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Industry-university-institute cooperation is an important approach to improveinnovation of science and technology and integrated competitiveness of the nation. Inthis day and time, as the economic development pattern has been transferred fromindustry economic to knowledge economic, interior structure and externalenvironment of Industry-university-institute cooperation is experiencing a significanttransform and becoming increasingly complex. With the analysis of the history andstatus quo of Industry-university-institute cooperation, this paper makes a study of thefeatures of different stages of Industry-university-institute cooperation, clarify the lawof its development and establish a long-acting management pattern to promotesustainable development of Industry-university-institute cooperation. This dissertationconducts some theoretical innovations as follows:
     (1)Summarize features of Industry-university-institute cooperation in differentstages, introduce the stage division of Industry-university-institute cooperationdevelopment and analyze the evolvement mechanism in different stages from amultidisciplinary perspective through review of development history ofIndustry-university-institute cooperation. Finish the complex adaptive analysis ofIndustry-university-institute cooperation with complex collaborative network, basedon Complex Adaptive Systems Theory.
     (2)Based on the analysis of Industry-university-institute normal model usingGame Theory, the analysis of Industry-university-institute union stability andIndustry-university-institute with intermediary organization using Evolutionary GameTheory, the major factors influencing strategies and overall performance ofIndustry-university-institute are summarized and the interest allocation problem issolved by Nash bargaining solution and Shapley solution.
     (3)Propose the evaluation mechanism of performance ofindustry-university-institute cooperation with complex collaborative network from theperspectives of intermediary organization management and relative productionefficiency of corporation agents. Build Industry-university-institute cooperationevaluation model under the perspective management organization based on FAHP and enterprise relative production efficiency evaluation model based on interval dataenvelopment analysis.
     (4)Build risk management model focusing on characteristics ofIndustry-university-institute cooperation with complex collaborative network and findout the process of risk management and interactions between different parts fromthree major areas—risk evaluation, risk control and risk communication..
     (5) Examined empirically the viewpoints and models in this paper and presentadvices and countermeasure for the development of the software park through theinstance of University Software Park of Tianjin.
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