2006/09/22.
    [1] AFT. Teacher Salaries Remain Stagnant but Health Insurance Costs Soar -AFT Releases Annual State-by-State Teacher Salary Survey. See: http://www.aft.org/presscenter/releases/2004/071504.htm, 2006/09/22.
    [2] 同上。
    [3] AFT. AFT. AFT Salary Survey: Teachers Need 30 Percent Raise—Teacher Pay Insufficient To Meet Rising Debt, Housing Costs in Many Areas. See: http://www.aft.org/presscenter/releases/2007/032907.htm.
    [4] AFT. Teacher Salaries Remain Stagnant but Health Insurance Costs Soar-AFT Releases Annual State-by-State Teacher Salary Survey. See: http://www.aft.org/presscenter/releases/2004/071504.htm, 2006/09/22.
    [5] AFT. Teacher Salaries Remain Stagnant bat Health Insurance Costs Soar-AFT Releases Annual State-by-State Teacher Salary Survey. See: http://www.aft.org/presscenter/releases/2004/071504.htm 2006/09/22.
    [1] AFT. Mission Statement. http://www.aft.org/about/mission.htm, 2007/03/30.
    [2] 郭朝红,2006,试析国外中介组织对教师政策的影响方式,《教育理论与实践》第4期,第28页.
    [3] 同上。
    [1] AFT. AFT Publications and Reports. See: http://www.aft.org/pubs-reports/index.htm, 2007/03/15.
    [2] AFT. Who We Are. See: http://www.aft.org/about/, 2007/03/30.
    [3] AFT. Mission Statement. See: http://www.aft.org/about/mission.htm, 2007/03/28.
    [4] 常旭、刘海涛,2006,美国教师组织的现状及发展趋势,《沈阳师范大学学报》第4期,第109页.
    [1] AFT. Who We Are. http://www.aft.org/about/index.htm. 2007/02/11.
    [2] AFT. Who We Are. http://www.aft.org/about/index.htm. 2007/02/11.
    [3] 林斌.2002,教师组织的定位与发展:工会主义与专业主义,《教育研究月刊》第104期参见:http://perc.kta.org.tw/teacher%27s%20rights/article24.doc.
    [4] 郑彩凤,2003,美国教师工会之发展:兼论对台湾组织教师工会之启示,《教育政策论坛》第2期,第34页
    [1] AFT. Who We Are. http://www.aft.org/about/index.htm. 2007103115.
    [1] 杨深坑,2003,各国教师组织与专业权发展[M],台湾,高等教育出版社,第93页.
    [1] 王艳荣2005,美国教师组织发展的初步研究,《福建师范大学教育科学与技术学院教育学硕士论文》。
    [1] AFT. Constitution of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. Washington, D. C. 1997.
    [2] 饶邦安、周志宏,2004,教师组织运作之考查,教育部教育研究委员会私立淡江大学公共行政学系.参见:, 2006/10113.
    [3] 央视国际http://www.cctv.com/news/world/20040224/101228.shtml. 2006/09/26.
    [4] “不让一个孩子落后”法案:在美国,贫困的家庭因为负担不起私立学校的高昂学费,而被迫将孩子送入教育质量相对低下的公立学校,致使公立学校因为经费不足,教学质量大大低落。为此,美国联邦政府在2001年出台了一项教育改革法案,即“不让一个孩子落后”,此项改革的目的在于为贫困家庭提供帮助,让这些儿童与其他孩子享有同等的入学机会。
    [1] 央视国际.http://www.cctv.com/news/world/20040224/101225.shtml 2006/09/24.
    [2] 央视国际.http://www.cctv.com/news/world/20040224/101228.shtml 2006/09/21.
    [3] 吴建华.2006,我国教师会角色功能及权力运作之探究,《教育政策研究》第3期:第6页。
    [4] Opfer, V. D. 2001. Beyond self-Interest Educational interest groups and congressional influence. Educational Policy, Vol. 25 (6): 135-152.
    [1] 蔡清华,2001,美国教师组织与教育专业权运作关系之研究,台湾:《亚洲比较教育学会年会论文》。
    [2] AFT. AFT+Member Benefits. http://www.aft.org/aftplus/index.htm. 2007/01/25.
    [1] AFT. Where We Stand. See: ht1p://www.aft.org/pubs-reports/amcrican_teacher/mayjune05/stand.htm. 2007/01/11.
    [2] 曾荣光,1984,教学专业与教师专业化:一个社会学的阐释,《香港中文大学教育学报》第1期:23-41页.
    [3] 蔡清华,2001,美国教师组织与教育专业权运作关系之研究,台湾:《亚洲比较教育学会年会论文》.
    [1] American Federation of Teachers, A report of the AFT task on union-sponsored professional development, June 2001.
    [1] 许建美,2006,国外教师组织的目标与运作策略探析—以美、英、日三国为例,《比较教育研究》第9期:第48页。
    [2] 高义展.1998,中、美、英三国教师组织之比较研究,《教育研究》第6期:第229页。
    [1] 吴建华,2006,我国教师会角色功能及权力运作之探究,《教育政策研究》第3期:第3页。
    [1] Berube, M. R.. 1980. Teacher politics. The American School System Journal, Vol. 15 (5): 43-47.
    [2] 郭朝红,2006,试析国外中介组织对教师政策的影响方式,《教育理论与实践》第4期:第31页.
    [3] 朱煇章,2001,我国教师组织之研究——以教师会为中心,《国立高雄师范大学教育研究所硕士论文》。
    [4] 蔡清华,美国教师组织与教育专业权运作关系之研究,台湾:《亚洲比较教育学会2001年年会论文》。
    [1] 许建美,2006.国外教师组织的目标与运作策略探析——以美、英、日三国为例,《比较教育研究》第9期:第49页.
    [2] Charlene Haar, Myron Lieberman, Leo Troy. The NEA and The AFT The Teacher Unions in Power and Politics. 1994, See: http://www.educationpolicy.org/files/neaftbk/book.htm 20040709, 20070310.
    [3] “教育券”:即一种改变政府补助公立学校的新型教育投入方式.把教育经费折算成一定数额有价证券发给每 位学生;学生持教育券后能够自主选择学费标准不同的学校就读而不受限制,学校把所收集的教育券向政府兑换现金,用以支付办学费用。
    [1] 沈春生,1999,美国教师组织动作方式之探讨,《教育研究》第7期:77-82页。
    [2] 吴建华,2006,我国教师会角色功能及权力运作之探究,《教育政策研究》第3期:第6页。
    [3] 同上.
    [1] 常旭、刘海涛,美国教师组织的现状及发展趋势,《沈阳师范大学学报》2006年第4期:第109页.
    [2] 同上.
    [3] 毕祖安,2000,美国教师联盟反对以远距离教学授予学士学位.http://www.tw.org/newwaves/53/5-9.html.2007/01/01.
    [4] 贺丹丹、丁兴富,2005,美国远程教育指导原则及对我国网院的适用性分析,《中国远程教育》第5期,参见:http://library.crtvu.edu.cn/sfw/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=3274.
    [1] 贺丹丹、丁兴富.2005,美国远程教育指导原则及对我国网院的适用性分析,《中国远程教育》第5期,参见:http://library.crtvu.edu.cn/sfw/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=3274.
    [1] 郭元婕.中国教育报.教育质量:美国教师改革的重心,2007/03/12,第8版
    [2] 林斌,2002,教师组织的定位与发展,工会主义与专业主义,《教育研究月刊》第104期,参见:http://perc.kta.org.tw/teacher%27s%20rights/article24.doc. 2007/01/05.AFT. http://www.aft.org/about/downloads/AFTfinancia106.pdf, 2006/12/25.
    [1] AFT. http://www.aft.org/about/downloads/AFTfinancial06.pdf, 2006/12/10.
    [1] Ornstein, A. C. & Levine, D. U. 1989. Foundations of education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
    [1] 饶邦安、周志宏,2004,教师组织运作之考察.教育部教育研究委员会,私立淡江大学公共行政学系,参见: 2006/10/13.
    [2] 常旭、刘海涛,2006.美国教师组织的现状及发展趋势.《沈阳师范大学学报》第4期:第110页。
    [1] AFT-NEA. 1998, Peer Assistance and Review: An AFT/NEA Handbook. Washington, D. C.
    [1] 沈春生,1999,中、美、日三国教师组织之比较研究,《国立高雄师范大学教育学系硕士论文》。
    [2] 常旭、刘海涛,2006,美国教师组织的现状及发展趋势,《沈阳师范大学学报》第4期:第110页。
    [1] 郑彩凤,2003,美国教师工会之发展:兼论对台湾组织教师工会之启示,《教育政策论坛》第2期:第26页.
    4.程晋宽,1994,没有完成的使命—美国八十年代教育改革的历史分析,《外国教育研究》 第2期:
    7.盖浙生,2001,教师组织与社会参与,参见:http:/www.schoolnet.edu.mo/msnvc/vc012/p16.htm. 2006/08/12
    9.郭元婕,教师质量:美国教改的下一个重心,《中国教育报》2007年3月21日 第8版。
    10.贺丹丹,丁兴富,2005,美国远程教育指导原则及对我国网院的适用性分析,《中国远程教育》。参见:http://library.crtvu.edu.cn/sfw/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=3274 2006/10/11
    17.饶邦安、周志宏,2004,教师组织运作之考查,教育部教育研究委员会,私立淡江大学公共行政学系。参见: 2006/10/13.
    21.唐·培根,唐纳德·R·格莱叶,2003,学校与社区关系[M](周海涛译)。重庆:重庆大学出版 社。
    24.卫民,2005,教师组织类别与功能。参见:http://perc.kta.org.tw/teacher%27s%20rights/article11.htm. 2006/11/12
    31.郑彩凤,2003,美国教师工会之发展:兼论对台湾组织教师工会之启示,《教育政策论坛》 第2期:第26页。
    1. AFT, 1997. Constitution of the American Federation of Teachers. AFL-CIO. Washington D. C.
    2. AFT, 2003. AFT Leader's Handbook for Success—A guide to building a effective union. Washington D. C.
    3. AFT, History of AFT. See: http://www.aft.org/about/history/index.htm. 2006/05/20.
    4. AFT, Workers 'rights are human rights. See: http://www.aft.org/pubs-reports/on_campus/dec05/stand.htm. 2006/08/01.
    5. AFT, Teacher Salaries Remain Stagnant but Health Insurance Costs Soar. —AFT Releases Annual State-by-State Teacher Salary Survey. See: http://www.aft.org/presscenter/releases/2004/071504.htm. 2006/09/22.
    6. AFT, China. See: http://www.aft.org/about/resolutions/2006/china.htm. 2006/10/16.
    7. AFT, AFT President Edward J. McElroy. See: http://www.aft.org/about/officers/index.htm. 2006/11/10.
    8. AFT, A vision that Endures. See: http://www.aft.org/about/vision.htm. 2006/12/20.
    9. AFT, AFL-CIO Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. See: http://www.aft.org/about/downloads/AFTfinancial06.pdf. 2006/12/25
    10. AFT, Where We Stand? See:http://www.aft.org/pubs-reports/american_teacher/mayjune05/stand.htm. 2007/01/11.
    11. AFT, AFT+Member Benefits. See: http://www.aft.org/aftplus/index.htm. 2007/01/25.
    12. AFT, AFT Partners. See: http://www.ashankerinst.org/2007/01/31.
    13. AFT, AFT Publications and Reports. See: http://www.aft.org/pubs-reports/index.htm. 2007/03/15.
    14. AFT, AFT Mission Statement. See: http://www.aft.org/about/mission.htm. 2007/03/30.
    15. AFT, Who We Are. See: http://www.aft.org/about/2007/03112.
    16. AFT. Who We Are. See: http://www.aft.org/about/index.htm. 2007/03/15.
    17. AFT, AFT Salary Survey: Teachers Need 30 Percent Raise—Teacher Pay Insufficient To Meet Rising Debt, Housing Costs in Many Areas. See: http://www.aft.org/presseenter/releases/2007/032907.htm. 2007/03/31.
    18. AFT, 2001. A report of the AFT task on union-sponsored professional development. American Federation of Teachers.
    19. Berube, M. R. 1980. Teacher politics. The American School System Journal, Vol. 15 (5): 43-47.
    20. Berube, M. R, 1988. The Influence of Teacher Unions in Politics. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No ED299659.
    21. Charlene Haar, Myron Lieberman & Leo Troy, 1994. The NEA and The AFT The Teacher Unions in Power and Politics. See: http://www.edueationpolicy.org/files/neaftbk/book.htm. 200701/03.
    22. Gene, I. Maeroff. 1988. The Empowerment of Teachers. CA: Teaches College Press.
    23. Kathryn A. Riley & Karen Seashore Louis, 2000. Leadership for Change and School Reform—International Perspective. Routledge's Falmer.
    24. Macke, S, M. 1998. Teacher unionism: Back to the future. Contemporary Education. Vol. Vol. 69(4): 180-181.
    25. AFT-NEA, 1998. Peer Assistance and Review: An AFT/NEA Handbook. Washington D. C.
    26. NEAFT, 2004, NEAFT Partnership. See: http://www.nea.org/aboutnea/NEAFTPartnership.html. 2006/11/1.
    27. Opfer, V. D, 2001. Beyond self-Interest Educational interest groups and congressional influence. Educational Policy, Vol. 25 (6): 135-152.
    28. Omstein, A. C. & Levine, D. U. 1989. Foundations of Education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

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