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     表面等离子体共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)传感器是近年来迅速发展起来的新型光学传感器,其原理在于当光在棱镜与金属膜表面上发生全反射现象时,其对应的入射角即SPR角与金属表面结合的分子质量成正比。它具有实时、无需标记、在线分析等优势,可通过换能器,将传感器芯片表面配体与分析物作用的生物信号转换为可检测的光电物理信号,实现对样本中靶分子的检测。在传感器相关检测中以PCR为代表的核酸扩增技术常被用于提高检测限。但由于复杂的热循环过程带来的非特异性扩增、与芯片表面扩增的不兼容性以及增加的检测成本,仍然是需要考虑的问题。RCA是一种恒温的DNA扩增过程,可于短时间内在固相载体表面扩增出上千倍互补与环状模板的串联重复序列。与传统PCR相比,RCA具有无需循环控温、线性扩增、扩增产物易于固定等优势,近年来成为一种新颖的信号扩增工具用于DNA等痕量物质的超敏检测。恒温连接酶的特异性使该方法对单碱基突变有较高的敏感度和分辨率,具有链置换活性的多聚酶使该扩增反应能在恒温条件下进行,且靶序列仅作为生成环状模板的支架,避免了可能的扩增污染和潜在的生物危害。
     本研究结合课题组前期的研究基础,将芯片表面锚定RCA与SPR生物传感技术相整合,建立了一种新型的恒温扩增型SPR生物传感器阵列,利用自行设计的标签型锁式探针(Padlock Probe, PLP),可实现多重点突变的恒温、高通量、无标记检测。并将其运用于结核杆菌耐药相关基因突变位点的多重检测,可直接对结核杆菌核酸及其多重耐药基因的5种常见突变位点进行恒温快速检测,为结核分枝杆菌及耐药基因快速鉴定和流行病学调查等提供坚实的实验基础。
     1.利用磁珠颗粒模拟固相反应体系,根据生物配体的共价偶联将氨基修饰的寡核苷酸探针(捕获探针)固定于羧基修饰的磁珠表面构成固相反应生物敏感膜,探讨固相RCA反应的具体方式和最优反应体系。利用SRBR-Green II对液相RCA扩增体系进行荧光定量观察,以确定液相扩增反应的最佳体系。
     3. NCBI数据库查找针对四种临床常用一线抗结核药物的5种耐药基因主要突变位点。利于Primer Premier5.0设计包含标签序列、通用序列、两端识别序列的锁式探针(PLP),并对形成的环状探针进行二级结构预测和分析。利于Array Designer4.0软件,设计包含标签序列探针,使各探针间保持较好的一致性和特异性。探讨杂交时间、杂交温度、扩增时间等各项反应条件对SPR信号值的影响,确定芯片表面RCA反应的最佳条件。
     5.根据GenBank找到的结核分枝杆菌16s-23s rRNA基因ITS序列,设计包含硫代磷酸化修饰的酶切位点的锁式探针,建立基于靶引物的液相RCA反应鉴定结核与非结核分枝杆菌SPR生物传感器检测方法,并实现液相RCA反应的无标记实时动态监测。
     1.完成以磁珠为载体的固相RCA体系构建,并确定以液相连接后固相载体表面扩增的方式进行反应。固相RCA的最佳反应体系为0.5U/μL Phi29DNA polymerase,0.2μg/μL BSA,5%DMSO,1mM dNTPs。连接产物及RCA产物电泳结果显示,仅在突变型靶序列存在条件下生成的环状模板可引发固相表面RCA反应,反之则无产物生成。
     2.成功构建新型恒温固相扩增型SPR生物传感器检测仪,传感器芯片为20mm x28.6mm镀金膜棱镜,检测流池为8通道串联流通池。系统温度控制范围为25℃-60℃,温控精度±0.1℃;流速范围为5-2000μL/min,流速控制精度为±1μL/min;检测池在反应中能保持稳定负压,以保证系统反应的稳定性;采用巯基末端修饰共价结合法将还原型捕获探针自组装于芯片金膜表面,探针浓度为1μM。
     4.针对5种临床常见结核杆菌耐药主要突变位点:异烟肼(INH):KatG315(AGC→ACC), inhA-15(ACG→ATG);利福平(PFP):rpoB526(CAC→TAC);乙胺丁醇(EMB):embB306(ATG→GTG);链霉素(SM):rpsL43(AAG→AGG),设计包含标签型锁式探针及相应捕获探针的探针组,并实现了芯片表面各突变位点的多重扩增检测,同一突变位点对突变型和野生型靶序列的SPR信号值差异明显(p <0.01),各突变位点间交叉反应结果显示SPR信号值差异明显(p <0.01)。
     5.建立的纳米金信号放大系统可有效提高检测的灵敏度,直径15nm的纳米金颗粒在pH7.5和8%工作浓度下可将SPR信号值(RCA放大后)放大2.1倍,与阴性和空白对照信号值比较有显著性差异(p <0.01)。对合成靶序列的检测检测限为5X10~(-12)M (59.1±7.1mo),且在10-12M至10~(-8)M浓度范围内成线性相关(y=615.29x+1323.8, R2=0.9846)。
     6.建立的液相target-primed RCA SPR生物传感器检测系统,可通过两步法在4h内完成对结核分枝杆菌群复合群(MTBC)和鸟型分支杆菌群复合群(MAC)的恒温(37℃)快速检测。SPR方法对临床标本的检测结果与菌种鉴定结果一致。最低检测限分别为MTBC:4.2X10~4CFU/mL (0.005ng/μL),MAC:3.7x10~4CFU/mL (0.002ng/μL);经特殊设计的锁式探针可使液相RCA反应与限制性内切酶反应同时进行,实现无标记的SPR实时动态监测RCA反应。
     7.采用试剂盒法和加热碱裂解法对24例临床分离株标本和10例临床分泌物样本提取基因组DNA结果显示,碱裂解法操作简便,对临床分泌物标本和临床分离株均有较好的提取效果,可作为样本的前处理方法。SPR传感器方法检测34例临床标本,检测限为8.2pg/μL (65.7±8.5mo)临床标本基因组DNA,临床灵敏度和特异性与测序方法比较分别katG315:92%和80%;inhA-15:100%和100%;rpoB526:94.4%和100%;embB306:95%和100%;rpsL43:100%和100%。经Kappa检验两种方法检测结果具有较好的一致性性差异(p <0.05, Kappa>0.75)。
     Due to the increase of population number and mobility, non-standard drug-use, as wellas the HIV/AIDS pandemic, a steady drug-resistant increase of M.tuberculosis hasthreatened tuberculosis (TB) control world-widely, despite advancements in the diagnosisand treatment of TB over the years. The multidrug-resistant strains were defined as beingresistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin. The emergence and spread of multidrug-resistantMycobacterium tuberculosis (MDRTB) even extensively drug resistant tuberculosis(XDRTB) posed an upward trend and represented an increasing public health problem.Conventional culture-based bacterial identification method or sequence analysis canprovide definitive results, however, it is time-consuming, laborious and expensive.Therefore, the development of simple, sensitive and low-cost method is important for therapid detection of drug-resistance. It is a timely and effective way to diagnose and manageTB patients, especially MDRTB infected.
     Because of high sensitivity of optical transducer, convenient operation and real-timemonitoring, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors have been adopted in numerousstudies on variety of bimolecular interaction including DNA, RNA, protein and bacteriumbased on different recognition elements. In a SPR biosensor assay, the change of therefractive index on the gold film correlates with the amount of analyte bound to the film. Inmost of SPR-based DNA detection with high sensitivity, nucleic acid amplification isadopted to amplify analyte mass, especially polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, thenonspecific amplification from complicated thermal circling step, non-compatibility withon-chip amplification and increase of detection cost are still problems to be considered.
     Focusing on the development of isothermal amplification methods, RCA has shown itsattraction due to the specificity and multiplexing besides simplicity. The L-RCA by ligase relies on base pairing principle which requires perfect complementarity on the ligation nick.It not only forbids the mismatch but also has a low occurrence of false positive results whencompared to PCR. When used as a signal amplification method, this property enabled highmultiplexing without interference, direct amplification on solid phase and precise productlocalization. Moreover, RCA amplifies the circular PLP only, without accumulation oftarget templates over time, which minimizes the risk of contamination and the potentialbiohazard.
     In this study, we developed a SPR DNA biosensor method combined withsurface-anchored RCA to isothermally detect multiple point mutations associated withdrug-resistance in MDRTB. The Au nanoparticle signal amplification was adopted tofurther improve the sensitivity. The sensitivity and specificity of the SPR detection systemwere evaluated and the application was tested in real clinical samples. Besides, we alsodeveloped a SPR real-time detection method by target-primed RCA to discriminate TBbacilli from nontuberculous mycobacteria. This study lays the groundwork for applying theSPR biosensor for isothermal and rapid detection of resisitence associated mutations inM.tuberculosis.
     1.The solid-phase RCA mode was contrasted by using magnetic beads. Theamino-modified oligonucleotide probe (capture probe) was immobilized on the surface ofthe carboxyl-modified magnetic beads through covalent coupling principle to form sensingmembrane. The optimum detection procedure and reaction condition were investigated. Theliquid phase RCA reaction condition was also investigated by the fluorescence quantitativemethod with SRBR Green II dye.
     2.Based on the previous study, the SPR biosensor platform was constructed withimprovements to increase the detection channel, improve temperature control, flow controland analyte circulating ways. The control software UMPHO-A600was designed tointerface with the SPR detector. The stability and reproducibility were evaluated. Theself-assembly of the sensor chip was improved to prepare microarrays.
     3.The sequences of five clinically meaningful mutations in MDRTB were searched forin the NCBI database. The padlock probe (PLP) containing a specific tag-sequence, ageneral sequence, and a target-specific region on each detection arm, was designed with Primer Premier5.0software. The capture probe containing tag-sequence with consistencyand specificity was designed by Array Designer4.0. The second structure prediction of thecircular PLP was also analyzed.
     4.Combination of Au nanoparticle signal amplification with the surface-anchored RCAresulted in cascade signal amplification on the chip surface. The experimental conditionsfor the detection system were also optimized. The synthetic oligonucleotides were used toevaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the detection system.
     5.According to the sequence of ITS in16s-23s rRNA gene found in GenBank, PLPwas designed to contain the restriction cutting site. The target-primed RCA was establishedto discriminate M.tuberculosis from NTM with the SPR biosensor. The dynamic real-timemonitoring of liquid-phase RCA with label-free manner was achieved.
     6.The detection system was demonstrated by targeting five resistance associatedmutations in MDRTB from34cased clinical samples. The sequencing was made asreference. The sensitivity and specificity of the developed SPR biosensor system formultiplex mutation detections of clinical samples were tested.
     1.The solid-phase RCA system was achieved on the carrier of magnetic beads and theamplification way was determined as ligation in solution combined with surfaceamplification. The optimum solid-phase RCA reaction condition was determined as0.5U/μL Phi29DNA polymerase,0.2μg/μL BSA,5%DMSO,1mM dNTPs. Theelectrophoresis verification showed that the circular PLP could be generated only in thepresence of mutant target to cause the following surface RCA reaction, whereas no reactionhappened.
     2.The sensor chip was the gold film prim with the size of20mm x28.6mm. Thedetection well was eight-channel tandem. The temperature was controlled with an accuracyof±0.1℃at25~60℃. The flow rate could be changed from5μL/min to2000μL/min withan accuracy of1μL/min. the detection well was in negative pressure to form a sealcondition to maintain the stability of the reaction during reaction. There was scarcelyinterference between channels to achieve the array detection. The thiol group modifiedcapture probes were self-assembled on the chip surface through the covalent binding withthe concentration of1μM.
     3.The designed PLP can distinguish the target with single-base mismatch. RCA canamplify the SPR signal for almost10-fold. The positive mutation detection is achieved witha wild-type to mutant ratio of5000:1. The electrophoresis bands of ligation products, RCAproducts and restriction enzyme products of RCA were accurate and clear. The designedcapture probes with the similar length and Tm values (<1℃) can react under the samecondition, but also owned the high specificity. The optimum hybridization temperature inligation was45℃, while on the chip surface was37℃. The RCA duration time was30min.
     4.The probe sets were designed to target five common clinical resistance associatedmutation site, including isoniazid (INH): KatG315(AGC→ACC), inhA-15(ACG→ATG); rifampicin (PFP): rpoB526(CAC→TAC); ethambutol (EMB): embB306(ATG→GTG); streptomycin (SM): rpsL43(AAG→AGG). The multiplex amplification on chipsurface was achieved. The SPR signal difference between mutant and wild-type target wassignificant (p <0.01). The cross reaction result showed that the SPR signal differencebetween each mutation site was significant (p <0.01).
     5.The Au nanoparticle signal amplification system could effectively improve thesensitivity for2.1-fold, with15nm diameter, pH7.5and8%of concentration, whichshowed significant difference (p <0.01) compared to the negative control and blank control.The detection limit was5x10-12M synthetic oligonucleotides, and a linear correlation (y=615.29x+1323.8, R2=0.9846) was found within the concentration range of10-12M to10-8M.
     6.The developed target-primed RCA SPR biosensor system to isothermally (37℃)and rapidly (within4h) detect MTBC and MAC could be performed by only two steps. Theresults of clinical samples from SPR method and bacteria identification were consistence.The detection limit for MTBC was4.2X104CFU/mL (0.005ng/μL), and MAC was3.7x104CFU/mL (0.002ng/μL), respectively. The specially designed PLP could make theliquid-phase RCA and digestion reaction perform simultaneously, which achieve thedynamic real-time monitoring of RCA by SPR biosensor.
     7.The heated alkali lysis method was more simple, cost-effective and sensitive toextract genomic DNA in clinical samples. Compared to the sequencing method, thesensitivity and specificity of the SPR detection were92%and80%, respectively, for katG 315,100%and100%, respectively, for inhA-15,94.4%and100%, respectively, for rpoB526,95%and100%, respectively, for embB306,100%and100%, respectively, for rpsL43(Table2). According to the Kappa test,(p <0.05, Kappa>0.75) there exists significantconsistency between the two methods.
     1.The developed isothermal amplification based SPR biosensor changed the detectionmethod of PCR-dependent traditional biosensors. The sealed and stable detection systemwith convenience and low power consumption was favor of miniaturization and portabilityapplication.
     2.The designed PLP had excellent capability of detecting the low-abundance mutationin the large background of wild targets, but also achieved the multiplex ligation with mixedtargets. The tag-sequence achieved the multiplex surface-anchored RCA with same reactioncondition and no interference, improved the multiplexing capabilities of the biosensor arrayand simplified the operation.
     3.Au nanoparticle signal amplification system could significantly increase the plasmonoscillations with a resonant frequency, thus improve the signal/noise ratio and thesensitivity. This system provided a reliable signal amplification method to detect traceanalyte, and hold great promise in scientific and clinical diagnostic application.
     4.The target-primed RCA SPR biosensor system achieved dynamically real-timemonitor the liquid amplification with label-free manners, which provided a rapid andisothermal detection method with specificity and sensitivity.
     5. Compared with the sequencing method, the developed SPR biosensor detectionsystem has good sensitivity and specificity in the detection of clinical samples, whichindicated that the novel SPR biosensor based on isothermal amplification would be apotential clinical diagnostic method for rapid detection of multiple resistance associatedmutation or other mutations associated disease in clinical samples
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    [1] Hatch A, Takeshi S, Misasi J, Smith LC: Rolling circle amplification of DNAimmobilized on solid surfaces and its application to multiplex mutation detetion.Genet Anal-Biomole199915:35-40.
    [2] Banér J, Nilsson M, Isaksson A, Mendel-Hartvig M, Antson D, Ulf Landegren U:More keys to padlock probes mechanisms for high-throughput nucleic acid analysis.Curr Opin Biotech2001,12:11–15.
    [3] Schweitzer B, Wiltshire S, Lambert J, O'Malley S, Kukanskis K, Zhu Z, KingsmoreSF, Lizardi PM, Ward DC: Immunoassays with rolling circle DNA amplification: aversatile platform for ultrasensitive antigen detection. Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences2000,97:10113-10119.
    [4] Thomas DC, Nardone GA, Randall SK: Amplification of padlock probes for DNAdiagnostics by cascade rolling circle amplification or the polymerase chain reaction.Archives of pathology&laboratory medicine1999,123:1170-1176.
    [5] Wilkomson D: Third wave technologies' invader assays for nucleic acid detection.The Scientist1993,13:16-18.
    [6] Hardenbol p, Baner J, Jain M, Nilsson M, Namsaraev E: Multiplexed genotyping withsequence-tagged molecular inversion probes. Nature biotechnology2003,21:673-678.
    [7] Lyamichev V, Mast AL, Hall JG, Prudent JR, Kaiser MW, Takova T, Kwiatkowski RW,Sander TJ, de Arruda M, Arco DA: Polymorphism identification and quantitativedetection of genomic DNA by invasive cleavage of oligonucleotide probes. Naturebiotechnology1999,17:292-296.
    [8] ALLAWI HT, DAHLBERG JE, OLSON S, LUND E, OLSON M, MA W-P, TAKOVAT, NERI BP, LYAMICHEV VI: Quantitation of microRNAs using a modified Invaderassay. Rna2004,10:1153-1161.
    [9] Collins ML, Irvine B, Tyner D, Fine E, Zayati C, Chang C-a, Horn T, Ahle D, DetmerJ, Shen L-P: A branched DNA signal amplification assay for quantification of nucleicacid targets below100molecules/ml. Nucleic acids research1997,25:2979-2984.
    [10] Hendricks DA, Stowe BJ, Hoo BS, Kolberg J, Irvine BD, Neuwald PD, Urdea MS,Perrillo RP: Quantitation of HBV DNA in human serum using a branched DNA(bDNA) signal amplification assay. American journal of clinical pathology1995,104:537.
    [11] Pachl C, Todd JA, Kern DG, Sheridan PJ, Fong S-J, Stempien M, Hoo B, Besemer D,Yeghiazarian T, Irvine B: Rapid and precise quantification of HIV-1RNA in plasmausing a branched DNA signal amplification assay. JAIDS Journal of AcquiredImmune Deficiency Syndromes1995,8:446&hyhen.
    [12] Zhang DY, Winfree E: Robustness and modularity properties of a non-covalent DNAcatalytic reaction. Nucleic acids research2010,38:4182-4197.
    [13] Choi HM, Chang JY, Trinh LA, Padilla JE, Fraser SE, Pierce NA: Programmable insitu amplification for multiplexed imaging of mRNA expression. Nature biotechn-ology2010,28:1208-1212.
    [14] Huang J, Wu Y, Chen Y, Zhu Z, Yang X, Yang CJ, Wang K, Tan W: Pyrene‐ExcimerProbes Based on the Hybridization Chain Reaction for the Detection of Nucleic Acidsin Complex Biological Fluids. Angewandte Chemie International Edition2011,50:401-404.
    [15] Zhang B, Liu B, Tang D, Niessner R, Chen G, Knopp D: DNA-Based HybridizationChain Reaction for Amplified Bioelectronic Signal and Ultrasensitive Detection ofProteins. Analytical chemistry2012,84:5392-5399.
    [16] Wang C, Zhou H, Zhu W, Li H, Jiang J, Shen G, Yu R: Ultrasensitive electrochemicalDNA detection based on dual amplification of circular strand-displacementpolymerase reaction and hybridization chain reaction. Biosensors and Bioelectronics2013.
    [17] Dirks RM, Pierce NA: Triggered amplification by hybridization chain reaction.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2004,101:15275-15278.
    [18] Reichert J, Csáki A, K hler JM, Fritzsche W: Chip-based optical detection of DNAhybridization by means of nanobead labeling. Analytical chemistry2000,72:6025-6029.
    [19] Cao YC, Jin R, Mirkin CA: Nanoparticles with Raman spectroscopic fingerprints forDNA and RNA detection. Science2002,297:1536-1540.
    [20] Taton TA, Lu G, Mirkin CA: Two-color labeling of oligonucleotide arrays viasize-selective scattering of nanoparticle probes. Journal of the American ChemicalSociety2001,123:5164.
    [21] Petryayeva E, Krull UJ: Localized surface plasmon resonance: nanostructures,bioassays and biosensing--a review. Analytica chimica acta2011,706:8-24.
    [22] Hu WP, Chen SJ, Huang KT, Hsu JH, Chen WY, Chang GL, Lai KA: A novelultrahigh-resolution surface plasmon resonance biosensor with an Aunanocluster-embedded dielectric film. Biosensors&bioelectronics2004,19:1465-1471.
    [23] He L, Musick MD, Nicewarner SR, Salinas FG, Benkovic SJ, Natan MJ, Keating CD:Colloidal Au-enhanced surface plasmon resonance for ultrasensitive detection ofDNA hybridization. Journal of the American Chemical Society2000,122:9071-9077.
    [24] Hutter E, Pileni M-P: Detection of DNA hybridization by gold nanoparticle enhancedtransmission surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The Journal of PhysicalChemistry B2003,107:6497-6499.
    [25] Mao X, Yang L, Su XL, Li Y: A nanoparticle amplification based quartz crystalmicrobalance DNA sensor for detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Biosensors&bioelectronics2006,21:1178-1185.
    [26] Chen SH, Wu VC, Chuang YC, Lin CS: Using oligonucleotide-functionalized Aunanoparticles to rapidly detect foodborne pathogens on a piezoelectric biosensor.Journal of microbiological methods2008,73:7-17.
    [27] Liu T, Tang Ja, Jiang L: Sensitivity enhancement of DNA sensors by nanogold surfacemodification. Biochemical and biophysical research communications2002,295:14-16.
    [28] Patolsky F, Ranjit KT, Lichtenstein A, Willner I: Dendritic amplification of DNAanalysis by oligonucleotide-functionalized Au-nanoparticles. Chem Commun2000:1025-1026.
    [29] Weizmann Y, Patolsky F, Willner I: Amplified detection of DNA and analysis ofsingle-base mismatches by the catalyzed deposition of gold on Au-nanoparticles.Analyst2001,126:1502-1504.
    [30] M ller R, Csaki A, K hler J, Fritzsche W: Electrical classification of theconcentration of bioconjugated metal colloids after surface adsorption and silverenhancement. Langmuir2001,17:5426-5430.
    [31] Park S-J, Taton TA, Mirkin CA: Array-based electrical detection of DNA withnanoparticle probes. Science2002,295:1503-1506.
    [32] Cai H, Xu C, He P, Fang Y: Colloid Au-enhanced DNA immobilization for theelectrochemical detection of sequence-specific DNA. Journal of electroanalyticalchemistry2001,510:78-85.
    [33] Wang J, Xu D, Kawde A-N, Polsky R: Metal nanoparticle-based electrochemicalstripping potentiometric detection of DNA hybridization. Analytical chemistry2001,73:5576-5581.

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