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Integrity is considered to be one of the most important basic norms of China’s traditional ethics. In the new era, it has been brought to the focus of the current moral education in tertiary education that the essence of the traditional Chinese integrity doctrine needs to be learned and inherited and college students’ideology and politics education should be enhanced and improved. Advanced vocational education plays an noticeable role in tertiary education which is substantially“based upon competency”, is responsible for nurturing highly skilled frontline talents working in production, construction, management and services, putting much stress on the profession-orientation of it’s educational goal. Therefore, vocational colleges in comparison with common tertiary education have been confronted with a number of special problems in its integrity education. And educators need to explore new ideas which truly fit the practical situations. This thesis mainly involves the following four parts:
     ⅠThe indication and function of college students’integrity education. Integrity as a commonly recognized moral definition involves the basic indication of being honest and sincere. College students’integrity education is meant to foster the quality of honesty and sincerity in college students’mindset. On the basis of the indication and requirements of integrity and the current social demand for college students’integrity, and of college students’perceptional nature, tertiary education institutions with the help of certain ways of education impose influence on college students in a purposeful, planned and organized way in order to reinforce their sense of integrity, cultivate their moral feelings, build up their integrity will, form their moral behavior habit, and foster a sense of following credit rules. College students’integrity education is an important componet of the ideology and politacs education in colleges and universities and also a part of social integrity education. Both college students themselves and society strongly need integrity education for their further development.
     ⅡThe current situations and analyses of the cause in the integrity education in vocational colleges. The integrity education in vocational colleges is still troubled with some drawbacks: College students’integrity education can’t meet the requirements of social development and hasn’t been increased to the level which is fit for the development speed of market economy; integrity education in vocational colleges is impractical and unsystematic; teaching methods are monotonous; the education lacks a specific target and practical effects, and can’t effectively adapt itself to the characteristics of vocational colleges. The major reasons for the problems are as follows: Colleges haven’t got enough understanding of the situation and don’t pay much attention; there still are drawbacks in the conception of integrity education; a college culture based upon integrity has not completed come into being.
     ⅢCountermeasures of enhancing integrity education in higher vocational colleges. As a systematic engineering, integrity education in higher vocational colleges must keep exploring and innovating on the basis of students’psychological nature and the rules of morality formation and higher vocational education, so as to play a significant part in cultivating highly skilled talents; during the proceedings of integrity education, some principles such as being focused, multi-level and practical should be followed; increase college students’appreciation of integrity education; improve the contents of integrity education in higher vocational colleges; try to explore methods and approaches of integrity education in higher vocational colleges; establish and improve a management mechanism of integrity education in higher vocational colleges.
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