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BOT, the abbreviated form of“Build-Operate-Transfer”, is a new form of international investment and financing. BOT can be defined in such a way: a host nation conclude and sign an agreement of concession in which the state confer the concession of investing, financing, operating and maintaining of a large infrastructure to investors. Investors pay back the debt of the project and recover the investment by their income from operating. When the concession agreement terminates, the investors must transfer the infrastructure to the host nation. From 1980s, BOT as a strategic style of attracting foreign investment, improving the infrastructure and enhancing the economic strength has received great attention of various host countries and investors.
     BOT first emerged in China in early 1980's, since then, more projects has been following suit. However, the legal system that governs BOT is not quite perfect present and various regulations conflicts with each other in many ways. What's more, the research in this area in our country is very weak. There're still many disagreements on some essential issues, and there doesn't exist a system at theory of BOT. As a result, there is a long way to the systematize of legislations on BOT, which has severe by influenced the implementation and the development of BOT in China. So it is very necessary to do specific research on BOT by learning from external legislative experience, so as to form a new BOT theory system of our country and to accelerate the process of BOT legislation.
     This article aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice and to help establish a new BOT legal system by making an objective and legal analysis on the domestic and over seas BOT system.
     Finally,this paper put forward a conclusion that our government should standardize BOT legal relationship though the way of specialized legislation, make it become an operative investment and financing style and promote the development of our infrastructure construction by using the private overseas capital.
     The thesis, consist of three chapter, focuses on the legal issues of BOT. Firstly this thesis discusses the concept of BOT. After analyzing, the thesis outlines the legal nature of BOT. By analyzing the cases of BOT application, the article point out the difference differences of adopting BOT between the developed county and developing country. Furthermore, the thesis investigates legislations of BOT and its application in china, and confirms the main legislative obstacles in China. Then the article proposes unique opinions on the nature of BOT method.
     In the first chapter, the article discusses the basic theory of BOT, such as the concept of BOT. Then based on the analysis,of several different opinions on the legal nature of BOT, this thesis points out that legal nature of BOT should be discussed from different aspects, From the aspect of the financial resource of BOT, BOT is a kind of new direct investment way, and concession agreement of BOT, different from traditional concession agreement, is also new. From the aspect of the relation between governments and private investors, BOT is the symbiosis for building and operating infrastructure projects. This chapter provides us necessary backgrounds for further analysis.
     The second chapter mainly discusses the application cases of BOT projects in the world. By comparing and analyzing BOT projects between in the developed country and area (such as Australia, Hong Kong) and developing country (such as Philippines, Thailand), we are able to find these differences of adopting BOT in deferent country, which are made up of objective, the way of raising capital, exterior environment, the way of sharing project risk and so on. Investigates legislations of BOT and its application in china is the core of this thesis.
     The last chapter discusses two main problems. First, analyze deeply the legislative obstacle .In China, although many legal experts have given concern to the legislation issues of BOT and there have been a few laws and rules concerned BOT, but there are a lot of legal problems during the utilizing of BOT style. There is no special space for BOT style, which make the practiced operation of BOT style without law to abide by, moreover lack of policy guide and the assurance of law. In detail, there exist the obstruction of law in varying degree, such as, government guarantee, the right of stock, control foreign currency, the enrollment and financing of project corporation, the investing scope of foreign investment, etc.
     In accordance with the legal problems above mentioned, we should use the experience and lesson of foreign BOT style for reference, in order to look for the plan of solving this legal problem.
     Perfecting the legislation of BOT style, we should start with macroscopic and microscopic aspect to research. From the macroscopic aspect: we should fix the purpose of BOT legislation from the restrict policy to positive support, BOT legislation should based on the principle of WTO and our promise of entrance to WTO, Maintain our economic sustained development is our guiding principle of BOT legislation.
     From the microscopic aspect, BOT law should consider emphatically: About the legislative principle: Adhere to maintain national sovereignty as well as protect the legal rights and interests of investors, Respect the fundamental principle of WTO and international practice, Adhere to the equality and mutual benefit principle, Adhere to fair mechanism of allocating risk.
     About the legislative model: We should adopt unified special legislative model. Because the norm of laws that hinder the development of BOT style are almost the fundamental law made by the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee, it is reliable that the special law of BOT style is made and issued by the National Peoples’Congress or its Standing Committee.
     About the substantial content: We should make definite that the meaning and nature of BOT style, the investors' qualification, the examine and approving organization of BOT style, the definition and nature of concession and concession agreement, the invest scope of BOT style, government guarantee system, mechanism of allocating risk, national favorable policy, the provision of fight against control, nationalization and imposition and its offset, the modification and termination and transfer of concession agreement, settlement of disputes and the provision of legal application, and so on.
     As a national law, it is impossible to comprise all content of BOT style. We may only regulate the Common problems of BOT style that our nation has faced, and based on it, as the complement of BOT style law, we also need to draw up other cooperation regulations.
    2秦瑞亭.论 BOT 方式的法律问题.南开学报,1998,3:54
    3 S.W.Stein.Build-Operate-Transfer(BOT)-A Reevaluation.The International Construction Law Review,1994,2:103
    4张晓君.略论 BOT 特许协议的法律性质.法学家,2000,3:8
    5朱华政,王军.论 BOT 方式.探索,1995,4:65
    6杨松.BOT 方式法律性质分析.武汉大学学报,1997,2:33-34
    8薛狄.BOT 投融资方式中的基础协议的法律性质初探.当代法学,2003,9:51-53
    9朱华政,王军.论 BOT 方式.探索,1995,4:66
     11慕亚平,赵康.BOT 的法律问题与我国 BOT 立法.法学研究,1998,2:77
    13谭秀环,邓庆华.BOT 特许协议的法律性质.广东工业大学学报,2001,1(2):83-85
    14黄蕾.试论我国 BOT 中的特许协议及相关法律问题.江西行政学院学报,2003,5(2):24-26
    15杨松.BOT 方式法律性质分析.武汉大学学报,1997,2:10
    17王海波.BOT 方式法律性质分析--兼谈我国的立法对策.杭州大学学报,1998,2:121
    20 Peter K. Nevitt, Frank Dabozzi..Project Financing.1995.Eurmoney Publition PLC,1995.3
    21景岗.论 BOT 方式的法律性质.法学家,1999,5:9
    23于安.BOT 政府特许权工程项目的法律特征.法学,1998,3:41
     26于安.BOT 政府特许权工程项目的法律特征.法学,1998,3:41
     27温小梅.BOT 实例及启示.国际经济合作,1996,5:39-43
     29路铁军.从香港隧道看 BOT 的运作实施.国际经济合作,2003,8:33-35
     30江前良..国际 BOT 方式理论与实务.1996.北京:中国对外贸易出版社,1996.196
     31刘德标.菲律宾采用 BOT 投资简介.国际经济合作,1996,1:25
     34翟听.我国 BOT 方式立法探究.北京工商大学学报,2003,18(6):78-81
    35 Geoft Haley.Developing BOT Variants Project Finance.International Survey, 1994,48:12
    36秦瑞亭.论 BOT 方式的法律问题.南开学报,1998,3:54
    38何伯森,王雪青.实施内资 BOT 的方案.中国投资,1999,9:33
    39阮凤斌,陈志波.BOT 方式在我国面临的法律障碍分析.学术探索,1999,1:47
    40张晓君.略论 BOT 特许权协议的法律性质.法学家,2000,2:21-23
    41张智海.我国推行 BOT 的几个问题.国际贸易,1996,1:44
    42屈广清,陈小云.我国 BOT 的立法及其完善.贵州警官职业学院学报,2002,4:21-22
     43曾宇熙,宋利国.以 BOT 方式进行中国基础设施建设的法律探讨.安徽大学学报(哲社版),1998,5:113
    44邓芸.论我国实施 BOT 的法律障碍及其立法解决.杭州商学院学报,2002,5:44-49
    46孙潮,沈伟.BOT 投资方式在我国的适用冲突及其法律分析.中国法学,1997,1:59
    47温小梅.国外利用 BOT 项目实例及启示.国际经济合作,1996,5:39-40
    48孙潮,沈伟.BOT 投资方式在我国的适用冲突及其法律分析.中国法学,1997,1:63
    49陈治东.关于 BOT 的风险分析及政府保证的法律问题.国际经济法学研究文集, 1996:139-149
    50陈治东.关于 BOT 的风险分析及政府保证的法律问题.国际经济法学研究文集,1996:139-149
    51刘利华,李科.我国 BOT 投资方式的立法障碍.中国律师,2001,8:56
    52慕亚平,赵康.BOT 的法律问题与我国 BOT 立法.法学研究,1998,2:80
     53沈伟.BOT 投资方式法律分析.山东法学,1997,2:26
     54杨松.BOT 投资方式的法律保障及管制.法学评论,1997,5:54
    56刘炳君.B0T 投资方式的法律特征及其立法完善.法学论坛,2003,3:77
    57幸红.BOT 投资方式和相关法律框架初探.江西社会科学,1998,4:90
    58李运霁.BOT 投资方式的法律问题及立法实践国际比较.广西经济,2001,6:38
    59蔡唱.BOT 投资方式的法律思考--兼谈其在我国西部开发中的价值.湖南省政法干部管理学院学报,2002,2:69-70
    62刘英杰.BOT 投融资方式的法律思考及立法构想.湖北省社会主义学院学报,2003,3:79
    64王静,许小牙.BOT 投融资方式及相关法律问题.社会科学研究,2002,5:105
    65王海峰.我国 BOT 模式的立法现状及主要法律障碍.上海社会科学院学术季刊,1997,4:88
    66赫炬.关于 BOT 和项目融资的基本政策.中国投资与建设,1998,3:5
    67朱遂斌,林伟明.我国 BOT 特许协议法律性质分析.中国法学,1999,4:114-115
    68种及灵.论 BOT 的核心法律问题.现代法学,2000,2:36
    69谈建俊,莫纪平.BOT 相关法律问题研究.河北法学,2000,4:50
    70朱遂斌,林伟明.我国 BOT 特许协议法律性质分析.中国法学,1999,4:115
    71郭德香.BOT 投资方式的法律思考.郑州大学学报(哲社版),1999,5:123
     72杨爱华.本国资本参与 BOT 方式的战略构想.投资研究,1998,9:12
     73赵威,段一昕.试论 BOT 模式特许协议的法律制度和适用冲突.贵州警官职业学院学报,2002, 4:47
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    〔37〕曹军、朱国祥:《BOT 政府保证的法律分析》,《中国律师》,2002 年第 10 期
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