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Machine Translation is to apply the computer into the translation of one natural language into another. As the main bearer of information, the translation quality of named entities has a very important impact on the text translation, and named entities translation also become a research focus.
     After the study of transliteration of person names and placename, the translation of address and organization name is the next issue to be resolved. At present, as the existing Chinese-English bilingual corpus of organization name and address is extremely scarce, the current main translation technology SMT can not play to its advantages. To address the above situation, we propose a Chinese organization names translation system which employs a model-based high-precision segmentation method, and a Chinese organization address translation system which combined a organization address segmentation method for MT and a unit-based translation mechanism. In detail, this thesis is arranged as the following:
     1. A CKY grammar is employed to format Chinese organization name, and we designed a high-precision segmentation method based on the grammar. Ambiguities in organization name are eliminated by combining the segmentation results of organization segmentation and address segmentation.
     2. A relevant structural features and knowledge base were obtained on a complete research of the organization address composition, and a segmentation approach for MT was proposed. The experimental results show that the performance of this method is efficient.
     3. After Chinese organization address has been divided into a series of address units, a corresponding translation mechanism is need for the translation task. Therefore, we proposed a unit-based translation approach to acquire the translation of different address unit. Through automated access to CTR, rule conflict which widely range exists in the rule-based translation system is solved.
     4. This paper designed a Chinese address translation system and a Chinese organization name translation system. The experiments show that, with the help of several thousand bilingual pairs, the two systems reach the 97.28% and 91.26% by 5-point scale score standard respectively.
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