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     本文针对油田仿真培训系统开发中三维人物动作开发进行了一系列研究,旨在提高油田仿真培训系统的开发效率。本文的主要工作有:本文基于康复医学领域ADL(Activities Of Daily Living,即日常生活活动)标准,采用分层虚拟人表示法,创建虚拟化最小人体基本骨骼模型,实验提取出三维人物的ADL。本文提出基于ADL的三维角色动画设计表,依据ADL三维人物动作开发规则,设计师完成待开发动作的动作分解设计表,动画师依据其设计动作开发设计表,完成动作开发,并应用于钻井施工三维仿真培训系统的施工动作开发。本文设计与实现了油田施工仿真ADL基础动作库,以三维人物的ADL基础动作和油田生产施工基础动作作为主要操作数据,根据实际开发的ADL角色动画设计表,使用基础模块组合的方法生成新动作,并应用于试油试采施工三维仿真培训系统的开发。
Based on virtual reality simulation technology, virtual simulation training is the mappingof actual training process on computer. With the rapid development of virtual realitytechnology, putting virtual3d characters into the virtual simulation training environment asactual existence of trainee, has become to be an inevitable trend. Trainee can interact with thevirtual environment and immerse inside through the3d characters so as to achieve the purposeof learning and training.
     Along with the development of petroleum industry, the degree of modernization of oilexploration and production technology is being improved continuously, at the same time, therequirement for oil company workers’ training is becoming higher and higher, especially thetraining of dangerous operation or without on-site training conditions leading that simulationand training system against various types of work of oilfield production and construction isbeing in urgent need.
     This thesis did a series of research on the development of3d characters movement inoilfield simulation training system aiming to improve development efficiency of the oilfieldsimulation training system. The main work of this thesis is: Based on rehabilitation medicinefield ADL (Activities of Daily Living) standard, this thesis used layered virtual humanrepresentation, created virtualization minimum human body basic skeleton model, andextracted3d characters ADL by experiment. This thesis put forward3d character animationdesign table based on ADL. According to ADL3d characters movement development rules,designers made the action decomposition design table for development action, animatorsdesigned movement development design table, finished development action, and applied it indevelopment drilling construction3d simulation training system construction action. Thisthesis designed and realized the oilfield construction simulation ADL basic motion library,major operation data is ADL3d characters basis action and oilfield production constructionbasis action, according to the3d character animation design table based on ADL, generatednew movement by the method of basic modules combination, and applied it in developmenttry oil construction3d simulation training system.
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