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With adaptive frequency hopping fast, frequent elections and other advanced technologies have been widely used in the short wave and ultra short wave communication bands, there is an urgent need for high-performance broadband antennas. The use of broadband antenna matching network is an effective method which can realize the broadband characteristics. Only when the antenna and the equipment perfectly matched, we can get the maximal transmission efficiency and high communication quality. Researching an effective and reliable method of designing broadband antenna matching networks is a hot issue today.
     In this paper, the present research situations and the research purposes and significance is introduced firstly. And we introduce broadband antennas technology and the broadband performance Indicators, then discusses the function and common structures of broadband antenna matching network of antenna matching network. Then the principle、parameters and mathematical model of the standard particle swarm optimization algorithm are introduced, and analyze the difference and relation including advantages and disadvantages between the particle swarm optimization algorithm and other evolutionary algorithms, especially between the particle swarm algorithm and genetic algorithm.Then we introduce a modified particle swarm algorithm. Finally, the modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied to the design of antenna matching network, and a new design method of antenna matching network is given, as well as some design examples.
     The main work of this article is researching the antenna matching network. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the antenna matching network design method, this paper presents a new design method of broadband antenna matching network. This method is based on a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm which adopt simple velocity-displacement model and insert the genetic hybrid gene in the search process. This article discusses the steps of this method which is applied to the antenna matching network design detailed. Design examples show that the method can be used to design the broadband matching networks which have simple structure. The compare results of the broadband matching network design methods which respectively based on genetic algorithm、standard particle swarm optimization algorithm and the modified particle swarm optimization algorithm can show that this new method can reduce the attraction of local optimization value, and has the characteristics of global optimization, can design better antenna matching network. This method also can be widely used in other antenna broadband matching networks design.
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