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In recent years, China's high-speed railway and civil aviation have made remarkableachievements, but in the process of their concurrent development, two problems arise quietly.Firstly, because of the respective development of the aviation and high-speed railway, they arelacked of communication and certain contact. So it is not convenient for the passengers totransfer between these two vehicles as well as the cargo and post service. Also, it is a waste ofresources. Secondly, affiliated to different departments, surely, they will be in unduecompetition, resulting in a huge waste of social resources. Faced with this market situation,this thesis proposes that we establish a unified three-dimensional transportation network byadding a lead line which directly combines the high-speed railway and the airport so as toachieve the seamless joint of them. This high-speed railway lead line has practicalsignificance. First, it has a huge economic effect, social benefits, environment protectionbenefits, etc. Second, through the medium of high-speed rail way lead role in achieving thehigh-speed rail and aviation business combination, it will help to enlarge and strengthen ourtransportation business. Third, the construction of the high-speed railway lead line facilitatesour high-speed rail technology to a new a level.
     The thesis analyses the influencing factor of the high-speed railway lead line passengertransportation demand by considering the aspects of the following aspects: social andeconomic development level, the income of residents, population, industrial restructuring, andthen the urbanization progress and comes up with the network model based on the principle ofBayesian networks of the passenger’s models of travel expectations. Besides, this thesisfocuses on the direct influencing factors and the relationship among them in the aspect of thepassengers in choosing the transfer model and their expectation model. The passengers’choice of transfer model is boiled down to the user balance allocation problem within thedemand elasticity. By using the game relation between high-speed railway enterprise leadsand the passengers, the bi-level programming model and calculation method about high-speedrailway lead operation plan are set up based on elastic demand, which optimizes thehigh-speed railway lead train operation plan so that it matches with the passenger needs, toproduce greater social benefits and economic benefits.
     This thesis explored the financing model in construction of high-speed railway, trying toemploy GBP, franchising, the formation of tock companies and the establishment of funds andother methods to lead a new way which is feathered by the co-financing of rail, airports,aviation, the local government as well as the SASAC and the guidance of private capitalsharing, the cooperation of the officials and the people in infrastructure. Gradually realize thejoint venture of high-speed rail transport and civil aviation on the basis of a clarification ofproperty rights. By introducing the method of entropy principle, we build the high-speedrailway lead project financing structure optimization decision hierarchical structure model,decision index combination entropy method, expert weight with the combination of subjectiveopinion calculation model and fuzzy projection decision evaluation model. We also compiledthe decision system and analysis software and put forward the financing structure optimization quantitative analysis method to improve high-speed railway lead financing effectand economic benefit. The high-speed railway project financing risks are also analyzed andthe risk management measures are proposed in the thesis.
     the three different patterns of air-rail joint-transport, focusing on the features, the keyfactors and benefit of joint-transport. The principle, industry characteristics, property rightrelations to be dealt with and top management structure to set up a high-speed railway leadenterprise group with the capital as the bonds are discussed. And the relevant technologies ofthe high-speed railway transportation organization leads were studied deeply.
     Based on the existing experience of high-speed rail project, using Performanceevaluation theory, Based on practice of the performance evaluation in our country, thissubject explored the quantitative analysis method of the high iron leads performanceprediction and puts forward an index system of high-speed railway lead line performanceevaluation, And based on fuzzy mathematics, using principle of fuzzy relationshipsynthesis,this subject constructed a multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model.Quantifying the fuzzy factors and allocating the value of the index rationally, this modelestablishes the matrix of member function feathered by the indicators and fuzzy relationshipand also conducts a consistency test to determine the matrix, carrying out the effectivenessevaluation on the effective use of maximum membership degree. Because of the quantitativeanalysis of various indicators used by the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to getthe final optimal result, the results are more reasonable and reliable for decision makers. Thisissue also conducts a measurement to a high-speed railway leads project which is in Guangxiand the evaluation results show that the implementation of high-speed railway project is inlow-risk, remarkable performance and high feasibility. By adjusting the index system, thismeans of evaluation can also be used to the risking evaluation of the high-speed railway leadline.
     This thesis brings general risk ideas into the research of high-speed railway leads project.On the basis of risk analysis, researching risk characteristics principle, risk classificationprinciple, risk identification principle of high-speed railway leads project and evaluationmethod of high-speed railway leads project, Setting up risk evaluation index system ofhigh-speed railway leads project and evaluation model of high-speed railway leads project,analyzing the risk evaluation example, testing risk degree of simulating high-speed railwayleads project.
     As the high-speed railway lead fits the principle of sustainable development intransportation as well as the direction and actual development of traffic, it surely will attractthe great attention of relevant authorities and experts. Inevitably the high-speed railway leadline will turn from concept to practice, which will completely change our transportationpatterns.
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