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The entrepreneurial university is a new type of university that appeared in thelate twentieth Century in developed countries in Europe and America. It is the era ofinnovation in university educational ideas and the development strategy of rapiddevelopment of knowledge and economy. University is an important component ofthe national innovation system and an important force in promoting the constructionof an innovative country. Private higher education is an important part of highereducation in our country and an important force in promoting education reform and tomake a realistic response to the construction of an innovative country and innovativepersonnel training. Private colleges and universities should take the transition to theentrepreneurial university as an opportunity. They should strengthen cooperation withgovernment, industry and research institutes as well as promote technologicalinnovation based on the needs of regional economic and social development. Inaddition, they are supposed to continuously improve capacities of research, service,culture and knowledge innovation, and promote scientific research and high-techdevelopment, thus achieving leapfrog development for private colleges, and playingan important role in innovation and entrepreneurship of personnel training system.This paper is divided into eight chapters:
     The first chapter describes the research background, research significance,research ideas, research content and research methods and puts forward the maininnovation points of this paper.
     The second chapter introduces the theory of the transformation in universitiesand analyzes research status of entrepreneurial universities at home and abroad.Meanwhile, by analyzing successful educational philosophy and experience inentrepreneurial universities abroad, it will not only help to establish a modernuniversity concept but also provide theoretical support for promoting a transition to anentrepreneurial university.
     The third chapter analyzes inevitabilities and route selections of transition toentrepreneurial universities, and summarizes contents and features. Also it discoversand summarizes problems existing in the transition to entrepreneurial universities with the analysis of transformation SWOT.
     The fourth chapter proposes the establishment of five mechanisms. These areactivation organization, a strong knowledge dissemination system; a platform toexpedite knowledge transfer, the diversification of entrepreneurial resources, and theintegration of enterprise culture. These mechanisms are integral in establishing aperfect system of internal mechanisms in Colleges and universities.
     The fifth chapter mainly discusses the government and social security. Providingpolicy and financial support, the government guides private undergraduateentrepreneurial colleges to establish incentive mechanisms. As to the social security, itshould create innovation and an atmosphere of entrepreneurship, and enhancescientific and technological cooperation between universities and enterprises.
     The sixth chapter is based on Five Elements of Constructing EntrepreneurialUniversity Theory created by Burton Clark and Triple Helix: University-Industry-Government Innovation Strategy created by Henry. It analyzes51private collegeswith Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis, which provide a reference to otheruniversities that will transit to the entrepreneurial university.
     The seventh chapter considers Huanghe Science and Technology College as aspecific case, discussing the development of entrepreneurial transition in the school,and puts forward the improvement measures and suggestions for the transformation ofthe entrepreneurial university.
     The eighth chapter summarizes the prospects of civilian-run colleges anduniversities. Finally, this paper offers valuable suggestions for that transition to theentrepreneurial university development, and the transformation of private colleges tothe entrepreneurial universities.
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