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     4.旱地土壤是一弱的甲烷汇(汇强度为-0.003~-0.026 mgCH_4/m~2/h),较高的土壤湿度和施用氮肥会减弱土壤甲烷汇的强度;
     6.关于京都议定书3.4条款的7项主要活动中,我国未来的固碳潜力为85.6MMtC/y(范围为40.0~218.3 MMtC/y),其中潜力大小依次为森林>草地>农田;全球的潜力为637 MMtC/y,其中草地的潜力最大(占41%),森林和农田管理次之;
     8.我国80年代的土壤碳储量为107.5 Gt,约占全球土壤碳储量的6~7%。其中,,0-20cm、0-51cm和0~84cm土层的碳储量分别占到0~94cm土层碳总量的38%、77%和98%;
Global change resulted mainly from increased concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases has becoming the worldwide concrn. 70-90% of atmospheric CH_4 and N_2O are produced from soil microbial processes, and the land use and land-use change resulted CO_2 emissions also contribute to climate warming. The agroecosystem contributed to climate change through emission N_2O from dryland soils and CH_4 from paddy soils. While available mitigation options could debate these trends. Based on these backgrounds, this paper focus on the follow aspects, they are:ⅰ) The seasonal variation of greenhouse gases (CO_2, CH_4, N_2O) and their relationships with relative soil indexes such as soil inorganic nitrogen, and soil humidity and other management activities such as fertilization and irrigation etc. from typical dryland soils and paddy soils,ⅱ) The soil carbon stocks and its distribution characters in geographical spaces in China.ⅲ) The carbon sequestration potential of activities under Article 3.3 and 3.4 of Kyoto Protocol in China and some implications of these activities on the implementation of commitment of Annex-I countries since sinks were introduced by the Kyoto Protocol. The results are as follows:
     (1). The soil CO_2 emission flux correlated with the growth status of crops: at the stages when plants and roots grew quickly and when the amount of plant debris was more, soil CO_2 emission flux showed higher due to the large amount of root exudations and organic material as the substrate of soil microorganisms;
     (2). Soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) could not exactly reflect the soil respiration intensity. This is perhaps because DOC is not only one of the intermal products of decomposition process of complicated plant material, but also it could be decomposed further by microorganisms and this process is quickly happened under higher temperature and proper soil water content;
     (3). The N_2O flux was positively correlated with soil inorganic N content mostly resulted from applications especially under higher temperature and proper soil humidity conditions;
     (4). The typical cropland was a weak net CH_4 sink with the average flux of-0.003~-0.025 mg CH_4/m~2/h, and the higher soil humidity could decrease the methane absorption intensity of dryland soils;
     (5). Under the condition of this experiment, aeration at later tillering stage of single rice growth period could decrease methane emission by 16.1%; while the increased N_2O production only accounted for 7.3% of the total GWP (methane+N_2O) (in the 500years time scale);
     (6). The carbon sequestration potential of the seven items of activities under Article 3.4 of Kyoto Protocol is 104.9 MMtC/y with the range of 62.7~233.2 MMtC/y in China in the future. Among these potentials, their contributions are in the order: forest management>grassland management>cropland management.
     (7). Annex-I countries could complement 50~70% of their mitigation commitments when activities under Article 3.3 and 3.4 were adopted.
     (8). The total carbon stocks of Chinese soils in the 0~94cm soils were 107.5 Gt in the 1980's. And the carbon stocks of 0~20, 0~51, and 0~84cm soil depths accounted for 38%, 77%, and 98% of the total stocks respectively.
     (9). The geographical distribution rules of soil carbon stocks in China were: with the increase of latitude along the East China, the soil carbon density increased; And with the decrease of longitude along the North China, the soil carbon density decreased.
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