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Confronted with the global environment characterized by increasingly furious competition for knowledge and intelligence as well as rapid change, Multinational companies (MNCs) as a whole (rather than only the headquarter or individual units) have to continuously build marginal competitive advantages to maintain the market position. It is key to building this kind of advantages to exert the initiative of many overseas subsidiaries. Subsidiaries' initiative has great potential in the respect of promoting local response, worldwide learning and global integration.Based on the existing theoretical study on the origin of corporate competitive advantages and the position, coordination and control of overseas subsidiaries, the dissertation probes into the systematic way to position, coordinate and control the overseas subsidiaries, which are growing in the number and importance. The main objective is to exert their initiative to advance the creation and transferring of marginal knowledge and capability as well as to consolidate the intelligence foundations of the whole company.
    The dissertation is divided into 8 sections to address this theme. The first chapter of introduction sets forth the study background, motives, basis of the specific theme, the thinking thread, research course, the sections planning, points of innovation and the basic concepts.
    The second chapter reviews and comments the theoretical study on the position, coordination and control of overseas subsidiaries in the first place. It shows that the angle of view is gradually transferred from the headquarter to the subsidiaries; accordingly, the study object goes down from the whole and parent company to the subsidiaries. There is some insufficiency in this area. Firstly, the positioning of overseas subsidiaries is characterized by introversion and after-action reviewing, dominated by the headquarter and rarely examined from the angle of view of the subsidiary-consumers interaction and beforehand arrangement. Secondly, the mode of position, coordination and control themselves is addressed too much, but there is lack in the study on the development and diffusion of subsidiary initiative through appropriate mode of such kind. Thirdly, the research is still greatly impacted by the theory of internalization which is costs and risks minimum oriented. Lastly, the research pays too much attention to the management's authority and responsibility
    themselves and largely neglects the demands essence reflected by them. In the next place, the second chapter sets forth the evolution of the theory of origin of corporate competitive advantages and its revelation for the parent-subsidiary management in the MNCs. The sustainable competitive advantages of modern MNCs mainly originate from continuous exploration and exploitation of marginal core knowledge and capability. In addition, it is key to building and maintaining the sustainable competitive advantages to create characteristic knowledge and capability as well as cross-border transfer them to share in.
    Grounded on the strategic framework of Global Integration(GI)—Local Response (LR) , the third and fourth chapters integrate the three factors affecting the difference of subsidiary position, that is, the environment, the headquarter assignment and subsidiary choice, introduce the concept of embeddedness, establish an integrated position model based on the framework of dual embeddedness, and discuss the position mechanism and its transitions. In the respect of environment, with the expansion of businesses, functions and regions by MNCs as well as the conflicting and interweaved basic environmental forces of GI and LR, overseas subsidiaries are confronted with a kind of complex, dynamic and solid structure of pressure. Such kind of pressure structure provides MNCs and their worldwide overseas subsidiaries with multi-sources of global scale economy and learning. In the aspect of headquarter assignment, in order to cope with the furious competition for capability, it need to, based on understanding the pressure structure and the opportunities embedded within it, adjust the barycenter of strategic responsibility and position between the parent and subsidiaries so that they can respond to the environmental forces and tackle these opportunities. As for the subsidiary choice, their independent activities of internal and external embeddedness reflect their initiative to exploit the existent parent advantages and explore marginal ones respectively. By doing so, they become the flourishing nodes within the corporate network.
    Thereinto, the third chapter puts forth an integrated position model based on the dual embeddedness, and classifies subsidiaries into four kinds of position of Active, Autonomous, Receptive (Jarillo and Martinez, 1990)and Quiescent(Taggart, 1997). Then it also validates the existence of such kind of classifications. The model indicates that under the interacting solid environmental pressure, overseas subsidiaries
    need to, based on the headquarter's strategic choice and resources commitment, keep the balance between parent advantages exploitation and marginal advantages exploration through initiative internal and external embeddedness from the angle of view of themselves.
    The fourth chapter discusses that during the dynamic development and balance of the two kinds of environmental pressure, and with the evolution of the overseas development, the imbalanced development in the aspect of internal and external embeddedness by overseas subsidiaries transfers the position from the traditional one of parent advantages exploitation to the new one of marginal advantages exploration.
    The fifth and sixth chapters analyze the way to coordinate and control the resources and activities of overseas subsidiaries to accomplish the global strategic goal by MNCs. Thereinto, the fifth chapter focuses on overseas subsidiary coordination. More integrated relationship among subsidiaries can contribute to the effective transferring and sharing among them as marginal advantages explorer so as to realize capability increment, strengthen the whole firm specific advantages and better the whole corporate performance. The buildup of such kind of integration means that the relationship pattern among them changes from separate to integrative. During the process of transition, MNCs can choose a good many formal and informal coordination mechanisms according to different degree of coordination requirements. With the increasing interdependence among subsidiaries, the knowledge flow especially the tacit one is expanding, and activities addressed by subsidiaries need more non- programmed decision and reaction. As a result, there is strong requirement for informal coordination mechanisms.
    The sixth chapter focuses on overseas subsidiary control. It divides the control mechanisms into inputs control, bureaucratic organizational control, output control and socialization. But it is more necessary to adopt more flexible informal control mechanisms adapted to different subsidiaries' position and the transition of their development stages. At the same time, the chapter points out that under the background of more prominent position mode of marginal advantage exploration, increasingly integrated among subsidiaries as well as more dynamic host environment, the headquarter needs to transform the past parent-subsidiary relationship of
    dominating and being dominated in the "single center" pattern. That is, the headquarter should practise supportive and service control, further the parent-subsidiary partnership through flexible and highly responsive control and parenting advantages, and intensify the effectiveness of subsidiaries' local response and marginal capability accumulation in the "multi-center" pattern.
    Warranted by the above separate discourse upon overseas subsidiary position, coordination and control, the seventh chapter proposes an integrated model based on overseas subsidiaries' initiative, and demonstrates the correlations between them. It shows that the dynamics of the host environment, coordination and control by headquarter, the strength of subsidiaries' resources and capability as well as their dual embeddedness are significantly related with their initiative to create marginal competence.
    The eighth chapter of summary brings forward the conclusions, puts forth the main limitations of the dissertation and advice for the future research, and also relates the revelations and meaning to the parent-subsidiary management of position, coordination and control in China and foreign countries' MNCs.
    The main academic innovation and contribution: (1) contrary to the historical development logic of the theory on overseas subsidiary position, coordination and control, the author obeys the general organizational management logic of modern MNCs, that is, structure following strategy, considers the parent and its overseas subsidiaries' strategic position before the organizational coordination and control. (2) the dissertation integrates the separate theme of position, coordination and control into a systematic model. In addition, it emphasizes strategically the overseas subsidiaries' entrepreneurship to create new firm specific advantages, surmounting the traditional logic of internalization and with the orientation of value creation. (3) the dissertation goes deep into overseas subsidiary creativity, gathering large amount of evidence to support the assumption that overseas subsidiaries strengthen the marginal basis of resources and capability.
① 薛求知.无边界经营[M].上海译文出版社,1989.
    ② 源自:国际商报.2005.03.19.
    ③ 中国商务部2005年3月18日发布的信息。
    ④ 2004年世界投资报告。
    ① 源自:世界经济论坛2002-2003年全球竞争力报告。
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    ① 本文从管理学意义上将海外分支机构(海外分公司和子公司)统一纳入海外子公司的范畴。
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    ① 也是在全球一体化和当地回应两种压力之间的平衡。
    ② 本选题源于国家自然科学基金课题(70472022)并受其资助,本论文也是该课题阶段性的研究成果。
    ③ 根据作者的研究发现,既有的很多关于海外子公司定位、协调与控制的研究基本上都是从三个方面中的单一方面或者其中两个方面分散而非系统整体地进行。可参见第2章相关部分的内容。
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    ② 表示问卷中第17个题项中的第8个小项,以下同
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    61 Birkinshaw, Hood and Stefan Jonsson.Building firm specific advantages in MNCs: The role of subsidiary initiative [J]. Strategic Management Journal, 1998,19: 221-241.
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    66 White and Poynter.Strategies for Foreign-Owned Subsidiaries in Canada [J]. Business Quarterly, 1984,48(4): 59-69.
    67 Birkinshaw, Hood. Characteristics of Foreign Subsidiaries in Industry Clusters. Journal of International Business Studies [J]. First Quarter 2000,31(1): 141-154.
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    70 Bartlett & Ghoshal. Tap your subsidiaries for global reach [J]. Harvard Business Review, 1986,64(6): 87-94.
    71 Birkinshaw, Hood and Jonsson.Building firm specific advantages in MNCs: The role of subsidiary initiative [J]. Strategic Management Journal, 1998,19: 221-241.
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    76 Ghoshal and Bartlett. Creation, adoption, and diffusion of innovations by subsidiaries of multinational corporations[J]. Journal of International Business Studies, 1988, 19(3): 365-387.
    77 Andersson and Forsgren. Subsidiary embeddedness and competence development in MNEs-a multi-lever analysis[J]. Organization Studies (2001) 22,6:1013-1034.
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    ① 这种“生意意识”或者“生意经”需要更多的直觉判断。鉴于可资利用的信息常常并不充分,理性的分析判断和决策经常是不可能的事情。
    ② 不注意培养自主的设计和制造能力,我国及企业未来的经济增长效果都会大打折扣。不过自主能力增强了,越是接近发达国家及其企业的水平,我国企业就越是容易被对手关注,在技术转让和交流方面将面临更加苛刻的条件,对此我国企业必须加以重视。当然这逼迫我国企业在创新方面永不停息,这是一种“良性循环”。
    ③ 刘勇.无疆界商战:运营新视野,全球资源整合[EB/OL].ccw.com.cn.
    ④ 同上
    ⑤ TCL集团股份有限公司财务结算中心.TCL集团2005年度第一季度经营情况通报,2005.5.20.
    ① 转引自:薛求知,任胜钢.跨国公司理论新进展:基于区位与集群的视角[J].复旦大学学报(社科版),2005,1:63-71.
    ② 不能仅仅满足于:适应风起云涌的跨国公司在华全球采购的要求,依靠快速提高效率、改善质量和降低成本而成为跨国公司眼中更加高级的OEM厂商。在跨国公司在华直接投资日益转向低资源消耗的知识产业和服务产业背景下,寻求品牌、定位和价格综合差异化优势以及开展ODM才是更加持续的战略性举措。
    ① 在这种特定的关键位置上,企业能够充当连接成员企业之间的联系纽带或者利用在网络中的声望和权力而获取重要信息、建立控制地位和巩固核心能力。源自:陈莉平.嵌入社会网络的企业竞争优势探源[J].经济管理.新管理,2005年7月第14期。
    ① 根据2005年5月在深圳某著名公司SZHW的访谈整理。
    ② 要提供特定(当地)客户真正需要的问题解决方案,而非提供总部转移而来的自认为具有特色的方案。
    ③ 跨国公司内部的资源整合是外部整合的基础。在外部,传统的条块分割的管理体制使得我国海外企业之间经常缺少横向联系与合作,相互竞争与封锁消息,不能实现经营资源的共享,经营分散化现象比较严重,全球定价和报价能力极其衰弱。这与众多跨国公司纷纷通过兼并扩大规模和积极建立战略联盟的现实形成巨大反差。
    ① 特别是许多西方国家的MBA和EMBA课程纳入越来越多的中国因素。
    ② 我国跨国公司不熟悉海外市场特别是竞争对手的情况以及对它国政治、经济、丈化与历史的研究极为不足,这是目前我国跨国公司普遍面临的一个软肋。
    ③ 源于:王念祖.中国企业如何走向国际市场[M].安徽科学技术出版社.1995:263.
    ① 胜任业务、了解母国与东道国文化是十分重要的两大条件。
    ② 根据2005年5月在深圳某著名公司SZHW的访谈整理。
    ③ 如果一家跨国公司在当地没有可靠的接班人,那么母国派出的管理人员的晋升就会因为脱不开而面临限制。
    ④ 绝不是简单的容易引起排斥的文化同化。鉴于亚太地区特别是亚洲是我国对外直接投资的主要目的地,以及由于地缘接近的的缘故,这种文化认同应该比较容易些。
    ⑤ 懂外语、懂经济、懂法律、懂技术、懂管理的复合型人才。
    ⑥ 不能在外派的时候轰轰烈烈,而在回国的时候无声无息。
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    ① 这种职位轮换可能导致企业战略决策和实施的不连贯性。但是在跨国公司总部不能对海外子公司进行时时监控和事事监督的情况下,这是确保海外经营安全性的必要代价。
    ② 目前海外直接投资的企业大多是国有企业或者与国有企业存在非常持久密切的关系。这不排除在个别海外市场的中国企业主要是民营企业的事实。例如在新加坡上市的龙筹股就有90%属于民营企业。
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