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Currently China is experiencing an significant period of construction for a resource-saving and environment-friendly society as well as overall construction for a well-off society. However, the constraint of resource and environment on economic development is strengthening and regional sustainable development is severely challenged for the remaining structural contradiction and extensive economic growth formed in the course of regional economic development. During the "Eleventh Five-Year" period, "a research on the correlation between urban functional structure and land use pattern ", a sub-project of the project "a research on key technologies of economic use of urban construction land " that is then sub-projcct of "a research on key technologies of economic use of urban land and regional planing" supported by the Ministry of Science and technology, aims at studying the correlation between land use structure, industrial structure and economic development in order to provide references for decision making of national strategies. It is required by the report of "the 17th Session of the General Assembly" that, " the industrial structure should be optimized and upgraded while construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society should be strengthen in order to enhance sustainable development capacity of our nation." It was then further suggested in "National Economy and Social Development of the proposed Twelfth Five-Year Plan" that, the strategic adjustment of economic structure would be the main object for accelerating the transformation of economic development while the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society would be a major focus. Thus the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and also the economical and intensive use of resources has become the key words in the New Development Strategy.
     The core of the strategic adjustment of economic structure is industrial structure adjustment which finally realize according to the adjustment of spatial structure which in some extent is land use structure. Thereby industrial structure adjustment would be certainly and closely affected by the land use structure. However, as the existing urban land has been occupied by the existing industries and the extensive land use mode would have been no longer feasible, land scarcity has become a main restraint factor in the course of regional economic development and industrial structure adjustment. Therefore, it is of great significance both in theory and in practice to recognize and coordinate the relationship between urban land use structure and industrial structure which would accelerate the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, promoteing the economical and intensive utilization of land resources, alleviating the land resource constraints worked due to economical development, thereby improving the efficiency of macro control policies.Based on this background, the correlation between the evolution of urban land use structure and the evolution of industrial structure was explored, the mechanism and interface measured from the both macro and micro perspective and vertical and horizontal angle, and then suggestions on the coordination and optimization of urban land use structure and industrial structure was raised up. Thesis framework includes the following components:
     (1)In the first Chapters and second Chapter, topic is elaborated. The literature was reviewed, the research dynamic on domestic and overseas is combined and supporting theories as location theory, rent geography, intensive land use theory, economic growth theory, industrial cluster theory and system theory are provided. Then the paper set forth about research background, significance of the paper, research objectives and content, research approach and methods, the key issues to be solved, and also data sources.
     (2)Chapter three is about the theoretical explanation of correlation between the urban land use structure and industrial structure. Based on the definition of the core concepts of urban land use structure and industrial structure, the general evolution disciplinarian and characteristics of spatial layout of urban land use structure and industrial structures are mainly analyzed, and their interactive relationship is studied.
     (3)From Chapter four to six, it is about the evolution characteristic of urban land use structure and industrial structure and quantitative analysis between the two. Methods of canonical correlation analysis, statistical analysis, Granger causality test, path analysis were employed in order to study the evolution characteristic of urban land use structure and industrial structure and quantitative analysis between the two from the vertical and horizontal dimensions.
     (4)Chapter seven is about typical case. Based on the mountain city-Chongqing City as a typical example, Characteristics and problems of evolution of the urban land use structure and industrial structure about Chongqing City was analyzed while the characteristics of the correlation between urban land use structure and industrial structure and macro-level similarities and differences were studied.
     (5)In Chapter eight, suggestions on coordination and optimization of urban land use structure and industrial structure are provided. Base on the the fact of urban land use and industrial development, plans on coordination and optimization of urban land use structure and industrial structure are provided while related guaranteeing mechanism and system are offered so as to transform the economic development mode and so utilize land resource intensively and economically.
     (6) Chapter nine summarizes the research findings and propose future research directions.
     Research conclusions are as follows:
     (1)Though interaction and mutual restriction exists between urban land use structure and industrial structure, different mechanisms and paths there were. On the one hand, urban land use structure determines the layout of urban industry, and thereby determines the scale and effectiveness of the industry. Optimal allocation of land resources would provides the material basis for the optimization of industrial structure. In other words, rational land use will promote the optimization and upgrading of urban industrial structure while irrational land use will hinder the optimization process of industrial structure. On the other hand, the industrial development level and industrial structure would have reaction on the mode,the structure and spatial layout of land use which then affect the allocation efficiency and utilization efficiency of land resouree. The scale of industry determine the scale of land use, and the focus of industrial development determine the focus of land use.
     (2)Since the 1990s, the optimization of urban land use structure and industrial structure in China are improving in general. The proportion of industrial land gradually decreased while the proportion of public facilities, roads, squares and green land increased suggesting the improving of poor infrastructure, urban public services and overall capabilities. Yet problems are also obvious such as the high proportion of industrial land and the low proportion of squares and green land. As the industrial structure change in the future, which means that the labor productivity decline in the first industry and rise in the second and third industries with the narrowing downgap of comparative labor productivity among the three, the dual structure of the city would get ameliorated and the deviation of industrial structur get declined while the optimization and coordination are obviously significant.
     (3)The change of urban land use structure and industrial structure showed synchronous fluctuate trend, yet the variation rate of land use structure is lower. In a short term, The probability of the changes of urban industrial structure accounting for the viaration of urban land use structure is higher the later one as a casual factor to the former one, whereas there were a relationship of interaction and reciprocal causation in a long term. The change of coupling and coordination degree showed a fluctuating but ascending trend:low coupled with low coordination-coordination of the general coupling-Intermediate coupling of high coordination. Taking the capital city for example, it is in categories with low or general degree of coordination and coupling, especially the general one which also suggest its high potentials.
     (4)The disparities between the urban land use structure and industrial structure are remarkable among different types of cities. From the geographical difference view, the index of the industrial structure has a greater direct influence coefficient to the urban land use structure of cities in the east than others, and present a positive correlation with the information entropy of the urban land use structure; the employment structure even has greater affecting intensity than the output structure. From the perspective of the variety of scales, the relation between the structure of employment and output and the urban land use information entropy of large cities, major cities present negative and positive, and the intensity of the output value is greater than employment structure. The employment structure and output structure show positive relation with the land use information entropy value of Metrpolis with the former has a stronger effect. To the opposite, the direct path show negative in middle and small cities. As from views of functions, the relation of employment structure and output structure with land use information entropy in Metrpolis are negative and positive, and in addition, the output structure play a greater important role. The proportion of tertiary industry and the urban land use of the second industry show a positive correlation while the others negative with the effect of employment structure being greater than the output structure in cities of special traffic and transport or cultural tourism cities. The most negative correlation between the industrial structure and land use information entropy suggest the inconsonance between the employment structure and land-use output structure with the urban land use.
     (5)Chongqing is currently experiencing the accelerating development period of the middle stage of industrialization, the existing industrial land possess a large proportion while the proportion of roads. squares and green land is low, problems such as the irrational distribution of land space, function partition is not clear are existing. The variation amplitude of urban land use structure in Chongqing is large and its changing speed is fast, which is faster though the difference have become smaller, than the changing speed of industrial structure that the tendency is opposite to the nation. Weak correlation there is between urban secondary industry output and the proportion of residential land and transportation land ratio, however negative correlation exist there between urban secondary industry output and the proportion of special land use, storage space, public facilities and industrial site while positive correlation between urban secondary industry output and the proportion of green space and square and road. The proportion of public facilities. industrial land, warehouse space, the transportation land and special land use was a negatively correlated with urban tertiary industry; and the proportion of residential land, roads and squares, public facilities and green space was a positively correlated with it, especially the correlation coefficient with the largest green space is highest. In a short term, no cause and effect exist between urban land use structure and industrial structure in Chongqing suggesting that they should be adjusted in the long term in order to realize it.
     The paper finally proposed the countermeasures of optimization and harmonious development of urban land use structure and the industrial structure as follows:combining the economical and intensive land use and the transforming of economic development while a combination of urban land use policy and industrial policy. The Mechanism Innovation get improved including:the establishment of a sound evaluation of the implementation plan oversight mechanism to coordinate urban planning and industrial planning; improving of the land market mechanism which play a fundamental role in market allocation of resources; perfecting the lever mechanism of land rent for promoting urban land replacement. Innovation in the system includes:the establishment of statistical system of urban industrial land to carry out land-based industry classification system; establishing urban land use evaluation system which set different evaluation systems of intensive use of land in different industries and land use standards and evaluation methods; establishment of urban industrial land dynamic monitoring system.
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