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在社会化研究中,一直贯穿着一个社会学的基本问题,即个体与社会的关系问题。解决这一问题的既有方案主要有三种:决定论、能动论和互动论。其中互动论似乎赢得了最终的认可。但笔者认为,互动论虽然在一定程度上克服了决定论和能动论的片面性,认为个体的社会化离不开个体与社会的互动。但在看待社会与个体的关系上,互动论很大程度上是调和式的。正如鲍曼(Zygmunt Bauman)所指出的,互动论仍然坚持的是“and”或"versus"的关系,即自由与支配的关系,而没能转向一种“交互观念”,这种交互观念认为,个体由其置身其中的社会所塑造,而个体之间相互交织的职能网络,又造就了社会(乌尔里希·贝克;伊丽莎白·贝克-格恩斯海姆,2011:21)。
In studies of Individual socialization, has been permeated with the basic problem of sociology, namely the question of the relationship of the individual and society. There are three main existing programs to solve this problem:determinism. Individual initiative theory and interaction theory. Among them, interaction theory seems to have won the final recognition. However, I believe, the interaction theory overcomes the one-sidedness of determinism and Individual initiative theory to some extent, and Insists that individual socialization can not be separated from the interaction between individual and society. However, the view of interaction theory on the relationship between society and individual is largely blended.about the relationship between society and individual, it is just as what is pointed out by Zygmunt Bauman, interactionism still insist on "and" or "versus", freedom and domination, and did not turn to a "reciprocal conception".the "reciprocal conception" believes that individual is shaped by society, while, the networks of intertwined functions among individuals create a society (Ulrich Beck; Elizabeth Beck-Gernsheim,2011:21).
     There are three views on the relationship between singing music and Individual socialization: aesthetic function theory, empiricism function theory and integrated function theory. The aesthetic function theory said that the function of socialization of music lies in the aesthetic form and content of the music. This theory looks music as musical works, and believes that the function of socialization of music is from the works itself.the empiricism function theory said that the function of socialization of music is not from the musical work itself, but from the actual music events and the real relations among the people in the events, and from the individual experience of music. This theory think that personal music experience is just individual socialization process. Integrated function theory takes into account the aesthetic function theory and empiricism function theory. And divides music sociology into two subjects.one subject is the music fonction of society, the other one is the social fonction of music. However,1believe, integrated function theory has the same logic as that the interaction theory has. the relationship between the two functions in integrated function theory is not clear.
     The task of this study, the middle-aged and the aged person in the border region between Yunnan and Guangxi as study object, in cognitive and emotional perspective, the individual life cycle as a clue, with the method of semi-structured interview, non-participant observation and participant observation, is to understand the relationship between Zhuang folk songs and individual socialization.this study draws two conclusions. The first conclusion is that there is a reciprocal causation relationship between Zhuang folk songs and socialization of individual. First of all, the folk songs affect the process of individual socialization on cognition and emotion. It is worth emphasizing that the process, content or form of individual socialization affected by the folk songs is different at different stages of the life cycle. In childhood, there is no mandatory requirement on the singing behavior of children. And folk songs affect the children unconsciously. In adolescence, singing groups started exert pressure for individual to participate in the singing. In the singing process, on the one hand, the folk songs affect the individual behavior——singing.on the other hand, in the continue singing, the ideas,the values,the norms and the emotions of society was passed to individual and affected the socialization of young individual more profound. In middle age, the individual has formed a singing "disposition", folk songs keep on affecting the socialization of individual on family roles, social roles and professional roles and so on. The main feature of socialization of the middle-aged is practice. In old age, singing helps individual to adapt to his or her social separation. In the practice of singing, the aged understand the meaning and value of old life. To adapt to retirement is the main content what the aged receive from singing.
     Secondly, it is the cognition and the emotion from singing practice that promote the individual singing practice.whether in Childhood or in adolescence, whether in middle age or in old age, the driving force of individual singing is always cognition or emotion from the folk songs. Cognition is a framework that guides individual to singing.and the emotion provide the impetus for the singing of the individual.
     The second conclusion is that, in the process of socialization of individual, the relationship between society and the individual is neither the mandatory relationship as what determinism said, nor free as what Individual initiative theory said, and nor action and reaction as what interaction theory said, But ever-changing variety of relationships. For example, In Childhood, it is independent for Individual to sing. In adolescence, the relationships are obliged, competitive and cooperative. While in middle-age or in old age, the relationship between Individual and group turn into equal entertainment. Therefore, I agree with this view, the relationship between the individual and society is variable.the nature of the relationship depends on the nature of the functional network linking individuals (Elias,2003).
     The third conclusion is that the aesthetic features and sociological function of music is a binity. The aesthetic function of music must be shown in music practice, and vice versa, the sociological functions of music must rely on the aesthetic analysis of music. It's one-sided to talk about the nature of music in the abstract regardless of musical practice or to talk about its sociological function regardless of its aesthetic nature.
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