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近年来全光通信网络(all optical network:AON)逐渐成为光通信领域的一个研究热点,也是未来光网络发展的必然趋势。高性能稀土离子掺杂光纤和全光纤型上下话路滤波器等器件以其优异的特性逐渐成为实现AON的核心器件。本论文结合两项国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目“通信用特种光纤—稀土掺杂光纤”和“光纤制造新技术及新型光纤—新型特种光纤”以及一项国家自然科学基金重点项目“面向细粒度光路交换信息安全网的光纤器件”的支持,对光敏掺铒光纤和光纤布拉格光栅辅助耦合器型上下话路滤波器进行了深入的分析,获得以下创新性成果:
     2.提出了多芯光敏掺铒光纤与分层掺杂光敏掺铒光纤等基于分离掺杂思想的两种新型光敏掺铒光纤设计方法,在一定程度上解决了利用改进的化学汽相沉积(modified chemical vapor deposition:MCVD)法结合溶液浸泡法制作光敏掺铒光纤时纤芯高浓度锗铝共掺的问题。利用所建立的1~(st)PML+FEM模型,对七芯光敏掺铒光纤和分层掺杂光敏掺铒光纤进行了模式分析,结合实验室条件,设计并制作出七芯光敏掺铒光纤和分层掺杂光敏掺铒光纤样品,并进行了性能测试,实验结果表明,这两种新型设计方法对制作高品质的光敏掺铒光纤具有较高的参考价值。
In recent years,a focus on the study of optical fiber communication is AON,and it is the necessarily developing result for optical network.Rare earth doped fibers and all fiber optical add/drop filters become two of the Key Technologies in AON because of their excellent performances.Under the supports of national 863 high technology program China "Rare-earth doped fibers","Novel special optical fibers" and the national natural science foundation of China(60837002),design and fabrication of photosensitive erbium doped optical fibers(PEDFs) and Bragg grating-assisted coupler for add/drop filters are deeply discussed in this thesis.And the main achievements are listed as follows:
     1.An accurate finite element modal with perfectly matched layer(PML) boundary condition(1~(st)PML+FEM) is proposed and demonstrated,which can be used to solve the solution of modes of fibers with arbitrary nohomogeneous and anisotropic refractive indices distribution.
     2.Considering the processes of fabricating rare-earth doped fibers with MCVD method combined with solution doping technique(SDT) and the requirements of fabricating high consistency germanium doped photosensitive fibers,the reasons of conflicts between the high consistency aluminum doping and high consistency germanium doping in the fiber core simultaneously are detected.In order to fabricate PEDFs with good photosensitivity and gain performance simultaneously, two kinds of new methods are proposed and demonstrated,which are multi-core design method and double-layer core design method.The mode field distributions along with their propagation constants for modes of seven-core PEDFs and DLC-PEDFs are calculated separately using 1~(st)PML+FEM and samples of seven-core PEDF and DLC-PEDF are fabricated by MCVD method combined with SDT.Testing results show that PEDFs with high quality can be obtained using multi-core design method or double-layer core design method.
     3.The scalar approximation coupled-mode equations are deduced,which can be used to analyze all kinds of Bragg grating-assisted coupler for add/drop filters and the equations' coefficients have definite physical meaning.Using the unified coupled-mode equations,three kinds of Bragg grating-assisted coupler for add/drop filters,named "FBG-frustrated coupler","FBGs-reflecting coupler" and "FBG-assisted coupler",are investigated systemically.Samples of FBGs-reflecting coupler and FBG-assisted coupler are fabricated and tested in details.And the experimentally measured results are in good agreement with the numerical calculations.Using the sample of FBG-assisted coupler,a wavelength de-multiplexing transmission experiment is done in 8.5Gbps and 10Gbps system with NRZ optical signals.And experimental results show that the sample filter basiclly realizes the function of wavelength de-multiplexing.
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