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The ethnic Zhuang is one the descent of the ancient Yue .In its long migration, multiply and gestation process, Zhuang conflicted and integrated with Han or other ethnics, and ultimately made a situation of today’s distribution .So it is of great value to study Zhuang’s distribution and migration process, for exploring the origin of the Zhuang and even the whole evoluton of ancient Yue.Research in many ways , perspective of toponymic is of special status.There are anbudance information in Zhuang toponomy ,which often respond to the location of the surrounding natural environment ,population groups ,living habits ,ways of production ,religious beliefs,and with relative stability. The development of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Spatial Analysis has brought new opportunities for the toponomy reserch.
     The core content of this article consists of three parts:
     Part I:Select the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for the study region for its Zhuang more gathered, using Visualization technology& Spatial Analysis of the GIS to analyze the distribution of Zhuang toponomy, with a view to assessing the effectiveness of new methods and to explore the variety of factors which have affect to the distribution of Zhuang toponmy .The toponomy in the study region contains 14 cities ,75 county-level cities ,and 1338towns all of them are from the "Dictionary of toponomys People's Republic of China (Vol. II)." According to the dictionary records and related literature,evaluate the Zhuang and non-Zhuang toponomy with 1-0,and use the Spatial Smoothing & Spatial Interpolation techniques to show the trend of the toponomy distribution.We can see that the aggregation of Zhuang placenames southern border with Vietnam, and adjacent to the north-western Yunnan Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture.Average the Zhuang toponomy ratio in different countis ,and then do correlation analysis with the proportion of the modern Zhuang population of county .After all ,we confirm that there is a strong correlation between them. This result shows that the historical distribution of place names research can be similar to reproduce the situation of Zhuang people lived in the history of the area,and help to further define the history of Zhuang migration.
     Part II: In accordance with the meaning of Zhuang toponomys, summed up several factors strong associated with the spatial distribution of the Zhuang toponomy,including the altitude, distance to the central cities, and distance to traffic line(railway,road,river), whether in the land of paddy soil or irrigation area, the slope and aspect. After Statistical Analysis shows that the spatial distribution of non-Zhuang & Zhuang toponomys with such characteristics: Zhuang toponomy is High elevation habitat, far away from central cities, with less chance of holding the irrigation land and near the railway. This result reveals a certain extent, the history of the Zhuang population was impacted by the Han people or troops who moved southward,and when they left to other places ,they were had the impact of natural environment ,human environment and traffic.
     Part III:A part of these toponomys contain its first-used time,and analysis Zhuang toponomys which first used during Song ,Ming and Qing dynasty, then get its spatial distribution of the historical situation, and try to make out a possible track of Zhuang toponomy distribution changes in the history .
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