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     全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)目前已成为骨科最常见的手术之一,其目的是解除患者髋部疼痛、重建运动功能,对老年患者有非常良好的效果。随着生物医用材料研制和医学的迅速发展,以及人们对生活水平、医疗保健、康复水平的要求日益提高,人工关节的需求越来越广泛。但是,对于有髋关节病变的中青年人群来说,常规全髋置换术存在较高的早期翻修率,尤其在那些男性、从事活动量较大的工作、在术后参加体育运动的人群中。而髋关节表面置换在这个问题上具有独特优势:创伤小、术后活动度好、能保留较多股骨侧骨量等。髋关节表面置换早20世纪50年代就开始应用于临床,但是由于手术技术不成熟、易造成股骨颈骨折、聚乙烯臼杯易磨损、假体存活率较低等原因,在相当长的时期并不被看好。而常规全髋关节置换术的中长期结果也不令人满意。近年来,随着材料学的进步和技术细节的改进,髋关节表面置换在临床应用逐渐增多。
     自计算机辅助设计(computer aided design,CAD)和计算机辅助工程(computer aided engineering,CAE)技术引入医学领域,目前数字医学已成为现代医学的重要组成部分,从而促使医学技术向个性化、精确化、微创化方向快速发展。由于数字化技术的导入,数字医学成像系统及计算机系统可将患者的影像模型化,建立个性化三维图像模型。并应用数字可视技术实现术前准确定位、术中精确导航,从而使手术更加规范,增加了手术的可靠性与安全性,使临床医师处理复杂手术的难题迎刃而解。
     医学图像重建软件Mimics、Amira等具有功能强大的高级数据可视化系统,利用螺旋CT提供的人体薄层断面清晰图像,通过对一系列的二维图像进行边界识别等分割处理,可重新还原被检物体的三维图像。Imageware为全球四大逆向工程软件之一,具有强大的测量数据处理、误差检测功能、自由曲线曲面编辑功能,能以直觉而快速的方式进行曲线、曲面的建构与调整。可以处理大量的点云数据,根据这些点云构建的曲面具有良好的品质和曲面连续性。快速成型技术(Rapid Prototyping Technology)简称RP技术,集成了现代数控技术、计算机辅助设计/制造(CAD/CAM)技术、激光技术及材料科学领域的最新成果,不受产品外形复杂程度和曲面所限制,在医学领域应用中最为广泛。打破了传统的解剖结构观察、并创新了手术设计模式。
     1.正常髋臼旋转中心及假体方位的确定:收集一例行16排螺旋CT的成人骨盆连续断层扫描资料,CT扫描参数:120kV、200mAs,层厚5mm,矩阵512×512,扫描范围由髂嵴上缘至坐骨结节。将扫描数据输入个人计算机的Amira4.1重建软件,以1mm层距进行三维重建,经自动或手动阈值分割后采用表面重建方法SSD(surface shade display)三维重建出完整骨盆的骨骼结构。再根据不同部分骨骼的不同阈值范围将一侧髋臼的三维重建模型单独提取出来,以STL格式保存。将该格式的髋臼模型导入Imageware12.1软件进行分析。(1)提取患侧髋臼表面的月状面部分的点云数据,通过拟合求出最适球体,其球心即为正常的髋臼旋转中心;(2)设定理想的髋臼假体方位为外展角45°、前倾角15°。将球心设为原点,以直立位下过该球心的人体重垂线为基线,先在冠状面向外旋转45°角,再在过此线与冠状面相交的垂面内向前旋转15°,此时线的位置即为髋臼假体的中轴线;(3)提取患侧髋臼表面点云,设定髋臼月状面软骨层厚度为2mm,因软骨组织在CT中成像受限,故需将生成的与髋臼月状面形态一致的曲面向内偏置2mm以保证良好的匹配性。将生成的髋臼曲面与定位中轴线的曲面拟合为一个整体结构,生成数字化定位模板。
     At present,total hip arthroplasty(THA) has become one of most common operation,its goal is to relieve the patient'pain in the hip joint and reconstruct motor function.With the development of living standard,medical treatment and health care, requirement for artificial joint is more popular.However,as for young adults with hip arthropathy,it had higher overhauling rate for THA.Total hip resurfacing arthroplasty has been considered as an alternative to total hip replacement for adult patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis of hip or congenital hip dysplasia.Relative to conventional total hip arthroplasty,the conspicuous advantage of this procedure is preservation of femoral proximal bone that is convenient for revision if failure occurs, and others include increased range of motion,low dislocation rates and so on. Whereas,femoral neck fracture is recognized as a primary postoperative complication. It attributes to faults that appear a varus position of the femoral component and notching of the superior aspect of the femoral neck.
     In present years,with the improvement of materialogy,total hip resurfacing arthroplasty(THRA) has a increasing clinical application.In THRA,prothetic location is the key point for post-operative joint stability.Neck-shaft angle is determined by the design of prothesis itself in conventional hip arthroplasty,but it is determined by valgus or varus placement of femoral prothesis in THRA.When the prothesis is inserted by convertional positioning device,some help can be porvided. But accurate location can not be obtained with these devices which applied in the present.So it depended on experience at a great degree.
     When computer aided design(CAD) and cmoputer aided engineering(CAE) technology was led into medical domain,digital medicine has become a important ingredient of modern medicine.It spurs medical technology to develop to individualization,fidelity and mini-invasion trend.Confidence and safety have be enhanced,clinical doctors can deal with complicated operation easily.Full-resolution picture of body slice can be provided by spiral CT.Three-diamentional visional model can be reconstructed by soft Mimics,Amira and so on.Imageware is one of the four major retro-engineering software in the global.It has great function about data measurement,error detecting and contour editing.Rapid Prototyping Technology integrates modern numerical control technology,CAD/CAM technology,laser technique and new outcome of material science domain into a whole.It is widespread applied in medical domain.
     In this topic,we utilized preoperative spiral CT data to reconstruct individualized locating tageting template by means of three-dimensional reconstruction software,retro-engineering project software and rapid prototyping. The template can guide acetabular and femoral prothetic implant in total hip resurfacing arthroplasty.This provided a effective method for solving medical individualized problem.
     1.To explore how to design the best direction of prosthetic repalcement by applying software Amira4.1 and software Imageware12.1 according to the patient's spiral CT data.
     2.According to the patient's spiral CT data,by utilizing software Amira4.1 and software Imageware12.1,to explore how to determine the normal hip rotation centre of abonormal side which depended on the character of acetabula and femoral head on normal side.It is very possible to recover the normal anatomical position after the prosthetic replacement.
     3.Entity model was made by rapid prototyping technology according to designed digitalized model.Model was matched to the surface of acetabula and femoral head in operation.The location of prosthesis was determined.Measurement was done by X-ray photograph postoperatively.We evaluated the accuracy of location compared with conventional method.Operative design and procedure was directed by means of this method in total hip resurfacing arthropalsty.
     1.To determine the normal acetabular rotation centre and the prosthetic location. Data was collected which was scanned by 64-slice spiral CT machine.Data was inputted into personal computer and reconstucted by software Amira4.1.Acetabular three-diamensions model on one side was extracted according to different liminal value,preserved by STL format.Analysis was done by import acetabular digitalized model into imageware12.1.
     2.Definition of hip rotation centre and hip resurfacing prosthetic location.The steps were same as the former.Then analysis were made in software imageware12.1. Firstly,extract the spot-cloud data of actabular and femoral head surface on normal side.The fittest globe were produced respectively.The global centre can be considered as the acetabular or femoral head centre respectively.Secondly,presume the ideal acetabular location displayed as abductted angle 45°and anteversed angle 15°.Then,individualized digitalized locating template was made by combining actabular contour model and axial location.
     3.Clinical application of locating template.(1) From January 2008 to June 2008 we have selected seven patients with femoral neck fracture on one side and no obvious destruction in acetabula displayed on CT,whose symptom was so obvious that required total hip arthroplasty.All of the patients who were chosed in the study were candidates,both clinically and radiographically.Otherwise,we should consider some aspects of patients such as age,bone quality and so on.These patients' ages were ranging from sixty-three to seventy-one years.These patients were considered as one group which compared with the other group whose patients received conventioinal operation.(1) From January 2008 to November 2008 we have selected six patients with pathological changes on one hip side,who displayed acetabular pain, walk difficulty,affection for work or life.The Harris score was 22-43.All patients had received resurfacing arthroplasty.During the same time interval,we collected this kind of patients who received operation by the same surgeon,these served as the control group for the study.All surgeries were performed by the senior author through an posterolateral approach.The procedure is the same as usual process.When femoral head was dislocated and exposed well,we matched the locating template to surface of femoral head as well as possible.And Kirschner wire was inserted into femoral neck according to template.We evaluated the axial location of femoral component(showed by K-wire) with anteroposterior(A-P) and lateral position Photographs in operation by C-arm machine.The location of the wire was correct.All patients received X-ray photograph during 7-10 days period post-operatively.In order to obtain relatively accurate data,efforts should be made to decrease the error derived from photograph course.There are concerns about the angle of projection,patients' position.Standard positive photograph of hip joint must be taken,which required projecting line vertical to patients' body and centred by the hip joint center.Patients should be in supine position and inward turning 10-15°approxiately for abnormal limb.In A-P radiographs the stem-shaft angle was measured between the axial line of femur and the extension line of component stem with measuring tool of software Adobe Photoshop.
     1.Digital pelvic model can be reconstructed by software Amira4.1.By means of software Imageware12.1,acetabular rotational centre can be determined on three-dimensional pelvic model.Depending on assume the ideal prosthetic angle,the axis of prosthesis can be ascertained.Combined these results,we can design the locating template for acetabular prosthesis.The coincidence was satisfied.
     2.By meas of digital pelvic model and software Imageware12.1,the normal rotational centre of acetabular and femoral head on abnormal side was reconstructed by determined the rotational centre of normal acetabula and femoral head according to mirror imaging theory.On the basis of abductted angle,anteversed angle and stem-shaft angle which we designed beforehand,the axis of acetabular and femoral prosthesis can be defined.Depending on these results,the locating template for actabuar and femoral head prosthesis can be designed.This can make the abnormal hip joint recover normal anatomic position after hip replacement.
     3.Analysis was performed by SPSS13.0.Data were all dispayed mormal distribution.The level of significance was defined as P values<0.05 with 95% confidence intervals.Every group data was compared with setting certified value by single sample T-test.There were all obvious differences in each groups with regard to abduction angle and anteversion angle of acetabula,femoral component stem-shaft angles(respective corresponding value t=2.840,P=0.019;t=4.157,P=0.002;t=2.700, P=0.043).There were all no differences in each groups with regard to above-mentioned three kinds of angles by locating with template method(respective corresponding value t=1.700,P=0.127;t=2.184,P=0.072;t=0.768,P=0.477).Data between template locating group and conventional one was compared by independent sample T-test.There were all obvious differences with regard to abduction angle and anteversion angle of acetabula,femoral component stem-shaft angles between the two groups(respective corresponding value t=2.912,P=0.011;t=2.486,P=0.025;t=2.707, P=0.022).As a result,major error existed by conventional method,and accurate result can be obtained with locating template by designed pre-operatioin.The effect was superior to the former.
     1.To reconstruct three-demensional model and analyze correlative data by means of spiral CT presentation with software Amira and Imageware,the digitized ndividualized locating template can be designed.
     2.Using software Amira and the Imageware,according to the three-dimensional reconstruction model of digitized pelvis,digitized localization template can be constructed for abnormal hip joint which required total hip resurfacing arthroplasty.
     3.Clinical result indicated that the individualized locating template for prosthesis,which was made by preoperative design,reconstruction and rapid prototyping,can orient the implant hip resurfacing prosthesis accurately for various patients.The measure can simplify procedure in operation,avoid the error caused by subjective and objective factors.
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