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With the planned economic system transiting to the market economic system, and the unitary social structure turning into the polybasic social structure, China has already gradually stepped into the high-risk stage of the development of modern society. The industrial relations play an important role in the changes of social-economic structures and have a significant effect on the development process of risk society, but at present, contradictions and conflicts among the related subjects of industrial relations become one of the most prominent social-economic problems. In the beginning of Chinese reform and opening up, due to the lack of capital factors, labor supply outnumbering demand and the tilt of policy system, etc., the industrial relations take on an obvious characteristic, namely, powerful capital but weak labor. This kind of industrial relations is different from the integrative labor relations among government, enterprises and labor under the planned economic system. There also are contradictions and conflicts among government, enterprises and labors in the integrative labor relations. But under the temporal political environment and planned system, there are no fundamental conflicts between subjects of industrial relations. Therefore, there is no need and possibility to design more systems to coordinate relations between each other.
     Along with the gradual establishment of market economic system, the transformation of social-economic system is becoming more efficient, meanwhile makes the conflicts between the labor and the capital salient. Under the socialist market economic system, the labor and the capital began to play strategic interaction game as independent participant subjects based on the mastered information. These two parties may have disagreement on the way of element combination and the proportion of product allocation, which may result in contradictions and conflicts. In the process of Chinese market economy development, there exists many problems, such as leftover problems of system reform, absence of market subjects, the impact of globalized transnational capital and the pressure of economic increase in local governments, etc. All these problems make the pattern of "powerful capital and weak labor" established and further strengthened. During such a process, serous inequality in various aspects such as, rulemaking of the contractual relationship between the labor and the capital and even the benefit game in the field of production and distribution, may make the conflict behaviors between two parties more frequent. Further, the conflicts may be upgraded and transformed into a significant risk influencing reform and development, so that affect social harmony and the sustainable development of economy. Therefore, a kind of system design is needed to coordinate conflicts and relieve the contradictions between the labor and the capital. Exactly, as an effective method to coordinate industrial relations, the collective bargaining system receives more and more concern from various persons, so it is completely necessary to study the collective bargaining system from the theoretical and practical perspectives.
     Seeing from the western countries of developed market economics, during the hundreds of years'conflicts, the labor and the capital followed the requirements of maximizing the economic benefit for them, and gradually established and perfected the collective bargaining system which has already become the most important means to deal with disputes between the labor and the capital in developed countries. Compared with countries of developed market economics, national conditions of China differ greatly in political system, government functions, the development degree of market factors, etc., but as a developing country moving actively forward to the marketization, China is certainly confronted with common laws experienced by developed countries, which has reached a basic consensus in Chinese decision-making level and grassroots level. For example, in the Third Plenary Session of the18th Central Committee of CPC, statement that the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources is a powerful testament. We also need to draw lessons from the doctrines and methods of western countries of developed market economics when coordinating the industrial relations, balancing the force of labor and capital in enterprises and improving the reasonability and fairness of enterprises'salary distribution system.
     Based on Marx's theory about industrial relations and wage, drawing lessons from other western theories related to industrial relations and the practical experience of the developed market economic countries, according to the actuality of labor relations of Chinese enterprises at the present stage, and based on the previous researches about enterprise salary collective bargaining at home and abroad, this study not only combs the main problems existing in Chinese enterprise salary collective bargaining and main reasons causing these problems, but also puts forward countermeasures to improve and perfect Chinese enterprise salary collective bargaining at present stage. Meanwhile, this study tries to explore innovation on constructing analysis framework and has analytical investigation about bringing the public organizations or individuals as a forth party subject into the traditional three-party mechanism consisting of labor, capital and government.
     Following the research approach, namely, combing theory, constructing framework, empirical analysis, raising questions and solving questions, the thesis constructs a systematic research framework for perfecting Chinese enterprise salary collective bargaining system. This thesis consists of eight chapters in all.
     Chapter one is the introduction. In this part, the research background, research contents, significance and objectives are introduced. Also this part points out the research approach, methods, and possible innovation and deficiency; meanwhile, it defines and explains some key concepts:the industrial relations and the labor relations, salary collective negotiation and salary collective bargaining.
     Chapter two is about the related theories and literature review. It painstakingly combs a series of related theories and models of industrial relations and wage theory, etc. put forward by Marx and other western scholars, systematically combs and reviews the research status of collective bargaining at home and abroad, and evaluates and analyzes the hot points and difficult points of domestic and overseas literature researches in recent years. All of these lay a foundation for composing this thesis.
     Chapter three is the construction of analysis framework for Chinese enterprises salary collective bargaining. Through analyzing the subjects, content, procedure, structure, dispute mediation and arbitration, restriction means and other constitutive requirements of enterprise salary collective bargaining, this chapter constructs a theoretical analysis framework. This chapter is the emphasis and innovative point in the whole text. The emphasis lies in:aiming at the characteristics of Chinese industrial relations and concrete practice of the enterprises salary collective bargaining, drawing lessons from western theories about industrial relations, especially Dunlop's system theory of industrial relations, the author puts forward the analysis framework consisting of the subjects, social environment, common idea and rules construction of Chinese enterprise salary collective bargaining. On the basis of the traditional three-party relationship among labor, capital and government, the author puts forward innovative researches about constructing "quartet cooperative game" relationship among labor, capital, government and public organization or individual and improving the operation rules of salary collective bargaining. The "quartet cooperative game" relationship is established by bringing in public organization or individual as a forth cooperative element on the basis of "labor, capital and government" relationship and improving the operation rules. The purpose of establishing new cooperative game mechanism of labor relations is to achieve the harmonious development of labor relations during operating enterprises salary collective bargaining.
     Chapter four is to analyze the foreign salary collective bargaining models and learn from them. It mainly focuses on the salary collective bargaining system in the United States, Japan and Germany. Furthermore, it respectively combs the specific content, operation effect, existing problems, etc. of this model, and deeply analyzes the referential value that the model of Western developed countries has for Chinese enterprises salary collective bargaining system.
     Chapter five talks about the developmental history, practice model and performance evaluation of Chinese enterprises salary collective bargaining. This chapter systematically reviews developmental process of Chinese establishing the salary collective bargaining system; studies the local model of enterprises salary collective bargaining that China implements, and analyzes the reasons of forming different models; by means of specialized investigations and statistics, the implementation effect of enterprises salary collective bargaining in Sichuang province and the factors influencing it are also analyzed in this chapter. Wholly speaking, this chapter studies the establishment, development and effect of Chinese enterprises salary collective bargaining system from the perspective of empirical analysis.
     Chapter six points out the existing problems of Chinese enterprises salary collective bargaining and analyzes the reasons for them. Making use of the system theory of industrial relations and collective actions, etc., the author systemizes the main problems existing in Chinese enterprises salary collective bargaining, such as, less independence and weaker representativeness of Chinese labor union organization, workers' nonparticipation in collective negotiation, the cognitive and behavioral deviation that government shows about enterprises salary collective bargaining, employers'participation in the bargaining, the laws and regulations related to the bargaining, and the structure and the fourth-party regulating mechanism of bargaining. All these problems are analyzed respectively. Systemizing and studying these problems lays foundation for constructing the enterprises salary collective bargaining system with Chinese characteristics.
     Chapter seven analyzes the countermeasures used in Chinese enterprises salary collective bargaining and ways to improve them. This chapter systematically put forwards countermeasures from different aspects for Chinese enterprises salary collective bargaining. These aspects are:constructing polybasic value judgment of industrial relations, establishing the legal system underlying the salary collective bargaining through strengthening state and local legislation, strengthening the construction of representativeness and independence of labor union organization, facilitating workers' participation in collective action and achieving structural adjustment of bargaining through selective incentives, strengthening employers' organizational construction and information disclosure, facilitating parity of bargaining and ensuring the necessary right of labor union participating in collective action, bringing in the fourth party coordination mechanism, etc. These suggestions are difficult to operate in practice, but facing the fact that the process of marketalization is speeding and the conflict of industrial relations is exacerbating, we must envisage these issues and steadily solve them.
     Chapter eight is about the research prospect. As the epilogue part, this chapter elaborates the content and field that can be studied in the future, including the theoretical, institutional and mechanism innovation of salary collective bargaining.
     As an effective institutional method to regulate industrial relations in western countries of developed market economics, the salary collective bargaining system plays an important role in resolving conflicts between the labor and the capital and coordinating the industrial relations. A Chinese old saying goes that "stones from other hills can be used to polish jades", so we should learn from successful experience of others. But meanwhile we should pay attention to the problem-"orange is orange when born in Huainan, being trifoliate orange when born in Huaibei", and therefore combine the foreign successful experience with Chinese specific conditions to make the collective bargaining system to grow up like a fruit tree in China.
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