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Urbanization is a natural historical process that accompanied by industrialization development, non-agricultural industries agglomeration in urban and rural population to urban concentration. It is an objective trend of the development of human society and an important symbol of modernization of a country. Urbanization could be either classical form that population to urban agglomeration since the industrial revolution, or postmodern form that population and resources to rural agglomeration in the post-industrial stage. It is believed that the urban-rural relations is transforming, as long as the population and resources re-adjust in whichever form in urban-rural spatial.
     The rural-urban transform mode of developed countries in the stage of post-industrial belongs to population and resources scattered over small towns and villages, which from the mode of population and resources concentrated in certain central cities. In fact, the rural-urban transform path that after the population urbanization rate reached50is different from before in the western countries. It emphases more on guiding economic factors diffusing rather than gathering in urban society. In2013, the urbanization rate of China was53.7, and more developed metropolitan areas such as Beijing, Shanghai and other cities reached more than80. It means that the urban-rural relationship in metropolitan areas might appear historical leap.
     Research on temporal-spatial process of rural-urban transform of metropolitan area, showing that the industrialization is moving to urban-rural integration after experienced the urban industrialization and urban-rural industrialization. Including rural begins independent urbanization on the basis of the endogenous industrialization. However, such a transform path is not been recognized, which results directly in the urbanization mode lags behind the process. Because of economic factors spatial diffusion in post-industrial stage, as well as the trend from non-equilibrium to equilibrium of space development lack of reasonable guidance, consequently "city diseases" and "the decline of countryside" appear in central cities of metropolitan areas.
     Taking Beijing as the representative, the paper studied the changes of villages in metropolitan areas, finding that villages in the post-industrial stage differ from traditional rural and has new connotation. Economic factors diffuse and rural urbanization starts in developed countries in the post-industrial stage. But such spatial economic trend encountered obstacles in China. The reason is that the different understanding of "urban" and "rural". The urban-rural division based on land tenure systems which were addressed in the Constitution in China. Therefore the traditional villages of metropolitan areas are still "rural" even if it is homogeneous with "cities" in spatial density, industrial structure, employment structure and lifestyle after the completion of the industrialization. The main path of rural-urban transform still is land urbanization, which will inevitably lead to "population urbanization" lags behind "land urbanization".
     The paper argues that rural independent urbanization which bases on the endogenous industrialization is the inherent requirement of rural-urban transform of metropolitan areas in the post-industrial stage. Not only is the effective measure to share central city functions, but also it is fundamental way to revitalize rural vitality. The key part of independent urbanization is innovation of transformation mechanisms.
① Gappert, Gary. Post-Affluent America:The Social Economy of the Future. New York:Praeger Publishers,1979:31
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    16 Jean Gottmann.The Comeing of The Transactional City, Institute for Urban Studies (College Park. Md.)1983
    17 孟晓晨.后工业化社会的城市.国外人文地理,1987,2:87-111
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    19 李连仲.中外城市郊区化发展异同.城乡建设,2004,10:73-75
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    21 Bruegmann, R. Urban sprawl.International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences,2001:16087-16092
    22 Sierra Club. The Dark Side of the American Dream:The Costs andConsequences of Suburban Sprawl, Challenge to Sprawl Campaign, College Park, MD, undated
    23 Yan, S., Ding, C.R. Smart urban growth for China.Cambridge:Lincoln Institute of Land Use Policy,2009:16
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    25 韩忠.后工业化城市与制造业—以旧金山为例.城市问题,2008,11:83-87
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    27 对于大都市区、都市圈、城市地区城市群等概念,由于翻译和理解的差异,这些概念在使用上纷繁的现象不仅存在与国内,国际上也是如此,如常见的英文表达有Conurbation,Metropolis,Metropolitan Circle, Metropolitan Region, Metropolitan Belt, Megalopolis, Urban Agglomeration等。需要说明的是本文所使用的大城市地区概念,在一般空间意义上与都市区和都市圈不作区分,仅在我国特殊的行政区划和市制层面上作为有区别的概念使用。
    28 许学强,林先扬等.国外大都市区研究历程回顾及启示.城市规划学刊,2007,2:09-15.
    29 Halfacree, K., Boyle, P. Migration, rurality and the post-productivist countryside. In:Boyle, P., Halfacree, K. (Eds.),Migration into Rural Areas:Theories and Issues. Wiley, Chichester,1998:1-20
    30 Jollivet, M. (Ed.). Vers un rural postindustrial:rural environnement dans huit pays europeens.L'Harmattan, Paris.Montrettan.1997:13-26
    31 Murdoch, J., Day, G. Middle class mobility, rural communities and the politics of exclusion. In:Boyle, P., Halfacree, K. (Eds.), Migration into Rural Areas:Theories and Issues. Wiley, Chiche-ster,1998:186-199
    32 转引自王洁刚.农村、乡村概念比较的社会学意义.学术论坛,2001,2:127-130
    33 如在《辞海》中农村或乡村是通用的概念,均指指“以农业经济为主的”人口聚居地区,农村人口即乡村人口。
    34 张小林.乡村概念辨析.地理学报,1998,7:365-371
    35 安虎森.新区域经济学.大连:东北财经大学出版社,2010:276-287
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    37 陈映芳.城市中国的逻辑.上海:三联书店,2012:422426
    38 从来自不同领域的文献来看,关于城乡关系的讨论中,有两个相联系的提法即“城市化”和“城镇化”,但就表达的内容来看使用哪一种提法,已经不是概念之争,其基本内涵是一致的。由于城镇化是目前中央既定的政策提法,所以近年来,绝大部分学者使用“城镇化”的提法。由于二者所表达的内涵一致,因此在本文中对两种提法不做区分,使用时仅考虑语义上的流畅。
    39 Klaassen, L. H. and Scimeni, G.'Theoretical issues in urban dynamics', in L.H. Klaassen, W. T. M. Molle and J. H. P. Paelinck (eds), Dynamics of Urban Development. Aldershot:Gower.1981:8-28 Berg, L. van der, Drewett, R., Klaassen, L.H., Rossi, A.and Vijverberg, C.H.T. Urban Europe, vol.1:A Study of Growth and Decline. Oxford:Pergamon.1982:31-36
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    44 赵树枫,陈光庭,张强等.世界乡村城市化与城乡一体化.城市问题.1998:23-30
    45 H.孟德拉斯著,李培林译.农民的终结.北京:中国社会科学出版社,1991
    46 Ronan-Paddison. Handbook of Urban Studies. SAGE Publications London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, 2001:180
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    50 有关中国各级规模城市数量的数据转引自张敦富,孙久文.中国区域城市化道路研究.北京:中国轻工业出版社,2008:121
    51 候丽.对计划经济体制下中国城镇化的历史新解读.城市规划学刊,2010,2:70-78
    52 张强.乡村与城市融合发展的选择:北京城乡一体化发展研究.中国农业出版社,2006:22
    53 基于国防安全的考虑,期间大搞“山、散、洞”分散式的三线企业,基础设施投资与原有城镇脱离,布局较为分散,不能提供较多的非农就业机会,为了缓解城市人口以及由此引发的福利压力,国家号召知识青年下乡接受贫下中农的再教育,据《中国劳动工资资料(1949-1985)》统计,1967-1977年,参与“上山下乡”的知青和干部下放达到150万人,全国从城市向农村迁移的总人口数达到4000万,这也使得新中国历史上第二次逆城市化运动得以出现。
    54 转引自:顾朝林,于涛方,李王鸣.中国城市化:格局·过程·机理.北京:科学出版社,2008:60
    56 范恒山,陶良虎.中国城市化进程.北京:人民出版社,2009:18.
    57 陈佳贵,黄慧群等.中国工业化进程报告(1995-2010).北京:社科文献出版社,2012:1-61.
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    61 胡鞍钢,马伟.现代中国经济社会转型:从二元结构到四元结构(1949-2009),清华大学学报(哲学杜科版),2012.1
    62 资料来源:根据《中国统计年鉴》(1992)整理,如无注释下同。
    63 中华全国总工会,中共中央文献研究室.毛泽东邓小平江泽民论工人阶级和工会工作.北京:中央文献出版杜,2002:36-37
    64 张京祥,罗震东.中国当代城乡规划思潮.南京:东南大学出版社,2013:39
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    66 陈吉元、韩俊主编,中国农村工业化道路.北京:中国社会科学出版社,1993
    67 数据来源:《中国统计年鉴》(各年)、《中国乡镇企业年鉴》(各年)
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