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Facing increasingly complicated competition environments in the new economy era, enterprisesshould get a clear understanding of these real-life questions, including how to adapt and make use ofthe environment, enhance competition ability and pursue sustainable development. Besides, violentchanges of organization environments put forward new requirements for enterprises’ organizationstructure and management models. Their evolution and regeneration is needed urgently both in termsof theory and practice. Managers of enterprises and researchers of management theories need tosurvey the new management environment renewedly. Along with the increasing fusion of economy,business ecology competition gradually becomes the focal point which enterprises concern. It isn’tonly with practical significance, but also with great theoretical value that taking ecology metaphorand bionics as the point of view to discuss the relationship between enterprises and environments,and discussing ecology competition and symbiotic development which are related to sustainabledevelopment strategy of enterprises.
     In the practical and theoretical background, business ecosystems draw the attention ofmanagement researchers both at home and abroad as an organization form and a kind ofmanagement thought. Besides, combined with the background of the strategy of constructingharmonious society, business ecosystems become the theme of the thesis. On the premise ofpectination and analysis of present situation of research on business ecosystems and on the basis ofsystematic consideration on theoretical research, the thesis is carried out contraposing generationmechanisms and management of business ecosystems.
     The concrete researches and innovations are as follows:
     ⑴Construction of a fundamental analysis framework for the research on business ecosystems.Based on a definite concept of a business ecosystem, its implications and characteristics are deeplyparsed. Fundamental research hypotheses on theories of business ecosystems are deeply extracted. Atridimensional network construction model of the system is built. Multidimensional connotations ofbusiness ecosystems are deconstructed from the aspects of the subject, time, space and function.
     ⑵Analysis and explanation on the rationality logic of the generation of business ecosystems.The essence of the generation of business ecosystems is analyzed from multidimensional views.Inherent foundation for business ecosystems’ generation is analyzed. Values transformation withecological wisdom and expansion of value space of business ecosystems’ generation are parsed. Thevalue system of a business ecosystem is founded. On the basis of all above, the rationality logic ofbusiness ecosystems’ generation is put forward, and “why possible” of the generation of businessecosystems is revealed. Then it is propounded that business ecosystems’ generation is realized relying on the integrated action of restriction mechanism provided by social objective factors andexpansion mechanism provided by subjective factors.
     ⑶Deconstruction of the generation mechanism for cognition of business ecosystems. From theaspects of subjective foundation, objective conditions and dynamic unification of them, thegeneration mechanism theories of the cognition of business ecosystems are analyzed and constructed.It is propounded that comprehension of inherent needs consists the endogenetic mechanism ofcognition of business ecosystems which plays the role of subjective foundation, internalizationmechanism of strategic social responsibilities and economic ethics responsibilities is the objectivecondition, and integration of guanxi mechanism and categorization mechanism materializes thedynamic unification of subjective and objective conditions. The generation mechanism of anenterprise’s cognition of business ecosystems is taken as the breakthrough point, and a businessecosystem’s “how generate” is analyzed by deconstructing it.
     ⑷Analysis on management transformation mechanism of business ecosystems’ generation. Itis put forward that transformation and reconstruction of organizational management is a synthesis ofthe cause and the result of business ecosystems’ generation. Then with the penetration intoknowledge level and the breakthrough point of space, the theory on realization mechanisms based onspace for inter-organizational knowledge flow is constructed. Based on taking a clear-cutunderstanding on the relationship between business ecosystems’ generation and knowledgeinteraction among enterprises, it is got that with enterprises’ suing for knowledge competitiveadvantage and knowledge integration ability, expansion of learning methods, renewal of knowledgetransfer models, transformation of macroscopic management models, transformation ofinter-organizational relationship based on community and their coupling with enterprises’ spacereconfiguration constitute the management transformation mechanism of business ecosystems’generation. Under the angel of space philosophy, knowledge interaction and managementtransformation is taken as the breakthrough point, and business ecosystems’“how generate” isrevealed.
     ⑸Configuration of a theoretical framework of business ecosystems’ management. Innovationson management theories oriented to business ecosystems are discussed from four aspects such asmanagement idea and goal, management subject and object, management culture and managementdimension. Supporting system of management strategy for a business ecosystem is constructedwhich includes the strategy of symbiotic evolution, system generalization, business network andco-evolution, and inherent logic framework of the system is analyzed. On the basis of the dialecticalrelationship between self-organization and hetero-organization, concrete management measures andpolicy tropisms are proposed respectively for the enterprise and the government.
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