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The coal and gas outburst is an abnormal dynamical phenomenon that occurred with the broken coal and gas suddenly burst from the coal or rock to the mining space under the joint action of the gas and the in-situ stress. It is one of the most serious disasters in coal mine, and China is the country with most serious problem of outburst in the world. The pre-drainage technology with dense boreholes is a preventive measure for the coal and gas outburst. The stress distribution, the law of gas permeability and the flow of gas formed in the coal seam during the borehole are extremely complicated issues. This paper has systematically studied the issues by adopting mainly the laboratory test and numerical test, namely, by adopting the model for plane strain to reveal the permeability, stress distribution, the scope of plastic zone and distressed zone of the dense boreholes, the changes of gas pressure in coal seam, the pre-drainage radius, and the gas flow quantity of the borehole, etc. The research on these issues is of great theoretical significance and practical value for the engineering to layout the boreholes reasonably, as well as to raise the awareness of people about the mechanism of pre-drainage gas by dense boreholes.
     Laboratory tests indicate that under different stress loads, the gases penetrate through model materials are all in line with Darcy law, whether they are in stress relieving zone or not. The law of gas permeability in the dense boreholes model has been investigated with Darcy law. The coefficient of gas permeability, the changing rule of load stress, and the distribution rule of gas permeability have been obtained. In the stress relieving zone, the coefficient of gas permeability increases with the increase of the load stress. Outside the stress relieving zone, the coefficient of gas permeability decreases with the increase of the load stress. The comparison between the result of numerical test and the scope of stress relieving zone obtained from the laboratory tests shows that these two are rather close.
     ANSYS FEM software was adopted to study the changes of factors, such as the depth of coal seam, the diameter of borehole, the boreholes space, cohesion and internal friction angle, the stress distribution of dense boreholes, the plastic zone formed and the scope of stress relieving zone, under the hydrostatic pressure. In the vicinity of the borehole, the tangential stress is maximum and the radial stress in minimum. The scope of plastic zone and stress relieving zone increases with the increase of the depth of coal seam and the diameter of borehole; it decreases with the increase of the cohesion and the internal friction angle.
     Based on the coal and gas solid-gas coupling theory, using the application of the solid-gas coupled RFPA2D-Gas numerical test system established the numerical test model. The pre-drainage gas by dense boreholes has been simplified into the plane problem and the reasonable boundary condition has been selected to solve the problem of pre-drainage gas in coal seam, which is much closer to reality. Study the changing factors, such as the coefficient of permeability, the space and diameter of borehole, the coefficient of gas content, the duration of pre-drainage, etc. With the changing rule of gas flow in boreholes and the pre-drainage radius, the changes of gas pressure in coal seam, and the pre-drainage gas by dense boreholes, it can be concluded that the greater the permeability coefficient and the diameter of borehole, the smaller the coefficient of gas content and the span of the boreholes, the bigger the extent of gas pressure drop in coal seam, the larger the gas drainage radius; the shorter the time needed for pre-drainage gas to the value that can eliminate the outburst risk of coal seam. With the prolonging of the pre-drainage time, the extent of gas pressure drop will be expanded and the pre-drainage radius will be increased. The bigger the permeability coefficient, the coefficient of gas content and the diameter of the borehole, the smaller the borehole space, the larger the gas flow in the borehole, and the smaller the gas flow in the borehole on the other hand. The attenuation of the gas flow in borehole follows the law of negative exponent.
     In conclusion, with the application of RFPA2D-Gas numerical test system has been combined with the examples of pre-drainage gas with boreholes through coal seam used by Baijiao Mine of Furong Mining Bureau and boreholes alone coal seam used by Daping Coal Mine of Zhengzhou Coal Industry Group, the numerical simulation of gas pre-drainage has been analyzed. The value of gas pressure decrease and gas drainage amount obtained by numerical simulation are quite matched with the actual conditions on site.
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