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Subjective well-being may be defined as people's global evaluation of their lives by their own criteria. It's an important psychological index of life quality. The study of subjective well-being which concentrates on positive affection offers people a new perspective to understand psychology. A study on subjective well-being of the college students will enrich the theoretical contents of Positive Psychology, and the result of subjective well-being study will help direct mental health education efficiently and improve the level of body-mind health of college students. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance.
    Based on the review of the concepts, measure method of subjective well-being, and the current research situations of college students' subjective well-being, the paper made a tentative study on the dimension of subjective well-being, the characteristic of college students' subjective well-being and the relationship between subjective well-being and personality traits. The assessment scale we used was made up by ourselves and it was a reliable and valid instrument. The main conculsions are as follows:
    1. The College Students Subjective well-being Inventory is composed of 7 factors: positive emotion, negative emotion, friend satisfaction, environment satisfaction, family satisfaction, affection satisfaction, and study & self satisfaction.
    2. There are some differences in subjective well-being in different groups of college students. The subjective well-being of college students has some characteristics: The female college students' scores of Subjective well-being are higher than those of male students. The students majored in art and gym are more happier than other students. As for the grade difference of subjective well-being, the students of grade 3 is the happiest. The students from city have higher subjective well-being scores than those from countryside, and economical no-needy students have a better subjective well-being than needy students.
    3. There is close relation between subjective well-being and personality traits. Subjective well-being is positively correlated with extraversion, while negatively correlated with neuroticism and psychoticism. The students of extroversion-low neuroticism have the highest subjective well-being. According to the results, three pieces of suggestions for improving the level of college students subjective well-being are presented: 1) Thinking of subjective well-being from 7 aspects, and carrying out positive emotional education. 2) especially improving the study & self satisfaction of college students and paying attention to some students life satisfaction. 3) cultivating the good personality of alacrity for college students and keeping their emotion stable.
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