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In face of the great wave of white hair, it becomes necessary and inevitable to reform the mode of supply welfare service for the elderly, as a type of rivalrous public goods. The macro orientation of "Little Government and Great Social" means to reduce the proportion that government holds in public resource configuration and to strengthen the basic role of social gradually.
    In the end of 20th century, it was declared that China has come into aged social structure; as a result, aged welfare has become key task and drawn attentions from whole social circles. During the period of social reform, the emergency of Nonprofit Organizations (NPO), especially various aged welfare organizations, has brought huge vigor for supply of aged welfare service. They played more and more important roles and have been main part in supply mode of welfare service for the aged.
    On the basement of theoretical research, welfare service for the aged is a type of "rivalrous public goods" in essence. The analysis framework is composed of "Rose Mix Welfare Formula" and dynamic figures.
    Except theoretical research, the main content of the thesis is as follows:
    Firstly, there exists five periods that Chinese social welfare system underwent from history aspect. Before 1990's, traditional supply mode operated, which is generalized as "Three-Phase Separated" residual mode, where three-phase means "Family→Danwei→Government" system.
    As development of market economic and transition of social structure, the tradition supply mode is impacted strongly, including exterior challenge and interior conflict. Having discussed these impacts comprehensively, a conclusion is drawn that "three-phase" gets complicated and "separate" gets confluent, and then "Poly-Element Confluent" supply mode is constructed simply.
    After comparing practice of several cities, Shanghai City mode named "Government Procurement" is selected, and its conception, principles, ways, supplying connections, management connections are empirically studied. In particular, the roles of government and NPO are analyzed detailedly.
    Finally, five pieces of constructive policy advices were brought forward for government and NPOs, including that government of all levels should encourage social force to build welfare service organizations for the aged, according to their economic development environment; that relevant laws and institution on government procurement and NPO management should be advanced step by step; that other social medial agencies should be breeded, such as fundraising organizations, supervising organizations, evaluating organizations, associated organizations and information organizations; that aged welfare organizations should broaden external social relation and improve inner management; that social culture should be enhanced to provide well environment for the development of the aged and aged welfare organizations.
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