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     研究表明,在急性心肌缺血恢复血流灌注后,由缺血-再灌注损伤(ischemia reperfusion injury, IRI)所致的心肌梗死后死亡率仍然高达10%。动物实验亦发现,心肌缺血时高达50%的最终心肌梗死面积是归因于IRI。目前,已经公认缺血预处理是最为强大的内源性心肌保护干预措施。然而,由于心肌缺血事件的不可预测性,所以在临床实践中很难对其采取预先干预措施。因此,除了能够在实施心脏手术的患者选择性应用之外,缺血预处理的临床应用价值十分有限。缺血后处理则解决了临床干预时机选择的问题,而且其也已被证明具有确切的心肌保护作用。但是,诸如反复阻塞冠状动脉这样的操作有导致病变冠状动脉破裂或粥样斑块脱落等并发症的高度风险,故其临床应用价值也十分有限。相比之下,肢体远隔缺血后处理则能够避免在心脏直接进行操作,而且大量研究表明其对心肌IRI具有明确的保护作用。此外,肢体远隔缺血后处理还具有安全、实施简单和费用低廉等优点。因此,肢体远隔缺血后处理不失为临床治疗心肌IRI的一种较佳选择。
     现已明确,炎症反应在心肌IRI的发生和发展过程中发挥着极为重要的致病作用,并且调节炎症反应可以减轻心肌IRI。晚近研究发现,迷走神经同样具有免疫炎症调节功能,其激活后能够通过胆碱能抗炎通路(cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway)而实现对炎症反应的调控。在内毒素血症、结肠炎、风湿性关节炎和IRI等炎症性疾病时,迷走神经刺激能够通过抑制炎症细胞募集和炎症细胞因子释放而调控炎症反应,进而发挥其保护作用。虽然已经证实迷走神经刺激能够减小IRI所致的心肌梗死面积,但是目前尚无研究系统观察迷走神经刺激后处理对心肌缺血-再灌注损伤时心肌局部与全身炎症反应的影响。
     将140只体重290~320g的成年雄性Sprague Dawley (SD)大鼠麻醉后随机平均分为七组(每组20只):空白对照组(S组);对照组(C组);缺血预处理组(IPC组);心肌缺血15min迷走神经刺激后处理组(POESI15组);再灌注前迷走神经刺激后处理组(POESRO组);再灌注30min迷走神经刺激后处理组处理组(POESR30组);再灌注60min迷走神经刺激后处理组(POESR60组)。所有大鼠开胸后采用丝线将其冠状动脉左前降支(left anterior descending coronary artery, LAD)套扎做成活结。除S组之外,所用大鼠均接受局部心肌缺血30min(阻断LAD)和再灌注120min(开放LAD)的处理。C组不采用任何其他干预措施;IPC组在结扎LAD前进行3个循环的缺血预处理,每个循环是由5min的LAD阻断和5min的LAD开放组成,总处理时间是30min; POESI15、POESR0、POESR30和POESR60组是分别在心肌缺血15min时、心肌再灌注前即刻、心肌再灌注30min时和心肌再灌注60min时对大鼠的右侧迷走神经进行电刺激,持续时间为30min。实验过程中,连续监测心率(heart rate, HR)、平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure, MAP)和Ⅱ导联心电图(electrocardiogram, ECG),并保持大鼠直肠温度在36.5~37.5℃之间。然后,将每组大鼠进一步随机平均分为2个亚组(每亚组10只),第1亚组在再灌注30min、60min和120min时抽取血液标本,采用大鼠专用试剂盒分别测定血清心肌肌钙蛋白I (cardiac troponin-I, cTnI)、肌酸激酶心肌型同工酶(myocardial-bound creatine kinase, CK-MB)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α, TNF-α)、高迁移率组蛋白1(high mobility group box1protein, HMGB1)、细胞间粘附分子1(intercellular adhesion molecule1, ICAM1)、白介素-1(interleukin-1, IL-1)、白介素-6(interleukin-6, IL-6)和白介素-10(interleukin-10, IL-10)的浓度;在实验结束时,采用伊文思蓝和氯化三苯基四氮唑双重染色技术检测心肌梗死面积(infarct size, IS%)。在实验结束时,第2亚组用于检测缺血区心肌组织和非缺血区心肌组织TNF-α、HMGB1、ICAM1、IL-1、IL-6和IL-10的含量。
     与S组、C组或IPC组相比,POESI15组的HR在缺血期和再灌注期间均明显降低,POESRO组、POESR30组和POESR60组的HR在再灌注期间明显降低。与S组相比,C组、IPC组、POESI15组、POESRO组、POESR30组和POESR60组在缺血期和再灌注期的MAP和心率血压乘积(rate-pressure product, RPP)均明显降低。与IPC组相比,C组、POESI15组、POESRO组、POESR30组和POESR60组缺血期发生室性心律失常的大鼠数目明显增多,而且缺血期室性心律失常评分亦明显增高。与C组相比,IPC组、POESI15组和POESRO组再灌注初期发生室性心动过速(ventricular tachycardia, VT)的大鼠数目明显减少,而且再灌注初期室性心律失常评分亦明显降低。
     将20只体重290-320g的成年雄性SD大鼠麻醉后随机平均分为四组(每组5只):对照组(C组);迷走神经刺激后处理组(POES组);肢体远隔缺血后处理组(LRIPOC组);联合应用迷走神经刺激后处理和肢体远隔缺血后处理组(POES-LRIPOC组)。各组的处理基本同本实验第二部分,但是在开放LAD实施再灌注60min时结束实验,分别取大鼠左心室缺血区心肌标本和右心室非缺血区心肌标本。从缺血与非缺血区心肌标本中提取总蛋白和总RNA,采用实时定量聚合酶链反应(Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, RQ-PCR)技术观察Akt和STAT3基因mRNA在缺血区心肌组织和非缺血区心肌组织的表达情况,并通过免疫蛋白印迹分析(Western-blotting)技术观察缺血区心肌组织和非缺血区心肌组织Akt和STAT3蛋白磷酸化的情况。
     5. PI3K/Akt和JAK/STAT信号转导通路相关基因在转录后蛋白磷酸化水平的上调参与了迷走神经刺激后处理和肢体远隔缺血后处理的心肌保护作用;而PI3K/Akt和JAK/STAT信号转导通路相关基因mRNA水平的上调则参与了联合应用迷走神经刺激后处理和肢体远隔缺血后处理的心肌保护。同时,联合应用迷走神经刺激后处理和肢体远隔缺血后处理的心肌保护作用机制可能还涉及了PI3K/Akt和JAK/STAT信号转导通路蛋白磷酸化水平的上调。
     Studies have shown that the mortality rate attributed to myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is still up to10%after prompt restoration of blood flow in the infarct-related coronary. In addition, many animal researches have shown that the IRI is responsible for up to50%of the final infarct size during acute myocardial ischemia. Although the ischemic preconditioning (IPC) remains the most powerful cardioprotective measure, its clinical application has been hampered by the requirement of intervention before onset of acute myocardial ischemia, which is clearly impossible in the setting of acute myocardial infarction. Ischemic postconditioning (IPOC) can be triggered during the clinically applicable period of myocardial reperfusion, which has already been shown cardioprotective. However, it can cause dangerous complications including rupture of diseased coronary artery and fall off of atheromatous plaque, which attribute to the requirement of repeated occlusion of coronary artery. Thus, the clinical application of IPOC is quite limited too. In contrast, limb remote ischemic postconditioning (LRIPOC) can be operated away from the heart and it has definitely cardioprotective effects. In addition, LRIPOC is easy to operate, safe and low-cost. As a result, LRIPOC is really a good choice to treat myocardial IRI.
     Endogenous inflammatory response is a key factor in formation and progression of myocardial IRI. Recently, the immunoregulation of vagus nerve has been demonstrated, which can modulate inflammation by the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway when activated. During inflammatory diseases such as endotoxemia, colonitis, rheumatic arthritis and IRI, vagus nerve stimulation can provide protection by inhibiting inflammatory cells recruitment and inflammatory cytokines release. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that vagus nerve stimulation can reduce the infarct size caused by myocardial IRI. However, there has been no research observing the effects of vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning (POES) on local myocardial and systemic inflammation during myocardial IRI.
     Combining different interventions to obtain an augmented cardioprotection is always one of the most popular research focuses in the area of myocardial IRI. Obviously, POES and LRIPOC might be triggered by different mechanisms. As a result, this randomized, controlled animal experimental study was designed and the aims of the present study were:1) to investigate the validity, usability and optimal intervention time of cardioprotection provided by vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning during myocardial IRI;2) to determine whether there was a synergistic cardioprotection by combination of POES and LRIPOC;3) to assess roles of both PI3K/Akt and JAK/STAT signal pathways in the cardioprotection of combined POES and LRIPOC, in order to explore the inherent mechanism of the interaction between POES and LEIPOC. This study was divided into three parts.
     Part1Experimental study on cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects and optimal intervention time of vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning in rat with myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in vivo
     In this part of the experiment, an in vivo rat model of myocardial IRI was used to compare the cardioprotections and anti-inflammatory effects of vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning at different time points, and to identify the optimal intervention time of vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning to provide a maximal cardioprotection.
     One hundred and forty anesthetized male Sprague Dawley rats (weighed290to320g) were randomly divided equally into seven groups (n=20in each group):sham group (S group), control group (C group), ischemic preconditioning group (IPC group), vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning at15min of myocardial ischemia period group (POESI15group), vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning immediately before myocardial reperfusion group (POESR0group), vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning at30min of myocardial reperfusion period group (POESR30group) and vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning at60min of myocardial reperfusion period group (POESR60group). After left thoracotomy in all rats, a6-0silk ligature was placed around the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) and encircled with a suture. In the groups other than S group, the LAD was ligated for30min followed by a120-min reperfusion. In C group, no additional intervention was performed. In IPC group, rats underwent three consecutive5-min LAD occlusion followed by a5-min reperfusion, which was performed before a30-min LAD ligation. In POESI15, POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups, the right cervical vagus nerve was stimulated electrically at15min of ischemia, the time immediately before reperfusion,30min of reperfusion and60min of reperfusion and lasted for30min respectively. Throughout the experiment, the heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and a lead II electrocardiogram were continuously monitored. The rectal temperature was maintained at36.5-37.5℃. Then, rats in each group were randomly divided equally into subgroup A and subgroup B. In subgroup A, blood samples were taken at30min,60min and120min of reperfusion for measuring serum concentrations of troponin I (TnI), myocardial-bound creatine kinase (CK-MB), tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), high mobility group box1protein (HMGB1), intercellular adhesion molecule1(ICAM1), interleukin-1(IL-1), interleukin-6(IL-6) and interleukin-10(IL-10) by the kits specifically for rat. At the end of experiment, the infarct size (IS%) was assessed from excised hearts by Evans blue and triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining. In subgroup B, the myocardial contents of TNF-a, HMGB1, ICAM1, IL-1, IL-6and IL-10were measured at the end of the experiment.
     The results showed that rat's body weight, body temperature and baselines of HR, MAP and rate-pressure product (RPP) did not differ among the seven groups (P>0.05).
     During the periods of ischemia and reperfusion, the HR was significantly lower in POESI15group than in S, C or IPC group. And during the period of reperfusion, the HR was significantly lower in POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups than in S, C or IPC group. Compared to S group, the MAP and RPP were significantly decreased in C, IPC, POESI15, POESR0, POESR30and POESR60goups during the periods of both ischemia an reperfusion. Compared to IPC group, the number of rats suffering ischemic arrhythmia and arrhythmia score were significantly increased in C, POESI15, POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups. Comparing to C group, the number of rats suffering reperfusion ventricular arrhythmia and arrhythmia score were significantly decreased in IPC, POESI15and POESR0groups.
     The IS%and serum concentrations of cTnI and CK-MB were significantly higher in C group than in IPC, POESI15, POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups. Compared to IPC group, the IS%was significantly increased in POESI15, POESR0, POESR30and PORSR60groups. Compared to POESI15group, the IS%, serum concentrations of cTnI and CK-MB were significantly increased in POESR60group. Compared to POESR0group, the IS%, serum concentrations of cTnI and CK-MB were increased significantly in POESR60group, but there was no difference in the IS%, secrum concentrations of cTnI and CK-MB between POESR0and POESR30goups. And there was no difference in the IS%and serum concentration of CK-MB between POESR30and POESR60groups.
     Compared to S group, the serum concentration of TNF-a at30min,60min and120 min of reperfusion in C group, the serum concentration of HMGB1at60min of reperfusion in C, IPC and POESI15groups, the serum concentration of HMGB1at120min of reperfusion in C, POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups, the serum concentration of ICAM1at120min of reperfusion in C, POESI15, POESRO, POESR30and POESR60groups, the serum concentration of IL-1at120min of reperfusion in C, IPC, POESRO, POESR30and POESR60groups, the serum concentration of IL-6at120min of reperfusion in C, IPC, POESR30, POESR60groups, the serum concentration of IL-10at120min of reperfusion in POESI15group were all significantly increased. Compared to C group, the serum concentration of TNF-α at30min and60min of reperfusion in both IPC and POESI15groups, the serum concentrations of TNF-α, HMGB1, ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6at120min of reperfusion in IPC, POESI15, POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups were all significantly decreased. Compared to IPC group, the serum concentration of TNF-α at60min of reperfusion in POESI15group, the serum concentration of TNF-α at120min of reperfusion in POESR60group, the serum concentrations of HMGB1and ICAM1at120min of reperfusion in POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups were all significantly increased. However, the serum concentration of IL-1at120min of reperfusion in POESI15group, the serum concentration of IL-6at120min of reperfusion in both POESI15and POESR0groups were all significantly decreased. Compared to POESI15group, the serum concentrations of HMGB1and ICAM1at120min of reperfusion in POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups, the serum concentrations of IL-1, IL-6and TNF-α at120min of reperfusion in POESR60group were all significantly increased. Compared to POESR0group, the serum concentrations of HMGB1, IL-6and TNF-α at120min of reperfusin in POESR60group, the serum concentration of ICAM1at120min of reperfusion in both POESR30and POESR60groups were all significantly increased. The serum concentrations of TNF-α, HMGB1and ICAM1at120min of reperfusion were significantly increased in POESR60group than in POESR30group.
     Compared to S group, the ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-α and HMGB1in C group, the non-ischemic myocardial content of TNF-α in both C and POESR60groups, the non-ischemic myocardial content of HMGB1in C group, the ischemic myocardial contents of ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6in C, POESI15, POESR0, POESR30and POESR60groups, the non-ischemic myocardial contents of ICAM1and IL-6in C and POESR60groups, the non-ischemic myocardial content of IL-1and both ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of IL-10in C, IPC, POESI15, POESR0, POESR30 and POESR60groups were all significantly increased. However, the ischemic myocardial content of TNF-a in IPC group, the non-ischemic myocardial content of HMGB1in IPC, POESI15, POESRO and POESR30groups, the non-ischemic myocardial content of ICAM1in IPC, POESI15and POESRO groups, the non-ischemic myocardial content of IL-6in both IPC and POESI15groups were all significantly decreased comparing to S group. Compared to C group, both ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a, HMGB1, IL-1and IL-6in IPC, POESI15, POESRO, POESR30and POESR60groups were all significantly decreased, but both ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of IL-10in POESI15group were significantly increased. Compared to IPC group, the ischemic myocardial content of TNF-a in POESI15, POESRO, POESR30and POESR60groups, the non-ischemic myocardial content of HMGB1in POESR60group, the ischemic myocardial content of ICAM1in POESI15, POESRO, POESR30and POESR60groups, the non-ischemic myocardial content of ICAM1and the ischemic myocardial content of IL-6in both POESR30and POESR60groups, the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of IL-1, the non-ischemic myocardial content of IL-6in POESRO, POESR30and POESR60groups were all significantly increased, but the non-ischemic myocardial content of HMGB1in POESI15group was significantly decreased. Compared to POESI15group, both ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a, the non-ischemic myocardial content of ICAM1, ischemic myocardial content of IL-1in both POESR30and POESR60groups, the ischemic myocardial contents of HMGB1and IL-6in POESR60group, the ischemic myocardial content of ICAM1, the non-ischemic myocardial contents of HMGB1, IL-1and IL-6in POESRO, POESR30and POESR60groups were significantly increased, but both ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of IL-10in POESR60group were significantly decreased. Compared to POESRO group, the ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a, HMGB1, IL-1and IL-6in POESR60group, the non-ischemic myocardial contents of HMGB1, IL-1and IL-6in POESR60group, the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of ICAMl in both POESR30and POESR60groups were all significantly increased. The ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of ICAM1, IL-6and non-ischemic myocardial content of HMGB1were all significantly higher in POESR60group than in POESR30group.
     Part2Experimental study on the protective effect of combined vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning against myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in rats in vivo
     Based on the results from the first part of the experiment, we designed this part to oberve whether combine vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning would gain an augmented cardioprotective effect.
     One hundred and twenty anesthetized male SD rats (weighed290to320g) were randomly allocated into the six groups (n=20in each group):S group, C group, IPC group, POES group, limb remote ischemic postconditioning (LRIPOC) group and combined vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning (POES-LRIPOC) group. The procedures of C, IPC and POES groups were as same as those in the first part experiment, and the vagus nerve was stimulated at15min of myocardial ischemia at this part of experiment. In LRIPOC group, the bilateral hind legs were ligatured with an elastic tourniquet at20min of myocardial ischemia. In POES-LRIPOC group, rats received not only the same POES protocol as that of the POES group, but also the same LRIPOC protocol as that of the LRIPOC group. Then, rats in each group were futher randomly allocated into two subgroups. All testing variables in this part were as same as those in the first part of the experiment.
     The results showed that rat's body weight, body temperature and baselines of HR, MAP and RPP did not differ among the six groups (P>0.05).
     During the periods of ischemia and reperfusion, HR was significantly lower in POES and POES-LRIPOC groups than in S, C or IPC group. During the periods of ischemia and reperfusion, MAP and RPP were significantly lower in C, IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups than in S group. During the period of ischemia, the number of rats suffering ventricular arrhythmia and the score of arrhythmia were significantly increased in C, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups comparing to IPC group. During the period of reperfusion, the number of rats suffering ventricular arrhythmia and the score of arrhythmia were significantly reduced in IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups comparing to C group. And during the period of reperfusion, the number of rats suffering ventricular arrhythmia and the score of arrhythmia were significantly reduced in IPC, POES and POES-LRIPOC groups comparing to LRIPOC group.
     Compared to C group, the IS%, serum concentrations of cTnI and CK-MB were significantly decreased in IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups. Compared to IPC or POES-LRIPOC group, the IS%in POES and LRIPOC groups was significantly increased. Compared to POES group, the IS%and serum concentration of cTnI in LRIPOC group were significantly increased, but the serum concentration of CK-MB was significantly decreased in LRIPOC group. The serum concentrations of cTnI and CK-MB were significantly decreased in IPC and POES-LRIPOC groups than in LRIPOC group.
     Compared to S group, the serum concentration of TNF-a at30min of reperfusion in C and LRIPOC groups, the serum concentration of TNF-a at60min and120min of reperfusion in C group, the serum concentration of HMGB1at60min of reperfusion in C, IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups, the serum concentration of HMGB1at120min of reperfusion in C and LRIPOC groups, the serum concentration of ICAM1at120min of reperfusion in C, POES and LRIPOC groups, the serum concentrations of IL-1and IL-6at120min of reperfusion at C, IPC and LRIPOC groups, the serum concentration of IL-10at120min of reperfusion in POES and POES-LRIPOC groups were all significantly increased, but the serum concentration of TNF-a at60min of reperfusion in IPC and POES-LRIPOC groups, the serum concentration of TNF-a at120min of reperfusion in IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups were all significantly decreased. Compared to C group, the serum concentration of TNF-a at30min,60min,120min of reperfusion and the serum concentrations of HMGB1, ICAM1, IL-1, IL-6at120min of reperfusion in IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups, the serum concentration of HMGB1at60min of reperfusion in IPC group were all significantly decreased, but the serum concentration of IL-10at120min of reperfusion in POES-LRIPOC group was significantly increased. Compared to IPC group, the serum concentration of TNF-a at60min of reperfusion in POES and LRIPOC groups, the serum concentrations of HMGB1and ICAM1at120min of reperfusion in LRIPOC group were all significantly increased, but the serum concentrations of IL-1and IL-6in POES and POES-LRIPOC groups were all significantly decreased. Compared to POES group, the serum concentration of TNF-a at60min of reperfusion, the serum concentrations of HMGB1, ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6at120min of reperfusion in LRIPOC group were all significantly increased, but the serum concentration of ICAM1in POES-LRIPOC group was significantly decreased. The serum concentrations of TNF-a at30min,60min and120min of reperfusion, the serum concentrations of HMGB1, ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6at120min of reperfusion were significantly decreased in POES-LRIPOC group than in LRIPOC group.
     Compared to S group, the ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a and HMGB1, the non-ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a, HMGB1and ICAM1in C group, the ischemic myocardial content of ICAM1in C, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups, the ischemic myocardial contents of IL-1and IL-6in C, POES and LRIPOC groups, the ischemic myocardial content of IL-10, the non-ischemic myocardial contents of IL-1and IL-10in C, IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups, the non-ischemic myocardial content of IL-6in C and LRIPOC groups were all significantly increased, but the ischemic myocardial content of TNF-a in IPC and POES-LRIPOC groups, the non-ischemic myocardial content of HMGB1in IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups, the non-ischemic myocardial contents of ICAM1and IL-6in IPC, POES and POES-LRIPOC groups were all significantly decreased. Compared to C group, the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a, HMGB1, ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6in IPC, POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups were all significantly decreased, but the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of IL-10in POES and POES-LRIPOC groups were significantly increased. Compared to IPC group, the ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a, ICAM1and IL-1in POES and LRIPOC groups, the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of IL-10in POES-LRIPOC group, the ischemic myocardial content of IL-6and the non-ischemic myocardial contents of ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6in LRIPOC group were all significantly increased, but the ischemic myocardial content of HMGB1in POES-LRIPOC group, the non-ischemic myocardial content of HMGB1in POES and POES-LRIPOC groups were all significantly decreased. Compared to POES group, the ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a, ICAM1and IL-1in POES-LRIPOC group, the ischemic myocardial content of IL-10in LRIPOC group were all significantly decreased, but the non-ischemic myocardial content of IL-10in POES-LRIPOC group, the non-ischemic myocardial contents of HMGB1, ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6, ischemic myocardial contents of ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6in LRIPOC group were all significantly increased. Compared to LRIPOC group, the ischemic myocardial contents of TNF-a, ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6, the non-ischemic myocardial contents of HMGB1, ICAM1, IL-1and IL-6in POES-LRIPOC group were all significantly decreased, but the ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial contents of IL-10were significantly increased.
     Part3Roles of the PI3K/Akt and JAK/STAT signal pathways in the cardioprotections of vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and combined vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning
     The aims of this part of the experiment were to explore the modulating roles of PI3K/Akt and JAK/STAT signal pathways in cardioprotective effects of vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and combined vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning.
     Twenty anesthetized male SD rats (weighed290to320g) were randomly equally divided into four groups (n=5in each group):control group, POES group, LRIPOC group and combined POES and LRIPOC group. After60min of reperfusion, the myocardial tissues from the area at risk in the left ventricle and non-ischemic area in the right ventricule were harvested from excised hearts. Total RNA and total protein were extracted from all myocardial samples, respectively. The real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RQ-PCR) was used to quantify the mRNA expression of Akt and STAT3genes in all groups. Also, phosphorylated Akt and phosphorylated STAT3in all samples were assessed by Western-blotting technique.
     Compared to C group, ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial phosphorylated Akt (p-Akt) and phosphorylated STAT3(p-STAT3) were all significantly increased in POES, LRIPOC and POES-LRIPOC groups. The ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial p-Akt and p-STAT3were significantly increased in POES-LRIPOC group than in POES or LRIPOC group.
     The results of RQ-PCR demonstrated that the mRNA expression of ischemic and non-ischemic myocardial Akt and STAT3genes were significantly enhanced in POES-LRIPOC group compared to C group. Also, the mRNA expression of Akt and STAT3genes were significantly higher in POES-LRIPOC group than in POES or LRIPOC group.
     Based on the results of all experiments, the following conclusions can be drawn:
     1. Vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning performed at15min of myocardial ischemia, the time immediately before myocardial reperfusion,30min of myocardial reperfusion and60min of myocardial reperfusion can all significantly reduce the infarct size, decrease serum concentrations of cTnI and CK-MB during myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury. Moreover, the cardioprotection provided by vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning at60min of myocardial reperfusion is weakest, while the cardioprotection provided by vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning at15min of myocardial ischemia is strongest but still weaker than ischemic preconditioning.
     2. Ischemic preconditioning and vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning performed at different time points can all significantly reduce the ventricular arrhythmias during myocardial reperfusion period. Among vagus nerve stimulation postconditionings performed at different time points, vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning at15min of myocardial ischemia can provide the strongest anti-arrhythmic effect.
     3. Combined vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning can provide a stronger cardioprotection which is comparable to ischemic preconditioning.
     4. Ischemc preconditioning, vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning performed at different time points, limb remote ischemic postconditioning and combined vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning can all provide cardioprotections by inhibiting inflammation during myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury.
     5. Protein phosphorylation upregulation of related genes involved in both PI3K/Akt and JAK/STAT signal pathways mediates the cardioprotections of vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditoning. And the mRNA expression upregulation of related genes involved in both PI3K/Akt and JAK/STAT signal pathways mediates the cardioprotection of combined vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning. Also, the protein phosphorylation upregulation of related genes involved in both PI3K/Akt and JAK/STAT signal pathways probably contributes to the cardioprotection of combined vagus nerve stimulation postconditioning and limb remote ischemic postconditioning
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