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Subject & Major: Teachins: Moral Education
    Speciality: Teaching of Moral Education in Secondary Schools
    Supervisor: Associate Prof Lu Lin
    Author: Liu Lina (198026)
     Politics plays an important role in the system of moral education
    in vocational
    secondary schools and an effective exert of the function of it is
    significant for the
    formation of the good qualities of students' political,
    ideological, moral and
    psychological traits. This thesis firstly supplies a survey and
    an analysis of these aspects
    and the present situation of the teaching of this subject in
    vocational secondary schools.
    Then with this as the basis, the author tries to see through the
    function and loss of moral
    education in the subject of politics in vocational secondary
    schools, and to explore the
    causes of it so as to find out a possible kind of reform in the
    teaching of this subject and
    make full use of it in the overall d~yelopmentQfthe good
    qualities of secondary school
     The thesis illustrates the moral-educational functions of
    politics in vocational
    secondary schools from the perspectives of the property of moral
    education, the major
    channel position of it, the task of developing students'
    qualities of moral and
    psychological thinking, and the characteristics of the subject.
    These functions are as the
    following: the developing function of political qualities; the
    assuring function of
    intelligence, health and aesthetics; the promoting function of
     In this thesis, we mainly analyze the loss of the functions and
    its causes. It is argued
    in this thesis that there are losses on different degrees in the
    present direction of ideology;
    the foundation of moral qualities; the assurance of intelligence,
    health and aesthetics; and
    the psychological care as well. The major causes are as the
    following: the lagging behind
    of the teachers' thinking, the unpracticability of text books,
    the out-of-date methods of
    teaching, and the lack of multi-methods in evaluation.
     In order to solve these problems, we also proposes principles of
    reform in the
    present situation, that is, to adhere to knowledge and education
    property and to
    foreground the education property; to adhere to the unity and
    different levels and to
    emphasize on the feasibility; and to adhere to the unification of
    particularity and
    generality. Under the guide of certain rules, we can set up a
    characteristic system of
    moral education in vocational secondary schools and explore the
    teaching strategies
    proper to the cognitive features of students in vocational
    secondary schools. We can thus
    optimize the teaching methods and reform, and improve the
    evaluation system so as to
    frilly bring into play the moral-educational functions of
    politics in vocational secondary
    schools and realize the purpose of educating.
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