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Innovation is viewed as one of the most important driving forces to obtain competition advantage. Organizational innovation (OI) and technological innovation (TI) are the organic compositions of enterprise innovation system. Organizational innovation upgrades the organizational effectiveness continuously through the innovative behavior of individual level, group level and organizational level. Technological innovation that takes the organization as carrier develops in the organization and has impacts on the organization. And the environment of organization can affect the effectiveness of the enterprise technology innovation. Effective coevolution of organizational innovation and technological innovation is the key factor to achieve total innovation management. Research on the impact of OI on TI is the important foundation and prerequisite for the realization of the coevolution. This study aims to discuss the impact of OI factors on TI. Based on the analysis of OI and TI evolutionary process, this study proposes co-evolution mechanism of OI and TI. On the foundation of the theoretical research, this study designs a model on the impact of organizational innovation factors on technological innovation. By using survey questionnaire and interview in high-tech manufacturing enterprises, the study combines structural equation modeling (SEM) to validate and measure the impact. Then applies System Dynamics (SD) Modeling and Simulation to investigate the dynamic impact of organizational innovation factors on technological innovation according to the theoretical research and the results of empirical study, and proposes some technological innovation-oriented organizational innovation strategies. This study takes the organization’s“bounded rationality”as a potential precondition on the overall course of explanation on the impact of organizational innovationon technological innovation, the combination of dialectic perspective empirical study as the logical framework.
     First of all, this study proposes evolution model of organizational innovation, analyzes the individual level, group level and organizationl level behavior of organizational innovation evolution, discusses the characteristics of the enterprise organizational innovation evolution, combines with the analysis of technological innovation evolution, discusses the co-evolution mechanism between organizational innovation and technological innovation, and researches on the co-evolution mechanism of organizational innovation and technological innovation to provide theoretical basis and framework.for the depth mining to the research on the impact of organizational innovation factors on technological innovation.
     Secondly, on the basis of the co-evolution analysis of organizational innovation and technological innovation, this paper that takes the the evolution process of organizational innovation as logical point construct the theoretical model of impact of OI factors on TI, discusses the impacts of the individual level, group level and organizationl level behavior of organizational innovation on technological innovation. And propose the hypothesis and the path model.
     Thirdly, this paper carries out organizational innovation and technological innovation in China High-Tech manufacturing survey, by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structure equation modeling (SEM) to validate the hypothesis and path model. The results show that organizational innovation has impacts on technological innovation, and measure the impact effect.
     At last, by using System Dynamics Modeling and Simulation discuss the dynamic impact of organizational innovation on technological innovation on the basis of the dialectic research and the results of empirical study. The results show that the impacts of the individual level, group level and organizationl level behavior of organizational innovation on technological innovation are different during the different Developing stage. The collaborative impact of the organizational level of organizational innovation on technological innovation is more significant. With the conclusions of the study, this paper provides some technological innovation-oriented organizational innovation strategy, such as strategy of dominating innovation by organizational leaders, strategy of organizational creativity cultivation and strategy of organizational creativity cultivation to supply theoretical basis and practical guidance for Innovation Management practice.
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