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随着城市化进程的快速发展,城市化区域景观格局演变研究日益成为景观生态学领域的热点问题。本研究以杭州市1996、2001和2010年三幅遥感影像作为基础数据源,应用生态学理论、方法和RS、GIS技术,通过遥感影像的解译、景观格局指数选取与计算等,对杭州市1996~2010年景观格局演变进行了全面的分析。在此基础上,利用Conefor Sensinode2.2软件筛选绿色源点,通过耗费距离模型来模拟潜在的绿色廊道,基于图论和景观生态学原理构建绿地生态网络体系;其次由功能网络连通性及其相互作用的角度来分析城市景观格局、功能流路径与不同功能流在空间上的相互作用,以获得生态敏感区域的空间位置。最后在景观格局的演变结果及景观功能网络评价的基础上,提出了杭州市景观格局优化措施。主要结论如下:
     (4)利用Conefor Sensinode软件对杭州市绿地斑块连通性的重要值进行分析,选取出9个绿地源点,在此基础上,采用耗费距离模型,构建了杭州市绿地生态网络,提出5条生态廊道。
As the rapid development of urbanization, the research of urban landscape is more and moreimportant in landscape ecology. Based on the remote sensing images in1996、2001and2010, theecological theory, method as well as techniques of RS and GIS are applied to analyze comprehensivelyurban landscape pattern from1996~2010in Hangzhou city by remote sensing image interpretation andselection and calculation of landscape pattern indexes. On this basis, we filtered the green source byConefor Sensinode2.2software, then built the Potential green corridors model of Hangzhou City byusing the cost distance model method; based on the graph theory and landscape ecology principles, theecological network system was developed; In order to obtain the spatial location of ecologicallysensitive areas, we analyzed the urban landscape pattern、function flow paths with different functions onthe interaction space by considering the perspective of the functional network connectivity and theirinteractions. Finally, some optimization measures of the landscape in Hangzhou city were producedbased on the results of the changing landscape pattern and the evaluation of the landscape functionsnetwork. The following conclusions were as followed.
     (1) The land-use change of Hangzhou city from1996to2010presents" up and down" trend, thewater, woodland, farmland area showed the tendency of decrease, the otherwise, green land andimpervious surface area showed the tendency of increase. Transfer occurs in the landscape type offarmland and woodland to the impervious surface.
     (2) As the development of urbanization, the number of landscape patches was reduced by9.1%, theaverage plaques was showed the tendency of increase with the rate of10.1%, landscape fragmentationindex was reduced by9.5%in the past15years.
     (3) The landscape shape becomes complicated gradually. In14years, landscape shape indexincreased by17.01%, the landscape diversity index increased by11.4%, evenness index increased by11.27%.
     (4) Conefor Sensinode2.2software was applied to analyze the importance of connectivity ofGreen patches,9green land sources were selected; on this basis, using the cost distance model to buildgreen land ecological network,5ecological corridor were offered at last.
     (5) The sensitive areas between impervious surface and green land landscape was analyzed by the overlay of function network; the sensitive areas include: West Lake、government of Xihu District、Zhonghe viaduct, Shangtang River, XiXi Wetland, The round city high way, Xianghu Lake, HuameiMountain、South Park、Beitang River and so on.
     (6) On account of the ecological construction problems in Hangzhou city, we put forward a seriesof optimization measures about different type of landscapes and sensitive areas by the quantitativeresearch of landscape pattern index and the space research of landscape ecology network.
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