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Professor Xufusong is one of the founders of andriatry of TCM, chairman in charge of andriatry branch of Chinese Association of TCM. He has rich experience of male infertility, which forms a series of theory of his own. In this thesis, we sum up his theory and clinical experience of male infertility.
    Three pats of thesis:
    1. Retrospect the study on male infertility in fields of TCM and western medicine.
    2. Introduce the research on male infertility of prof. Xu.
    (1)In 1970s, paid close attention to infertility of abnormal sperm, primary theory of differentiation was formed.
    (2)In 1980s, paid close attention to immune infertility, systemic theory was formed.
    (3)In 1990s, paid close attention to oral diseases and inflammation of sexual gland relating to male infertility, the theory was further improved.
    3. Discuss characteristics and advantages of his treatment of male infertility.
    (1)Introduce his thought of differentiation on diseases and syndromes and laboratory experiment.
    (2)Summarize his treatment of infertility in views of spleen, lung, kidney, Qi, blood-stasis, phlegm.
    (3)Talk about my personal understanding of prescription of infertility.
    The characteristics and advantages of my tutor,s treatment of male infertility lie in: the concept of integrity, integrity of differentiation on whole symptoms and local symptoms, integrity of macrocosm and microcosm in diagnosis, treat the root cause, integrity of differentiation on diseases and syndromes, differentiation on diseases firstly, differentiation on syndromes secondly. He treats male infertility from aspects of spleen, lung, kidney, Qi, blood-stasis, phlegm, accompanying with method of strengthening the body resistance and removing the pathogenic factors.
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