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     施钾显著提高了桔梗的产量,提高了整株生物量,降低了花果中的干物质积累量,促进了干物质向根部的运输和分配。当施钾量为225 kg/hm2(K3)时,产量最高,比CK提高了32.73%。但过高的供钾水平并不利于桔梗高产,当施钾量超过225 kg/hm2时,产量开始降低。
     桔梗根部含糖量远高于地上部各器官,生育前期(8月份前)施钾有利于地上部糖分向地下部运输,生育后期施钾不利根部可溶性糖含量的提高,但有利于可溶性糖的积累量的提高。桔梗皂苷D含量在10月份达最大值,各处理桔梗皂苷D含量在8月份前变化规律复杂,此后施钾量150 kg/hm2(K2)处理下桔梗皂苷D含量最高,而施钾量高于150 kg/hm2时桔梗皂苷D含量低于CK。收获时K2处理下桔梗皂苷D产量最高,达4.29kg/hm2,施钾量300 kg/hm2(K5)时桔梗皂苷D产量低于CK。
     桔梗植株对氮、磷、钾的吸收量随桔梗生长而增加,从整个生育期看施钾不利于对氮素的吸收,有利于对磷、钾素的吸收,但过高则不利。从氮素吸收看,茎和花果中的氮素的含量随施钾量增加而显著降低;7月下旬前叶片中氮素含量在低钾处理下较高,结果盛期随施钾量增加而显著增加,生育后期则在K3处理下最低;收获前根部氮素含量随施钾量增加而降低,收获时,各施钾处理氮素含量均高于CK,当施钾量300 kg/hm2时氮素含量低于CK。从磷素吸收看,生育初期施钾对桔梗根、茎、叶中磷素含量影响不显著;开花结果期根部磷含量随施钾量增加而增加,茎部磷素含量随施钾量变化复杂,其中K2处理一直高于CK,K3处理下叶片中磷素含量显著高于其他处理,花果中磷素含量随施钾量增加而降低,CK最低;生育后期根和茎中磷素含量随施钾量增加而降低, K3处理下叶片中磷素含量显著高于其他处理, K1和K2处理下花果中的磷素含量显著低于CK;收获时根部磷素含量在K1处理下含量最高,K2处理下最低。从钾素吸收看,生育初期施钾对桔梗根部钾素含量影响不显著,开花盛期根部钾素含量随施钾量增加而显著增加,结果盛期后各施钾处理根部钾素含量均高于CK,K4处理下最高,其他三个施钾处理随施钾量增加而降低,收获时根部钾素含量随施钾量增加而显著增加;茎、叶、花果中钾素含量随施钾量增加而显著增加,其中在开花结果期各施钾处理花果中钾素含量均低于CK。
     单株根产量在株行距为6 cm×25 cm(M2)处理时最高,其次是株行距4 cm×25 cm(M1)处理,群体根产量则随密度增加而显著增加, M1处理下产量是M2处理的1.33倍,是M5处理的3.27倍。密度过高或过低都显著降低根长而增加根的分叉数,对桔梗根粗影响差异不显著,在株行距为6 cm×25 cm(M2)处理下桔梗根最长、分杈数最少。
Platycodon grangdiflorum (Jacp.)A.DC is an important herbal medicine in common use. Because of more requirements needed in clinic, Platycodon grangdiflorum (Jacp.)A.DC is planted more and more widely in many areas. But the studies of planting techniques are poor, its planting techniques have not been studied systematically. Platycodon grangdiflorum (Jacp.)A.DC is selected in this experiment. In order to find the best cultivation mode, we studied the effect of density and potassium fertilizer on yield and quality. And the physiological mechanism how density, potassium fertilizer affected yield and quality were analyzed in this experiment. The main results were as followed:
     1 Effect of potassium fertilizer on yield and quality of Platycodon grangdiflorum (Jacp.)A.DC
     Potassium appling increased the yield, the Colony biomass of per plant, and decreased the dry material accumulation of fruits, stimulated the transportation and distribution of dry matter to root. The yield is the highest when the amount of potassium applied is 225 K2O kg/hm~2. The increased production of yield is 32.73% compared to CK. But it does not avail to reforming yield for platycodon grangdiflorum (Jacp.)A.DC by improving potassium application. The addition of potassium amount has no effect on yield when the amount is beyond 225 K2O kg/hm~2.
     The platycodon grandiflorum root sugar content is higher than the various organs over ground. In growth prophase (before August), fertilizing potassium stimulated the transportation and distribution of the soluble sugar to root, In growth anaphase, fertilizing potassium decreased the root soluble sugar content, but increased the soluble sugar accumulation. The platycodin D content reaches the maximum in October, the rule of each processing platycodin D content is complex before August, hereafter the platycodin D content is the highest when the amount of potassium applied is 150 kg/hm2 (K2), but when it is higher than 150 kg/hm~2 the platycodin D content is lower than CK. When harvest under the K2 processing the platycodin D output is the highest, reaches 4.29kg/hm~2, when the amount of potassium applied is 300 kg/hm~2 (K5) the platycodin D output is lower than CK.
     2 Effect of potassium fertilizer on mineral element absorption and distribution in Platycodon grangdiflorum (Jacp.)A.DC
     The absorbing of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium increased along with the platycodon grandiflorum growing.Seeing from the whole growth period ,potassium application does not favor to the nitrogen absorption, and potassium application is advantageous to the absorption of phosphorus, potassium element. Seeing from the nitrogen absorption, the nitrogen content in the stem and fruit increases along with improving potassium application obviously reduces; Before the last ten-day of July, the nitrogen content in the leaf is high under low potassium application, the nitrogen content in the leaf obviously increases along with improving potassium application in the fructification period, in growth anaphase, the nitrogen content is the lowest under the K3 processing; Before the harvest, the root nitrogen content decreases along with improving potassium application, when harvest, the root nitrogen content under different treatment was higher than CK, when the amount of potassium applied is 300 kg/hm2 the nitrogen content is lower than CK. Seeing from the phosphorus absorption, in growth prophase, the content of nitrogen in root, stem and leaf has no significant different in different treatment; In the blossoms and fructification period, the root phosphorus content increased along with improving potassium application, the stem phosphorus content changes complex along with improving potassium application, the K2 treatment has been higher than CK, under the K3 treatment the leaf phosphorus content is obviously higher than other treatment, the phosphorus content in the fruit decreases along with improving potassium application, the CK is the lowest; In growth anaphase, the phosphorus content in the root and stem decreases along with improving potassium application, under the K3 treatment the phosphorus content in the leaf is obviously higher than other treatment, under the K1 and K2 treatment the phosphorus content in fruit is obviously lower than CK; When harvest the root phosphorus content is the highest under the K1 treatment, under the K2 treatment is the lowest. Seeing from the potassium absorption, in growth prophase, the content of nitrogen in root has no significant different in different treatment. In the peak flowering period the root potassium content increased obviously along with improving potassium application; After the fructification period, the root potassium content under different treatment is higher than CK, the K4 treatment is the highest, the root potassium content under other three treatments decreased along with improving potassium application; When harvest the root potassium content increased obviously along with improving potassium application; The potassium element content in the stem, leaf and fruit increased obviously along with improving potassium application, thereinto in blossoms and fruiting period , the potassium content in the fruit under each potassium application treatment was lower than CK.
     3 Effect of plant density on mineral element absorption and distribution in Platycodon grangdiflorum (Jacp.)A.DC
     The output of root per plant is the highest when the plant spacing×row spacing is 6 cm×25 cm (M2), the next is the M1 treatment when the plant spacing×row spacing is 4 cm×25 cm. The colony root output increased obviously along with the density increasing, under the M1 treatment the output is 1.33 times than M2 treatment, and is 3.27 times than M5 treatment. The length of root increased obviously and the furcation number of root decreased obviously under the highest density and the lowest density. The diameter of root has no significant different in different density. The root is longest and the furcation number of root is the least when the plant spacing×row spacing is 6 cm×25 cm (M2).
     The soluble sugar content in the root and stem increased obviously along with the increasing density. Before September the soluble sugar content in the leaf and the fruit increased obviously along with the increasing density, afterward the content decreased obviously along with the increasing density. The platycodin D content in root has significant different in different density. The platycodin D content reaches the maximum in October. Before the mid-August, the platycodin D content has no significant different along with different density, afterward the platycodin D content increased obviously along with the increasing density, thereinto the M2 treatment is higher than the M1 treatment. When harvest, the platycodin D output per hectare increased obviously along with the increasing density.
     4 Effect of density on mechanisms of physiology of forming yield and quality in Platycodon grangdiflorum (Jacp.)A.DC
     The absorbing of the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in Platycodon grandiflorum individual plant decreased along with the increasing density, the absorbing under the M2 treatment is higher than the M3 treatment. Seeing from the nitrogen absorption, in growth prophase, the distribution of nitrogen in various organs of Platycodon grangdiflorum has no significant different in different density. In growth anaphase, the distribution of nitrogen in root increased along with the increasing density, thereinto the distribution under the M2 treatment is slightly higher than the M1 treatment; The distribution of nitrogen in each over ground organ decreased along with the increasing density, thereinto, the distribution of nitrogen in fruit is highest under the lowest and the highest density, the difference in different density is remarkable. Seeing from the phosphorus absorption, the distribution of phosphorus in the root increased along with the increasing density. The distribution of phosphorus in the various over ground organs decreased along with the increasing density, the difference in different density is remarkable. Seeing from the potassium element absorption, the distribution of the potassium in the root and leaf increased obviously along with the increasing density, thereinto, the distribution in the leaf under the M2 treatment is higher than M1 treatment. And the distribution in the stem and fruit decreased obviously along with the increasing density.
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