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The dissertation of the relation of enterprises and market by the theory of the enterprise’s contractual theory is the important academically base to comprehend the relationship among the members in a enterprise. However, their argumentation has not paid attention to the relation of interdepending between members. A enterprise is a unit with the nexus of many kinds of product factors and the organizational knowledge & capability. The organizational knowledge & capability forming during the production period are named with the property of labor.
    The enterprise-specific characters and the degree of importance are crucial to the status of enterprise governance for any kind of production factors. Both the progress of science and technology and the elevation of the status of the science & technology and the knowledge of which the labor grasped during the production period have driven the elevation of the status of the labor group in the enterprise governance structure. It was strengthened by the organizational knowledge & capability based on the property of labor. Modern enterprise governance inclined to chose the multilateral governance mode.
    The enterprise governance dominated in a country is influenced by the institution of property, the characteristic of capital market, the characteristic of labor and labor market, the institution of culture and politics and so forth. It is also the result of game between members during the production period. There are two clear kinds of enterprise governance in developed countries ——the mode charactered in Anglo-Saxon countries and the mode charactered in Japan and German.
    There are some defects in The State-owned Enterprise in our country. It is not only the result of the institution of property of SOE, but also the result of the enterprise governance. It is important to fully use the passion and initiative of labor group and benefit the role of “inside information people”in SOE. The construction of multilateral enterprise governance may be a good ideal to control difficulty.
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