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Since Marshallian Industrial District (MID) was rediscovered, the benefits of industrial agglomeration have been highlighted while its negative effects almost neglected. Considering that industrial district is unstable in structure and change is its essence, to clarify the conception and analytical structure of its restructuring and to learn from various kinds of domestic and foreign industrial restructuring cases will deepen our understanding on the dynamic evolution of the industrial district as well as its restructuring process. As the problems that local economy in China may encounter during its development always emerge earlier in Wenzhou, the industrialization pioneer in China, the study on restructuring industrial district in Wenzhou will have great practical significance on China's regional economy in transformation.
     Theoretical research on restructuring industrial district should integrate many disciplines, such as uneven development theory, cluster life-cycle theory, institutional change theory, evolutionary economic geography theory, technical innovation theory, local development theory under globalization, etc. Restructuring industrial district originated from query on agglomeration advantages and interpretation on declining industrial districts in western countries. The theoretical system for the restructuring industrial district should be constructed in the context of the new international division of labor and regional production regime transformation. From the perspective of evolution, the restructuring of industrial district can be understood as a response gather of negative lock-in on a region and it is a specific phrase in the life circle of an industrial district. The core feature of dominant mechanism for industrial district restructuring is "an inclination to change", exemplified by regional resilience. There are various features of restructuring for old industrial bases in Europe and America, high-tech industrial districts, Marshallian Industrial District (MID) and industrial districts in newly industrialized countries. Restructuring industrial district in China is most prominent in north-eastern rust belt and coastal areas in the east. Since the end of last century, Wenzhou has entered the phrase of adjustment and restructuring. Based on case study and investigation, this paper conducts research on restructuring industrial district in Wenzhou from the aspects of space, evolution and the embeddedness in global production networks. The key findings are as follows:
     (1) Restructuring industrial district in Wenzhou is a process of multi-dimension spatial transference, and the route of the intra-regional spatial restructuring shows that the enterprises move from their places of origin to regions in higher hierarchy. To make it more specific, regions such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Sichuan, Chongqing and Jiangxi are the main domestic destinations for the relocation of Wenzhou enterprises, production sector migration in particular, while Shanghai, Guangdong are the main destinations for R&D sector and headquarter migration and multi-purpose migration is scattered more extensively. The average migration year of sample enterprises is2003and samples from eight industries are different in migration features. US, UAE and Russia are the top three countries that Wenzhou enterprises conduct foreign investment in and shoe leather industry boasts the most foreign investment programs. Industrial district spatial restructuring of Wenzhou was the result of spatial evolution of the division of labor, which has scale up to the national even globle range around the year2005. The three spatial restructuring modes in Wenzhou, including low-cost oriented spatial diffusion, production networks transfer and the restructuring of learning space, deserve more attention.
     (2) The restructuring of Wenzhou Shuitou leather industrial district represents the process mechanism of adaptive restructuring and embodies the importance of constructing resilient industrial district. As environment lock-in emerged, traditional tannery industry in Shuitou leather industrial district was gradually replaced by two new industries--leather belt and pet products manufacturing. The development of these new industries was inevitably related to the contingency of trigger and chance, but the effects of selection environment of enterprises, government and local institutional thickness also played a vital role. The adaptive restructuring of Shuitou leather industrial district was along with path-dependent innovations. By making a comparison between Shuitou leather industrial district and Yaoxi synthetic leather industrial district, we find that the adaptability to the region and resilience of the industrial district are the key elements deciding which industrial districts could successfully cope with shocks and stay vibrant; institution, related variety and industry characteristics are the sources of resilience difference.
     (3) Wenzhou auto parts industrial district is a typical communitarian market. As the industrial district stemmed from after-market, the main mode of its restructuring was to expand its business scope from after-market to global vehicle accessories supply market. And the essence is that, in the context of new global division of labor, local industrial district endeavors to get rid of the relatively closed local production network with the purpose to blend in with the global production network and get access to more values. Thanks to social network analysis (SNA) and structural holes analysis, author find that the group power of sample enterprises in production network has been strengthened after they integrated with global automakers, but the leading enterprise of global production network (followed by local leading enterprise) still hold the most power of the enterprise. After blending in with global production network, local auto parts enterprises are easily trapped by strong relationship lock-in. Therefore, enterprises in industrial district tend to increase supporting brands and lessen their dependence on vehicle manufacturers so as to elevate their standing and powers in global production network. The separation of production networks would take place in the process of industrial district restructuring. After blending in with global production network, local leading enterprises would gradually get rid of local production network and their role as technology gatekeeper becomes diminished.
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