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在中国文化背景下,职场女性承担着工作与家庭的双重角色,如何平衡二者之间的关系,在收获幸福美满生活的同时,早日实现职业成功是每一个职场女性追求的终极目标。已有研究表明,政治技能对个体职业发展存在直接或间接的影响(Blickle et al.,2011;刘军,2010;李燕萍和涂乙冬,2011),但从性别的视角,探讨政治技能对女性管理者职业成功的影响还不多见,对于二者之间关系的作用路径研究尚缺乏足够深入的探讨,仍是值得学术界研究的问题。相比国外学者的研究,我国学者对职场友谊的关注度还远远不够,相关研究仍存在一定空白。虽然有学者探讨了具有较高政治技能的个体能够较好的掌控外部环境,迅速解读社会线索,善于在职场内发展友谊关系(Wei et al.,2010)。职场友谊能增进从业者社会心理健康,使其产生满意度和幸福感,促进组织与个体的健康发展(Blass,2003;Morrison,2007)。相比男性,女性更希望通过职场友谊获到同事的理解与支持,以满足自身情感的需求与表达(Morrison,2009)。但是以职场友谊作为中介变量,探究其在政治技能与职业成功之间的作用机制研究还相当有限。此外,Ng等(2005)发现组织支持是影响女性人才成长的重要组织层面因素,对女性的职业成功发挥着重要的作用。也就是说,不同组织支持感知可能在政治技能与职业成功之间发挥着权变的作用,但是少有学者从组织层面,考量组织支持感在二者之间所发挥的调节作用。因此,我们有必要对这些变量之间的关系进行深入的理论探讨与实证检验。
     受中国传统文化的影响,女性在职场中一直处于弱势与被动的地位。基于此,本研究在综合考量现有学者对主、客观职业成功测量(Heslin,2005;Arthur etal.,2005;周文霞和孙健敏,2010)的基础上,加入了突显女性特质的工作——家庭平衡这一测量指标。从量表的信度与效度分析来看,企业女性管理者职业成功测量指标的选取具有一定的实用价值。
Under the background of Chinese culture, career women undertake the dual roleof the work and family. It is very important to balance the relationship between thework and family for each career female if they want to enjoy a happy life and obtainthe career success. Existing researches show that the political skill directly orindirectly influences the career success (Brickle et al.,2011; Liu jun,2010; Liyanping&Tu yidong,2011). From the perspective of gender, there are littleresearches discussing on the influence and the relationship path about the politicalskill of female managers on career success, which is still worth study for the scholars.Compared with foreign scholars, Chinese scholars don’t pay more attention to theconstruct of “workplace friendship”, and seldom study on it. Some scholars discussedthe individuals with higher political skill have controlled the external environmentwell, found the social cues rapidly, and had good at developing workplace friendshipon-the-job field (Wei et al.,2010). Workplace friendships improved employees’ healthof social psychology, produced satisfaction and happiness at the same time,effectively promoted the development of organization and the career success ofemployees (Blass,2003; Morrison,2007). Compared with men, women hope thatthey can obtain the understanding and support from colleagues through workplacefriendship to satisfy the needs of their emotions and communication (Morrison,2009).Until now, only fewer scholars take workplace friendship as the mediating variableand focus on its functional mechanism between the political skill and career success.Ng et al.(2005) found that organizational support played the important role in thecareer success of female manager. In other words, different POS (perceived oforganizational support) might play contingency role between the political skill and career success. But related researches are very limited about the moderate function ofPOS between the political skill and career success. Therefore, it is necessary to deeplyexplore the theory and test the empirical about the relationship among those variables.
     In order to solve the problems and gaps of the existing studies, basing on theperspective of the political skill, this paper reviews and summarizes the previousliteratures, then constructs the functional mechanism and theory model of femalemanagers career success in enterprises. It discusses the moderating role of POS on thepolitical skill and career success in the Chinese context.
     Firstly, the paper constructs the basic theoretical framework basing onsemi-structured interviewing with ten female managers in different enterprises.Secondly, the paper corrects and tests the theoretical framework and researchhypothesis through questionnaire survey and data collection from590femalemanagers who work in different industries and enterprises. Finally, the followingimportant conclusions are drawn by using the method of statistical analysis under thecondition of controlling the related demographic variables.
     (1) The political skill of the enterprise female managers significantly influencesthe career success. In particularly, interpersonal influence and the network abilityhave significant and positive effect on the career success. Social astuteness andapparent sincerity have no effect on career success
     (2) The political skill of the enterprise female managers significantly influencesthe workplace friendship. Specifically, the interpersonal influence and the networkability have significant and positive effect on the workplace friendship, together withapparent sincerity. Out of this, interpersonal influence and network ability havestronger influence on the workplace friendship, followed by apparent sincerity. Socialastuteness has no effect on the workplace friendship.
     (3) The workplace friendship of the enterprise female managers has significantand positive effect on the career success. Concretely speaking, enterprise femalemanagers with the workplace friendship would not only get the support of theemotional and morality from others, but also obtain more information and resourcesabout the organization, which contribute to their career success.
     (4)The workplace friendship of the enterprise female managers plays anmediating role between the political skill and career success. In this regard, theworkplace friendship is a kind of media and means which promoting the positiveinfluence of the political skill on career success. That is to say, driven by workplacefriendship, individuals who have high political skill would have solved the problemmore confidently, and increased the commitment to work, as well as improved the jobsatisfaction and achieved the career success.
     (5) The POS of enterprise female managers has play the positive moderating roleon the relationship between the political skill and career success. In other words, thestronger POS the enterprise female managers have, the more significant and positiveinfluence of the political skill on career success, and vice versa.
     The contribution of this paper is as below:
     (1) It expands the theoretical perspective about the political skill. From theperspective of gender, the paper discusses the process and influence about thepolitical skill of enterprise female managers on career success. It finds eachdimension of the political skill has different influence on career success of enterprisefemale manager, which expanding the research perspective about the political skill inthe future.
     (2) It enriches the theory of the career success. Influenced by Chinese traditionalculture, working women have been weak and in the passive position. Therefore, basedon considering the measurement dimension of the subjective and objective careersuccess by existing scholars (Heslin,2005; Arthur et al.,2005; Zhou wenxia&Sunjianmin,2010), the paper adopts the dimension of the work-family balance to measurethe female career success. Through analyzing the reliability and validity of scale, themeasurement index of enterprise female managers career success has certain practicalvalue.
     (3) It builds relationship model about the political skill, career success,workplace friendship and POS. The paper constructs the model between the politicalskill and career success, and identifies the mediating function of workplace friendship.Through exploratory research it finds POS is contingency variable and plays moderating effect on the political skill and career success.Under the context ofChinese culture, the paper not only enriches the related research of the political skill,career success, workplace friendship, but also provides the theory and experienceabout how to accelerate the growth of female managers from the aspect oforganization.
     At last, this paper gives the organization some managemental advices as follows:
     (1) Organization should improve the female manager political skills. It shouldestablish the curriculum which aiming to improve female manager political skill byspending time and energy, as well as providing necessary resources. At the same time,the organization should pay more attention to strengthen their practical skill.
     (2) Organization should create a good organizational atmosphere which isbeneficial to build workplace friendship. It should take effective action to buildpositive and inclusive organization atmosphere, and create opportunities to increasethe communication between the employees, then ask the female employees to takepart in. In particularly, female employees obtain the high career satisfaction and jobsatisfaction by establishing workplace friendship, and then promote the careerdevelopment and success.
     (3) Organization should support female manager’s career development. In orderto select the excellent female managers to create the value for the organization, it isnecessary to specifically provide education and training opportunities for them, andestablish the scientific and effective system of the performance appraisal andpromotion.
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