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With the further deepening of the reform and open policy in our country and the deepening of the WTO advancement, the competition between the firms intensifies day by day, the cycle of the technological life shortens gradually, the competitive ability of the firm relies on the technological advancement gradually. At first, this article states that, in the view of the technological competence, the technological competence is the key of the survival and the development of the firm, and it is the determining factor of the firm to form its own competitive ability. In this article, the essence of the technological competence is knowledge, the most important material carrier in the firm is the specialized technological producer (the human capital with knowledge and technology). But in the realistic income assignment process in the firm, we put excessive emphasis on the material capital property right and the interests of the superintendent in the firm. This is disadvantageous to the enthusiasm of the specialized technological producer. And it is also disadvantageous to the technological competence and the continuous competitive ability of the firm. Therefore, in the research of income assignment reform in the firm in the view of the technological competence, we must fully realize the interests of the specialized technological producer, and carries on the reform of the income assignment in the firm with this principle. Only then, the technological competence in the firm will form a positive cycle, and the firm will form its own continuous competitive ability.
     This article firstly states that the continuous competitive advantage is determined by its own technological competence in the view of the theory of endogenous growth. The essence of the technological competence is the knowledge, and the specialized technological producer as well as the corresponding unified organization is the core factor of the evolution mechanism of its own technological competence. This article stressed that, in the process of the income assignment reform of the firm, we should raise the income level of the specialized technological producer, safeguarding their basic interests and carrying suitable drive on them are the key factors to keep its own core technological competence and continuous competitive ability. Then this paper explains the reason why the specialized technological producer participates in the income assignment of the firm. This establishes the microscopic foundation of the income assignment reform in the firm. The fourth part of this article puts emphasis on the present situation as well as the extant problems in the income assignment of the firm, and then we give some concrete suggestion for the specialized technological producer to participate in the income assignment reform in the firm.
① 魏江在《企业技术能力研究的发展与评述》一文中认为,技术能力的研究到 20 世纪 80 年代后期进入发展阶段,其标志是理论界开始从微观的角度研究技术能力,即从企业的角度研究技术能力。
    ② 其中前两者是动态的知识库,随时间延续而不断“吐故纳新”,实现知识的动态积累;后两者是知识控制系统和生成机制,如管理系统通过建立有效的教育系统,奖励系统和激励系统,以指导和监督企业人员知识的不断更新和积累。
    ③ 这种“人本”视角的技术能力概念首先由吉林大学牛雁翎提出,他在其博士论文《人本视角企业核心技术能力研究中对这一概念有较为清晰的阐述。
    ④ 奈特将企业家与不确定性和风险联系了起来,即企业家就是在高度不确定性环境中进行决策并承担决策后果的人。
    ⑤ 自从威廉姆森(1971,1975)和克莱因等人(1978)的开创性研究以来,“资产专用型”及其相关的“敲竹杠”、“套牢”等问题越来越成为契约与企业理论的一个中心问题。他们看来,企业理论的几个主要问题都可以与资产专用型投资密切相关。
    ⑥ 标准经济理论把企业看作是既定技术条件下的最优化生产者,其生存和发展是外生的。而现实中,企业的创新性活动和内生成长却构成了经济持续变迁的主题。企业的成长表现为内部知识和能力的积累过程。知识积累的质和量的差异决定了现实企业之间具有不同的竞争优势和成长潜力。
    ⑦ 马歇尔认为,企业的专业化生产职能可以连续分解为新的次级职能单位,不同的次级职能单位产生出一系列不同的专门技能和知识。
    ⑧ 阿尔钦指出,在缺乏完全知识的条件下,企业对未来的预期是不确定的。
    ⑨ 他们用“惯例”表示企业组织演化中所形成的生产性知识和能力,企业通过“惯例”适应所面临的不确定问题,配置社会资源和提高组织活动效率。
    ⑩ 本文把知识的类型概括为两类:显性知识与默识知识。默识知识主要是指不能用语言、图像等程序化途径表现的知识。
    11 参见周其仁《市场里的企业:一个人力资本与非人力资本的特别合约》,《经济研究》1996 年第 9 期。
    12 对此,学术界存在一些不同一件,某些学者认为资产专用型不但不是当事人分享企业合作剩余的基础,反而削弱了当事人的谈判力,因为当事人的推出威胁难以置信,甚至导致专用性投资的准租金在事后遭到剥削。
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