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美达霉素是由包括链霉菌AM-7161(Streptomyces sp. AM-7161)在内的多个链霉菌积累的抗生素,具有抗菌和抗癌活性,可以作为多种肿瘤细胞的信号转导抑制剂。美达霉素生物合成基因簇中的med-ORF10是美达霉素生物合成途径中的一个功能未知基因。因为其同源基因在多个抗生素基因簇中都存在,所以推测med-ORF10及同源基因在相应抗生素合成途径中都是必须基因,可能调控抗生素的生物合成。
     提取美达霉素“异源野生菌株”CH999/pIK340和“异源突变菌株”CH999/pAYT64的总RNA,以看家基因23 S rRNA基因为内参,利用半定量RT-PCR检测两个菌株中美达霉素基因簇中med-ORF12、med-ORF1、med-ORF11等基因的转录水平,发现在“异源野生菌株”和“异源突变菌株”两菌株中,这些基因转录水平存在差异,说明这几个基因的转录分别在不同程度上受到med-ORF10的调控;而且“异源突变菌株”中med-ORF10的缺失使这些靶基因的转录水平不同程度的提高。
Medermycin is an antibiotic produced by many streptomycetes, including Streptomyces sp AM-7161. Medermycin possesses antitumor and antibacterial activity as a strong inhibitor against signal transduction pathways in many types of tumor cells. In medermycin biosynthetic gene cluster, med-ORF10 was a gene with undesignated function. Because its homologies are found in many other antibiotic biosynthetic gene clusters, we speculated that med-ORF10 and its homologous genes are essential in these antibiotics biosynthetic pathways, and they may regulate the biosynthesis of these antibiotics.
     In order to investigate the function and mechanism of a proposed transcription regulator gene (med-ORF10) in the medermycin biosynthetic gene cluster, we utilized genetics, molecular biology, analytical chemistry methods to determine med-ORF10 function in vivo, and performed a preliminary study on its action mode:
     1. Genetic experiments show that med-ORF10 possesses a regulatory function
     Firstly, we introduced a med-ORF10-containing plasmid pHSL98, derived from a streptomyces auto-replicating plasmid pWHM4*, into a medermycin-producing strain, Streptomyces sp. AM-7161, by protoplast transformation for overexpression of med-ORF10; Secondly, we determined the pigmentation level of over-expression strain AM-7161/pHSL98. Our data showed that the over-expression strain could accumulate obviouly stronger pigmentation than the wild type strain AM-7161 both on solid and liquid media, implying the over-expression of med-ORF10 can promote the production of medermycin; Thirdly, we measured the fermentation broth of AM-7161/pHSL98 by LC/MS, and found that the production of medermycin in the over-expression strain AM-7161/pHSL98 was promoted by about 2.3-fold as well as the production of an intermediate increased by about 6-fold. These data show that med-ORF10 may be a regulatory gene as an activator.
     2. Target genes located in the medermycin gene cluster and regulated by med-ORF10 were determined using RT-PCR
     Firstly, we extracted total RNAs respectively from two strains ("heterologous-expression mutant strain Streptomyces coelicolor CH999/pAYT64" and "heterologous-expression wild-type strain Streptomyces coelicolor CH999/pIK340); Secondly, we performed half-quantiative RT-PCR using these total RNAs as templates and 23 S rRNA as control. Our data showed that the transcription of some genes including med-ORF12, med-ORF1 and med-ORF11 in the mutant CH999/pAYT64 was promoted at different levels, comparing to that in CH999/pIK340, suggesting that the expression of these genes might be regulated by med-ORF10 in a direct or indirect way.
     3. Preliminary study on the mechanism of med-ORF10 regulating target genes
     Firstly, we constructed a positive control system for promoter-detection in the wild-type Streptomyces sp AM-7161 using a proved constitutive promoter PactⅢwhich was cloned onto a streptomyces-promoter-probe vector pIJ8660 (the resultant plasmid was named as pHSL32). We introduced pHSL32 into AM-7161 by protoplast transformation, and could detect green fluorescence from GFP expression in AM-7161/pHSL32 under the fluorescence microscopy. Secondly, we analyzed the proposed promoter regions on the medermycin gene cluster and cloned the proposed promoter (Pmed-ORF12) of a main target gene med-ORF12 onto the same promoter-probe vector pIJ8660, and obtained a new plasmid pHSL33. The transformation of pHSL33 into AM-7161 was under the way.
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