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With the in-depth development of economic globalization, internationaleconomic cooperation more widely, deeply, shows new features in the new mode, aseries of concern. In particular, Chinese economy since the reform and opening up toforeign trade, foreign direct investment, foreign direct investment, the momentum ofrapid development, industrial structure continual readjustment change, industrialagglomeration of increasingly significant. In this process, the deepening andmanufacturing agglomeration pattern of international economic cooperation hasbecome an important feature of Chinese evolution in economic growth.This paperattempts to international economic cooperation effect mechanism Chinesemanufacturing industries were discussed, and the influence of international economiccooperation China manufacturing industrial agglomeration of empirical testing, sofrom two aspects of theory and empirical demonstration of the international economiccooperation on the positive impact of Chinese manufacturing industrialagglomeration, further put forward the proper use of the international economycooperation to promote manufacturing industry cluster policy suggestions, to providereference for policy making.
     In the current study, the opening to the outside world manufacturing industrieson the positive impact China has basically been confirmed, but the lack of specializedresearch, detailed impact on international economic cooperation and theagglomeration of manufacturing industries. Therefore, in this paper the collection andcollation of information related to the premise, mechanism of the effect ofagglomeration on international economic cooperation and the manufacturing industrywere discussed, and the empirical analysis, provides the reference for the policymakers.
     In theory, based on reviewing the existing researches at home and abroad, theinfluence mechanism analysis about foreign trade, international direct investment, regional economic integration on the agglomeration of manufacturing industry's pointof view, analysis, summed up the international economic cooperation and themanufacturing industry agglomeration interaction, mutual influence, forming acircular causality cumulative. In the long term, the industry of international economiccooperation and industry agglomeration is nonlinear relationship between an invertedU type. That, along with the international economic cooperation degree unceasingenhancement, manufacturing industry concentration decreased after rising trend.
     The empirical research, this paper from the actual China of reform and openingup, the stages of Chinese international economic cooperation, manufacturing industrycluster evolution and features, studied. Before the reform and opening up, theinternational economic cooperation Chinese to foreign aid; after the opening, is theintroduction of capital and technology from developed countries through variouschannels, to carry out joint ventures and foreign economic cooperation in developingcountries, according to the different situation to carry out various forms of; at thepresent stage, is actively promoting the building and its neighboring countries andregions of the FTA the. In this context, industrial clustering and show the spatialdistribution of "blossom everywhere" situation subject to policy constraints in theplanned economy period; in the reform and opening up, the evolution of a model ofagglomeration in eastern region as the center; at the present stage, the spatialdistribution of manufacturing industries in the continuation of the East orientedpattern, further enhance the degree of agglomeration of manufacturing industries.
     On the basis of the above study, this paper makes an empirical test on therelationship between the China international economic cooperation and theagglomeration of manufacturing industries, state, region two aspects of internalrelations China international economic cooperation and agglomeration ofmanufacturing industry is studied. The national level, through correlation, regressionanalysis and factor analysis were investigated; the regional level, this paper takes1991-2012years of time sequence, were investigated China agglomeration of31provinces. The results show that, significant correlation in international economiccooperation and industrial China agglomeration of manufacturing industries has apositive role. Specifically, the influence of international economic cooperation China manufacturing agglomeration mainly foreign direct investment and internationaloutsourcing for the processing trade development of form as the main driving force,to participate in the international division of production is an important factor topromote the manufacturing industry geographic agglomeration. At present, Chinamanufacturing agglomeration degree is not high, deepen international economiccooperation has not yet been brought to disperse agglomeration, further enhance theopposite will promote the manufacturing agglomeration degree.
     Finally, based on the theoretical and empirical, workable policyrecommendations on Chinese international economic cooperation to promote themanufacturing agglomeration effects are proposed. First, actively sought andparticipate in international economic cooperation; second, make full use of foreignadvanced technology, to create a low carbon industry new value chain; third, trainingof endogenous technology ability and the ability of independent innovation.
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