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近年来,生命科学的研究正处于突飞猛进的发展中。随着人类基因组计划(HGP)的基本完成与现代生物技术的飞速发展,大量生物信息的获取已经为揭开生命的奥秘提供了坚实的数据基础。在生命科学的研究进入到后基因组时代(Post-Genome Era)时,生命科学的研究重点已经不再是生物信息的获取,而是转移到对基因组功能及其变化规律的研究,因此对海量数据的处理产生了紧迫的需求。与此同时,计算机技术及网络技术的革命性发展为处理海量数据提供了强有力的支撑,于是,生物信息学便在此前提下迅速的发展起来。并终将为人类破译遗传密码,掌握疾病的遗传信息,破解基因功能,结构功能预测起到巨大的推动作用。
In recent years, life science research is in developing by leaps and bounds. As the human genome project completed and modem biological technology rapid development, Lots of biological information acquisition has to uncover the mystery of life and provides solid data base. In the time of life science research into the Post-Genome Era, Life science research focus is no longer biological information, but moved to the research of genome function and the changing laws. Therefore the pressing needs have been produced of mass data processing. Meanwhile, computer technology and network technology has a revolutionary development to the massive data processing and provides powerful support, and ultimately have vast pushing effect for human crack the genetic code, grasps the disease of the genetic information, cracked gene function, structure and function prediction.
     SNPS namely single-nucleotide polymorphisms, It refers to species in the evolutionary process because of the variation in the genome of nucleotides resulting differences between the DNA sequence. It mainly includes bases loss, insert, conversion etc, SNP reflects the difference of genetic information contained in the site is causing some genetic diseases, cancer and other important factors. Gene mutation and SNPS in biological systems, bioinformatics and biomedical research plays a very important role.
     The expression form of Biological information data is genetic sequence data. Through the comparison of sequence can found the information of the function and structure. Gene double sequence alignment or multi-sequence alignment analysis is one of research hotspot of bioinformatics. For the analysis of the gene sequence is usually adopts clustering algorithms. This paper mainly studies based on sequence alignment algorithm in gene expression data to SNP problem analysis. The main work and innovation points as follows.
     1) This paper firstly introduces bioinformatics the related concepts and their important sense, and summarized current research status in domestic and abroad.
     2) For a detailed study on gene expression data commonly used the cluster analysis algorithm, through the experiment we analyzed the algorithms.
     3) Introduced the research status of Gene sequence alignment algorithm, provides the basis for this paper.
     4) Based on the research of sequence alignment algorithm, this paper puts forward in mass gene sequences in the experiment for SNPS data plan design, through the improvement of classic BLAST algorithm we design and realization the algorithm in PC platform and high performance cluster environment. Furthermore we make a detailed analysis and testing through the experimental. Experiments show that this experiment scheme in time complexity and results are obtained in the ideal result.
     5) As the bases of the algorithm, we design and realized the sequence analysis system based on Windows operating system and cluster platform. Its main functions include gene sequences of derivation, SNPS data analysis, sequence alignment, parameter setting and results data output, the shading treatment check, etc.
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