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For the contemporary academic circles, Edward Said is not an unfamiliar name. However, until today, Said's legendary life and his rich cultural heritage left for the world still as a topic for much discussion by the people but different people will have different conclusions. In particular, the breadth of his knowledge horizons, the depth involved in social politics and the large of academic criticism influence, making him become a rather open and realistic research theme. On the basis of existing research, this paper argues that a throughout and broad main line lurked in Said's critical practices, which is to give sustained attention and depth of loyalist on the powers of cultural representation. The main line not only connected seemingly scattered areas of his criticism, but also is an important starting point of criticism as a weapon actively involved in the real society and politics, and by that we can accurately grasp and understanding the core and the key of his critical practice. Thus, this paper will be placed Said's critical practices on cultural-political criticism and try to construct Said's unique system which I called cultural-political criticism:the powers of representation as the core issues, text, discourse, practice and identity are closely related to each other and logically profoundly different dimensions will constitute the four main aspects of Said's cultural-political criticism, then we can re-understanding of his academic orientation and the theoretical value, and strive to provide a new perspective, of re-understanding Said for us.
     The body of this paper is divided into4chapters:
     The first chapter, representation and text:return to worldliness. This chapter focuses on the material earriers and manifestation forms of cultural representation, that is text and "worldliness" of text which is seen as the logical basis of Said's cultural-political criticism. Under the far-reaching implications of Saussure's structural linguistics, research in the Held of literary theory was wallowing in the quagmire of the text, cutting the relevance between text and the world where the text derived from. It advocates that text is self-referential based on self-contained world, which makes literary studies separated from the real world of human existence and becoming a pure text drill of ivory tower. This Theoretical ideas and research methods from structuralism, poststructuralism as to deconstruction show the increasing popularity. As one of the American critics who early contacted and cited continental theory, Said was not blindly worth advocating, but took a skeptical and rational analysis, then presented a text-wortdliness concept, in order to correct the bias of the text theory. He described the meaning of text-worldliness by the three aspects, include existence of the text alive, interpretation of situation and the power of production. So he restored the relationship between the text and the world, which from the foundation text reproduces itself again back to the real world of mankind. But Said also negated reductionism that representation means text reflect the world of passive, he positioned it as a "constitutive interaction". We believe that worldliness of text as a starting point, emphasized the constitutive interaction between representation and our world, is the logical basis point and the guiding ideology of his all critical practices.
     The second chapter, representation and discourse:Orientalism. This chapter will discusse the main problem which is Orientalism as discourse. It focused on Edward Said's critique of Orientalism discourse that representetion of the East by the West is how to become a speech system and the power of rhetoric to the name of knowledge production. The object of this criticism is the Orientalism discipline, but Said is not focused on the disciplinary significance, but rather it is a system of text file composed by numerous Oriental studies text. Here Said draws on Foucault's concept of "discourse" and think of Orientalism text file as a kind of Orientalist discourse system. He pointed out that the "oriental" just is the representation of Orientalism discourse system, rather than the East existence. The construction of this discourse is the premise-style loop flow to consolidate and strengthen each other continuously between "imagined geography" and the disposal of text icons. Therefore, the critique of Orientalism discourse is not primarily going to Edward Said's way to represent the East existence, but directed at the Orientalism discourse how to construct and how to realize the construction in western social history and reality. More importantly, through the reverse path of the construction of the Orientalism discourse, Said focus on the interpretation of power in the Orientalism discourse when it represent the East, and conducted in-depth analysis of the power structure from three dimensions of institution, relation and function.
     The third chapter, representation and practice:counterpoint interaction. From the discourse turned to the practical level, Said out of sight of Western culture, and his perspective of criticism from the West to extend to the whole world outside the West. The so-called practice include two dimensions which include imperialist colonial practices and anti-colonial practices of the colonial peoples. In Said's opinion, interactive relationship between representation and practice is an important part in the colonial and anti-colonial practices. The one hand, the imperialist colonizers, cultural representation serve as the role of the conspirators, Said conducted in-depth interpretation respectively by the traditional cultural pattern of novels in19th century and contemporary popular culture form of the mass media in20th century as object text. On the basis of Williams's "structure of feeling" and further contextualization to invented the concept of "structure of attitude and reference" as a bonding link between cultural representation and the Empire colonial practices. On the other hand,"contrapuntal reading" as his methodological guidance on the point of view to explore the culture representation as the special role in the anti-colonial practices. Given significance to territory and national history is the primary task of the anti-colonial practices of the colonial peoples, and cultural resistance can only resort to represent and rewrite national history, traditions and social realities, in order to build cultural subjectivity and foundation of independent nation, Said extracted three forms of representation as the main mode of cultural resistance:anti-described imperial history, to rewrite the history of nation, and deconstruct center discourse of the imperialists.
     The fourth chapter, representation and identity:interculturality. The period of imperialism, or the post-imperialist period when imperial system has been disintegrated in form, which play a supportive role in all kinds of antagonism and confrontation in behind is identity, that is the cultural hard-core while at least since the imperialist period has been extended. The confrontational identity is always dominated by essentialism dualistic mode of thinking of "us"/"them", including two typical forms which are the Orientalism identity and the nationalism identity. In Said's opinion, identity is constructed by cultural representation of self and the Other, the key of Orientalism identity is always achive self-identity through the negative representation of the East, and nationalism identity from the third World colonial often represent their national culture, history and traditions as a pure, closed and exclusive nature of entity, in order to seek a collective identity and the formation of the shared ideology foundation of anti-colonial practices. Essentialism identity and the result of unnecessary antagonism and confrontation has become the stumbling block on the way towards the liberation. Said proposed the interculturality as the theoretical foundation of the flow identity as a solution to crack essentialism identity. This idea mainly from Said's own exile living experience, awareness of cultural hybridity and the revelation of Fanon's liberation philosophy, but the key is"our" and"their" experience and history should be represented as the common part of our experience in the development process of human society. To constitute the human world as a whole and in the coexistence, in order to replace the separation, the confrontation and the hierarchy of essentialism. Said's care and thought is to have sought to criticize and resist the powers of representation, called on the world adhere to the cosmopolitanism of the mind to shape human culture community, and further to promote the formation of the human social community, and all nations of the world and the country's people are freedom, equality and coexistence, and eventually achieve liberation of the human.
    ①Bill Asheorft and Pal Anluwalia. Edwad Said. London and New York:Routledge,2001, p5.
    ①Patrick Williams. EdwardSciid:1935-2003, in Theory,Cutlure&socicty,2004,SAGE,London,Thousand Oaks and New Delhi:vol.21(1)p169-171.
    ②Jennifer Wallace. "Exiled by Foes,Silenced by Friends ", in The Times Higher,London:Januaryl7,1997.
    ④Homi K.Bhabha.The Location of Culture. London and New York:Routledge.1994, p73.
    ④ Pal A.Bove,ed. Edward Said and the Work of the Critic:Speuknig Truth to Power.. Durham:Duke University Press,2000, p187-228.
    ③William V. Spanos. The legacy of Edward W. Said, University of Illinois Press,2009.
    ③Abdirahman A.Hussein. Edward Said:CritismandSociety. London:Verso,2002,p303.
    ②Chris Barker:《文化研究:理论与实践》,罗世宏主译,台北五南图书出版公司,2010年,第9页。
    ② Chris Barker②《文化研究:理论与实践》,罗世宏主译,台湾五南图书出版股份有限公司,2010年,第10页。
    ①Edward Said. Beginnings:Intention and Method. New York:Columbia University Press,1985,p339-343
    ②Edward Said. Beginnings:Intention and Method. New York:Columbia University Press.1985,封底
    ①Paul de Man. Allegories of Reading. New Haven and London,Yale University Press,1979,p10.
    ①本文主要参考王宇根译本(三联书店,1999年),部分引文参照英文版(London:Penguin Books,1991)和王志宏等译本(台北立绪文化事业有限公司,1999年)略作修改。
    ② Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman eds. Colonial Discourse and Post-colonial Theory:A Reader. New York:Harvester Wheatsheaf,1994, p5.
    ③ Ania Loomba. Colonialism/Postcolonialism. London and New York:Routledge,1998, p43.
    ①Peter Childs, Patrick Williams. An Introduction to Post-Colonial Theory. London:Prentice Hall,1997,p107.
    ①Bill Ashcroft and Pal Ahluwalia. Edward Said. London and New York:Routledge,2001,p93.
    ①Peter Brooker. Cultural Theory:A Glossary. New York:Arnold,1999,p125.
    ①Chris Barker:《文化研究:理论与实践》,罗世宏主译,台北五南图书出版公司,2010年,第236页。
    ① Chris Barker:《文化研究:理论与实践》,罗世宏主译,台北五南图书出版公司,2010年,第237页。
    ③Julian Wolfrey. Critical Keywords in Literary and Cultural Theory:New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2004,p58.
    ②Michael Sprinker,ed. Edward Said:A Critical Reader. Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,1992,p231-232.
    Abdirahman A.Hussein. Edward Said:Critism and Society.London:Verso,2002.
    Ania Loomba. Colonialism/Postcolonialism. London and New York:Routledge,1998.
    Bill Asheorft and Pal Anluwalia. Edwad Said. London and New York:Routledge,2001.
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    Paul de Man. Allegories of Reading. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1979.
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    Chris Barker:《文化研究:理论与实践》,罗世宏主译,台北:五南图书出版公司,2010年。

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