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Consumer's right of withdrawal as an important tool for consumer protection in modern society is the result of economic and social development. With the changes in the balance of power between traders and consumers, as well as the changes in transaction type and transaction mode, most developed countries all over the world have established the system of consumer's right of withdrawal to solve consumer problems to some extent. Especially in the European Union, many scholars take the right of withdrawal as an independent consumer rights. Compared with the developed countries consumer protection in China is still at a low level. Establishing the system of consumer's right of withdrawal is of great significance for China to improve consumer protection. This dissertation aims to provide suggestions to the construction of consumer's right of withdrawal in China through the study on the basic theory of the right of withdrawal, as well as the investigation and comparison of the consumer's right of withdrawal system between Europe (mainly the European Union and Germany) and United States. This dissertation will discuss in the following chapters from five aspects.
     Chapter one studies on the concept and institutional evolution of consumer's right of withdrawal. From the legislative point of view, the concept, the nature and some other general issues of consumer's right of withdrawal is still not clear. The evolution of consumer's right of withdrawal experience three stages of the origin, development and expansion accompanied by the development of transactions of consumer credit, off-premises and other special types or modes. This reveals the main and the most important fields of application of consumer's right of withdrawal. Consumer's withdrawal right can protect consumer's autonomy, increase consumer's information opportunities and reduce consumer's irrational factors through extricating the consumer from the contract. But that led to conflict with the traditional freedom of theory, so consumer's right of withdrawal need sufficient justification.
     Chapter two discusses the the legitimacy of consumer's right of withdrawal. The legitimacy not only concerns the premise of the system, but also relates to the construction of the system. Consumer's right of withdrawal mean to resolve three kinds of problems in Consumption activities, and those are nonfreedom, asymmetric information, and irrational behavior. The settle of those above problems can get supports from the following theory:the substantive justice of contract, the consumer sovereignty theory and the legal paternalism, and also the legitimacy of can be demonstrated. On the other hand moral hazard and other risk issues existed in the consumer's the right of withdrawal can not be ignored, which should be argued from the point of view of the economics of cost and cost control.
     Chapter three proceeds to analyze consumer's right of withdrawal in European Union. The European Union is a typical representative of the consumer's the right of withdrawal legislation in Europe. In more than20years, the European Union enacted eight directives on consumer's right of withdrawal (five of them in force now), introducing the right of withdrawal into off-premises transactions, distance transactions, consumer credit transactions, timeshare transactions, life insurance contracts and other areas, and constructed a relatively perfect system. In the member states of the European Union, Germany is the typical representative of the legislative codification of consumer's right of withdrawal. Consumer's withdrawal right system-mainly includes the scope of the right of withdrawal, the withdrawal period, the obligation of notice and the legal consequences of the exercise of the right, among which the scope of application is the most complex aspect, and the obligation of notice and the legal consequences are the core institutions of the system.
     Chapter four analyzes consumer to withdraw the right system the United States. The federal legislation of the United States of consumer's right of withdrawal has always been stuck in the early two legislation, the federal Truth in Lending Act and the Rule Concerning Cooling-off Period for Sales at Homes or at Certain Other Locations of Federal Trade Commission, which are applicable to two areas of consumer credit and off-premises transactions. In addition there are legislations on consumer's right of withdrawal among the state law, and there is great difference between these legislations from states. Overall, the legislation of consumer's right of withdrawal in the United States is not as extensive as the European Union. But there is extensive and mature return policy in American business practices, which to a certain extent have the similar effects as the right of withdrawal, and make up for the deficiencies of the legislation. The different attitude on the legislation consumer's right of withdrawal between the Europe and United States, reflecting the dominant ideology of consumer protectionism in the European Union and the liberalism philosophy in the United States. It is very important to balance the relationship between consumer protection and market freedom in the legislation, which can be achieved through limiting consumer's withdrawal right in a proper scope and selecting the appropriate type of legal norms.
     Chapter five analyzes the status quo and prospect of consumer's right of withdrawal in China. The current legislation of China is on low level, simple and not applicable. The provisions of Consumer Protection Law (Revised Draft) on consumer's withdrawal right are also unreasonable in many aspects. In addition, the business practice of return policy in China is still in its early stage and its complementary role to the withdrawal right as in the United States is very limited. The legislation of consumer's right of withdrawal in China is a foregone conclusion. In amendments to the Consumer Protection Act, the overarching provisions of consumers right of withdrawal can be set down in advance, and the specific legislation in relevant departments can be gradually developped, adhering to the leading principles of consumer protection for to combine market freedom, considering China actual reality, and fully assimilating the mature experience and institution on consumer's right of withdrawal the Europe and United States.
    4 See Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles) [M]. Munich:Sellier,2009:240.
    5 See Study Group on a European Civil Code, Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference [M]. Munich:Sellier, 2009.
    6荷兰乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University)私法教授,欧盟民法典研究小组领导小组成员之一,主要从事消费者保护法、欧盟私法、合同法研究。20世纪80年代,他开始对欧盟范围内消费者权益的保护进行调查,调查显示法律对消费者法的介入已经刻不容缓。之后,在他的倡导下,欧盟逐步颁布了保护消费者和其它弱势群体的一些相关“指令”。参见付俊伟.欧盟民法典草案之述评[A].见:梁慧星.民商法论丛(43)[M].北京:法律出版社,2009:156.
    7荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学(Amsterdam University)私法教授,欧盟民法典研究小组关于销售、服务和远期合同工作小组成员之一,主要从事私法研究,特别是欧盟消费者保护法研究。
    8 See Ewoud Hondius. The Innovative Nature of Consumer Law [J]. Journal of Consumer Policy, Online First,16 February 2012, p.1-9.
    9 See Madeleine de Cock Buning, Ewoud Hondius et al. Consumer@Protection.EU. an Analysis of European Consumer Legislation in the Information Society [J]. Journal of Consumer Policy,2001, vol.24:287-338.
    10 See Marco B.M. Loos. Review of the European consumer acquis [M]. Munich:Sellier,2008:12-13.
    11 See Marco B.M. Loos. Rights of Withdrawal [EB/OL]. Center for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series, No.2009/04, p2. online available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=13 50224.
    12德国奥斯纳布吕克大学(Osnabruck University)法学院教授,欧盟及德国私法专家,欧盟现行私法研究小组协调人、欧盟契约法起草专家委员会委员,欧盟18位起草专家委员会唯一的德国学者。
    13 See Hans Schulte-Nolke, Christian Twigg-Flesner, Martin Ebers. EC Consumer Law Compendium—Comparative Analysis [M]. Munich:sellier,2008:167-759.
    14德国不来梅大学(University of Bremen)荣誉教授。
    15德国慕尼黑大学(Ludwig Maximilian Muenchen Unitversitaet)法学教授,2009年起牛津大学永久客座教授,2010年至2011年哈佛大学客座教授,主要从事私法,德国、欧盟和国际公司法研究。
    16荷兰蒂尔堡大学(Universiteit van Tilburg)法学院欧洲私法、比较法学教授,蒂尔堡国际比较法研究中心主任。
    17 See John R. Kennel, Anne Knickerbocker et al. Corpus Juris Secundum:Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters,2012.
    18 See Theresa Leming, Jack K. Levin, Eric Surette, Lisa A. Zakolski. American Jurisprudence:Consumer and Borrower Protection [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters,2012.
    19 See Joan M. Burda. An Overview of Federal Consumer Law [M]. Chicago:General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section, American Bar Association,1998.
    20 See National Consumer Law Center, Consumer for Auto Reliability and Safety, Consumer Federation o f America, Consumer Union. Comments Regarding Cooling-off Rule Regulatory Review 16 C.F.R. § 429 [R]. Comment Project No. P087109, Sept.25 2009. online available at:http://www.ftc.gov/os/comments/c oolingoffrulereopen/543750-00004.pdf.
    21美国芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)法学院教授、法律经济学研究所所长。
    22美国芝加哥大学法学院教授,美国法学研究杂志(Journal of Legal Studies)主编。
    23美国加利福利亚大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)法学院教授,主要从事合同、谈判及法和行为科学研究。
    24来自美国伊利诺伊大学的著名法学家托马斯·S·尤伦(Thomas S.Ulen)教授。
    25 See Russell B. Korobkin, Thomas S. Ulen. Law and Behavioral Science:Removing the Rationality Assumption from Law and Economics [J]. California Law Review,2000, vol.88:1051-1144.
    31 See Christian von Bar, Eric Clive, Hans Schulte-Nocke. Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) Interim Outline Edition [M]. Munich:Sellier,2008:37.
    32 See Bryan A. Garner. Black's Law Dictionary[M]. New York:Thomson West,1999:311.
    35 See Brussels Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters article 13, online available at:http://curia.europa.eu/common/recdoc/convention/en/c-textes/brux-idx.htm.
    36 See Council Directive 87/557/EEC of 20 December 1985 to Protect the Consumer in Respect of Contr acts Negotiated away from Business Premises, online available at:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexU riServ.do?uri=CELEX:31985L0577:EN:NOT.
    37参见《欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2011年10月25日关于消费者权利及修正理事会第93/13/EEC号指令和第1999/44/EC号指令、废止第85/577/EEC号指令和第97/7/EC号指令的第2011/83/EU号指令》(Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 201 Ion consumer rights, amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 85/577/EEC and Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council),英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2011:304:0064:0088:EN:PDF.
    38 "They all share a common core, as they all provide that a consumer is:(1) a natural person;(2) who is acting for purposes which are outside some kind of business, commercial or trade activity." See Hans Schulte-Nolke, Christian Twigg-Flesner, Martin Ebers. EC Consumer Law Compendium—Comparative Analysis [M]. Munich: sellier,2008:715.
    40在指令中一般都表述为"any natural person who, in contracts covered by this Directive,......"。
    41 See Hans Schulte-Nolke, Christian Twigg-Flesner, Martin Ebers. EC Consumer Law Compendium—Co mparative Analysis [M]. Munich:sellier,2008:721.
    42 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 22/11/2001, joined cases C-541/99 and C-542/99 Cape Snc v. Idealservice Sri and Idealservice MN RE Sas v. Omai Srl, ECR [2001] p.Ⅰ-9049.
    43 See Hans Schulte-Nolke, Christian Twigg-Flesner, Martin Ebers. EC Consumer Law Compendium—Co mparative Analysis [M]. Munich:sellier,2008:726.
    44 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 20/1/2005, C-464/01 Johann Gruber v. Bay Wa AG, ECR [20051 p.Ⅰ-00439.
    45欧盟现行私法研究小组在《欧洲现行私法原则》中关于消费者的界定。See Norbert Reich. Harmonisation of European contract law:with special emphasis on consumer law [J]. China-EU Law,2011, vol.1:85.
    46 See Hans Schulte-Nolke, Christian Twigg-Flesner, Martin Ebers. EC Consumer Law Compendium—Co mparative Analysis [M]. Munich:sellier,2008:724.
    47 See Study Group on a European Civil Code, Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Principles Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference [M]. Munich:Sellier, 2009:345.
    49如在《上门交易指令》(art.5 para.l)中表述为"the right to renounce the effects of the contract"在《第二人身保险指令》(art.15 para.1)中表述为‘'the right to cancel the contract";在《分时度假指令》(art.5 para.1)、《远程交易指令》(art.6para.1)、《远程金融服务指令》(atr.6 para.1)中表述为"the right to withdraw from the contract", See Marco B.M. Loos. Rights of Withdrawal [EB/OL]. Center for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series, No.2009/04, p.3, online available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1350224.
    54 See Hire-purchase Act (1964), section 4-9. online available at:http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1964/53.
    55 See Hire-purchase Act (1964), section 4 (4) (a).
    56 See Hire-purchase Act (1964), section 4 (4) (b).
    57 See The Timeshare, Holiday Products, Resale and Exchange Contracts Regulations 2010, section 20-24, online available at:http://www.timeshare.org.uk/law.html.
    59 Directive 85/577/EEC, article 4参见《欧共体委员会1985年12月20日关于非营业地订立合同的消费者保护指令》(Council Directive of 20 December 1985 to Protect the Consumer in Respect of Contracts Negotiated away from Business Premises),英文文本见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do? uri=OJ:L:1985:372:0031:0033:EN:PDF.
    60 See Directive 97/7/EC, Directive 2008/122/EC, Directive 2011/83/EU.
    61 See Truth in Lending Act (1968), section 125 (a)&(b), online available at:http://www.llsdc.org/TILA-LH/.
    62 See Truth in Lending Act (1968), section 125; Rule Concerning Cooling-Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations,16 C.F.R. Part 429.0, online available at:http://www.ftc.gov/os/2009 /04/P087109coolingoffrulefrnotice.pdf.
    6'See Rule Concerning Cooling-Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations,16 C.F.R. Part 429.0-1.
    68 See Rule Concerning Cooling-Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations,16 C.F.R. Part 429.0(a).
    69 See Rule Concerning Cooling-Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations,16 C.F.R. Part 429.0(a)&(b).
    71该法中原文表述为,"When an obligor exercises his right to rescind under subsection (a), he is not liable for any finance or other charge, and any security interest given by the obligor becomes void upon such a rescission "■参见Truth in Lending Act, section 125(b)。
    72该法中原文表述为" You may CANCEL this transaction, without any Penalty or Obligation......"。 See Rule Concerning Cooling-Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations,16 C.F.R. Part 429. 1(b).
    73全称为《欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2009年1月14日关于在某些方面保护分时度假、长期度假产品、转售、互换合同消费者的第2008/122/EC号指令》(简称第2008/122/EC号指令),英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.eu ropa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:033:0010:0030:EN:PDF.
    74如第2011/83/EU号指令第9条规定,"Save where the exceptions provided for in Article 16 apply, the consumer shall have a period of 14 days to withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract, without giving any reason, and without incurring any costs other than those provided for in Article 13(2) and Article 14 "。英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2011:304:0064:0088:EN:PDF.
    77 See Directive 2008/122/EC article 8(1).
    78 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 12.
    83 See Hire-purchase Act (1964),section 4(4), online available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1964/53.
    85 See Directive 2011/83/EU. article 12.
    86 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 8(1).
    87该草案是在欧盟委员会(European Commission)2003年颁布的官方文件倡导下,由欧盟民法典研究小组和欧盟现行私法研究小组历时四年起草而成的,起草小组汇集了欧洲顶尖的民法学专家,可谓是当今国际最为先进的民法典之一。它实质上就是欧洲民法典草案,由于法国等欧盟一些国家不愿意采用欧洲统一民法典,所以出于政治上的考虑并未采用“欧洲民法典”这一名称。国内也有学者将其译为《欧盟民法典草案》。
    88 See DCFR, Part 5:105.
    89 See Peter Rott. Harmonising Different Rights of Withdrawal:Can German Law Serve as an Example for EC Consumer Law? [J]. German Law Journal,2006, vol.7:1114.
    91参见Eisenhardt, Einfuhrung in das Burgerliche Recht,4.Aufl.2004,S.29转引自肖晴.德国《民法典》中的撤回权制度分析[D].北京:中国政法大学硕士学位论文,2011:10-11.
    92 See Truth in Lending Act (1968), section 125(b).
    93 See Draft Common Frame of Reference, Part 5:101.
    94 See The Timeshare, Holiday Products, Resale and Exchange Contracts Regulations 2010, section 22(2), online available at http://www.timeshare.org.uk/law.html.
    96 See Peter Rott. Harmonising Different Rights of Withdrawal:Can German Law Serve as an Example for EC Consumer Law? [J]. German Law Journal,2006, vol.7:1110.
    97 See Hire-purchase Act (1964), section 8(1).
    98参见《关于取消在家中或工作场所等地订立的合同的规则》(The Cancellation of Contracts made in a Consumer's Home or Place of Work etc. Regulations 2008),英文文本参见:http://www.legislation.gov.u k/uksi/2008/1816/contents/made.
    99参见《消费信用规则》(The Consumer Credit (EU Directive) Regulations 2010),英文文本参见:http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2010/1010/contents/made.
    100 See Directive 2011/83/EU article 12.
    101 DCFR Annex, see Study Group on a European Civil Code, Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference [M]. Munich:Sellier,2009:560.
    105参见Fuchs, AcP 196 (1996),313,330 ff,转引自刘青文.德国的消费者撤回权制度[J].世界经济与政治论坛,2009(4):112.
    106 See Omri Ben-Shahar, Eric A. Posner. The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law [J].The Journal of Legal Studies, 2011. vol.40:116.
    107 Consumer Affairs Victoria, Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implications [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009. online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resources-and-ed ucation/research.
    108 See Horst Eidenmuller. Why Withdrawal Rights? [EB/OL].:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1660535, p19.
    111 See Marco B.M. Loos. Rights of Withdrawal. Center for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series, No.2009/04 p.2. online available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1350224.
    113 See the proposal by Heck, published in the proceeding of the 21st German Lawyers day of 1891, Volume 2nd.,p.180-182.转引自Marco B.M. Loos. Rights of Withdrawal, Center for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series, No.2009/04 p.2, online available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1350224.
    115由于世界各国和地区的政治体制和立法体制的差异性和复杂性,穷尽各个国家或地区不同层级的立法难度非常大,本文总体以国家、国家间的组织立法为基础进行研究,所以,这里对于消费者撤回权最早立法的判断没有考虑州立法或更低层次的立法。从已掌握的资料来看,关于消费者撤回权的立法,最早见于澳大利亚维多利亚州的立法,该州于1962年颁布了《土地买卖法》(Sale of Land Act 1962),该法第31条规定,在土地买卖合同签订后的3个工作日内,买方可以通知销售者终止合同。买方依据本条款终止合同的,除销售者可以保留100元或购买价格的0.2%(以数额高的为准)之外,买方有权要求销售者退还其所支付的所有价款。(See Sale of Land Act 1962(Vic), section 31)
    116 See R. M. Goode. Consumer Credit Law [M]. London:Butterworths,1989:427.
    117该法中消费者撤回权表述为"right of cancellation",具体条款中还使用了还有" withdraw from the transaction"、"rescind agreement"。
    118 See Hire-purchase Act (1964), section 4-9.
    119 See Ross Richard R. the Illinois Cooling-Off Provision:Three Days to Do What [J]. Southern Illinois University Law Journal,1977, vol.2:421-425.
    120 See S.1740, Truth in Lending Act, introduced by Sen. Douglas, D-IL, April 27 1961, online availabl e at:http://www.llsdc.org/I'ILA-LH/.
    121 See 106 C.R.10932-33, Congressional Record-Senate, May 24 1960, online available at:http://www.lls dc.org/TILA-LH/.
    122TILA后被纳入《消费信用保护法》(Consumer Credit Protection Act),作为其第一部分,所以有人将TILA直接称为《消费信用保护法》。
    123该法中撤回权表述为"right of rescission "。
    124 Truth in Lending Act (1968), section 125,英文文本参见:http://www.llsdc.org/attachments/wysiwyg/54 4/TILA-LH_PL90-321.pdf.
    126 See Uniform Consumer Credit Code 1968 article 5.204, online available at:http://uniformlaws.org/Act.a spx?title=Consumer Credit Code.
    128这个上门交易的概念是作了扩充解释的,主要因为上门交易是当时非营业地交易最典型的形式。See 16C.F.R.Part 429。
    129 See National Consumer Law Center, Consumer for Auto Reliability and Safety, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Union. Comments Regarding Cooling-off Rule Regulatory Review 16 C.F.R. § 429 [R], Comment Project No. P087109, Sept.25 2009, p3. online available at:http://www.ftc.gov/os/comme nts/coolingoffrulereopen/543750-00004.pdf.
    130 See Mchael R. Mattioli. Cooling-off and Secondary Markets:Consumer Choice in the Digital Domain [J]. Virginia Journal of Law and Technology,2010, vol.15:229.
    131 See Rule Concerning Cooling-Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations,16 C.F.R. Part 429.0-1.
    132 See Rule Concerning Cooling-Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations,16 C.F.R. Part 429.1.
    133即上门销售,类似美国法上的" door-to-door sale "
    139 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 6(1).
    140参见《欧洲议会和欧盟理事会1997年5月20日关于远程合同消费者保护的第97/7/EC号指令》(Direct ive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection of consu mers in respect of distance contracts),英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?ur i=CELEX:31997L0007:EN:NOT.
    141参见《欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2002年9月23日关于消费者金融服务远程销售及修正理事会第90/619/EEC号指令、第97/7/EC号指令和第98/27/EC号指令的第2002/65/EC号指令》(Directive 2002/65/EC of t he European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2002 concerning the distance marketing of consumer financial services and amending Council Directive 90/619/EEC and Directives 97/7/EC and 98/2 7/EC),英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/smartapi/cgi/sga_doc?smartapi!celexapi!prod!CELEXnumdoc&n umdoc=302L0065&model=guichett&lg=en.
    142 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 6(1).
    143参见《远程销售消费者保护规则》(The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000),英文文本参见:http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2000/2334/contents/made.
    145参见《欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2009年1月14日关于在某些方面保护分时度假、长期度假产品、转售、互换合同消费者的第2008/122/EC号指令》(Directive 2008/122/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 January 2009 on the protection of consumers in respect of certain aspects of timeshare, lo ng-term holiday product, resale and exchange contracts)第二条,英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/Le xUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:033:0010:0030:EN:PDF.
    146该法前言部分是这样描述的,"An act to provide for rights to cancel certain agreements about timeshare accommodation",充分显示了立法者对分时度假领域消费者撤回权的重视。
    147参见《分时度假法》(Timeshare Act 1992),英文文本参见:http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1992/35/contents.
    148参见《欧洲议会及欧盟理事会1994年10月26日关于在某些方面保护不动产部分时段使用权买卖合同的买受人的指令》(Directive 94/47/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 October 1994 o n the protection of purchasers in respect of certain aspects of contracts relating to the purchase of the ri ght to use immovable properties on a timeshare basis),英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/ LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:1994:280:0083:0087:EN:PDF.
    149 See Directive 94/47/EC, article 5 (6).
    150 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 6(1).
    153 See Marco B.M. Loos. Rights of Withdrawal [EB/OL]. Center for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series, No.2009/04, p.4. online available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1350224.
    154 See Consumer Affairs Victoria. Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implicatio ns [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009, p.10, online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resourc es-and-education/research.
    155 See Claire Souren. the Efficiency of a Cooling off Period [D]. Erasmus Progamme, European Master in Law and Economics. Year 2005-2006:20.
    156 See Luke Garrod et al. Competition Remedies in Consumer Marktes [J]. Loyola Consumer Law Review, vol. 21 (4):439-495.
    157 See The Right of Withdrawal in the DCFR-Overview, online available at:http://www.jura.uni-muenst er.de/index.cfm?objectid=13B7CD3C-A5AB-CA84-317B5ED46D162E8E&did=11688.33.
    158参见《欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2005年5月11日关于对内部市场消费者商务的不公平商业行为及修正理事会第84/450/EEC号指令、第97/7/EC号指令、第98/27/EC号指令和第2002/65/EC号指令的第2005/29/EC号指令》(Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market and amending Council Directive 84/450/EEC, Directives 97/7/EC,98/27/EC and 2002/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council,'Unfair Commercial Practices Directive'),英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32005L0029:EN:NOT.
    159 See Directive 2005/29/EC, article 8.
    161 See Consumer Affairs Victoria. Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implicatio ns [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009, p.10, online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resourc es-and-education/research.
    162 See Peter Rott. Harmonising Different Rights of Withdrawal:Can German Law Serve as an Example for EC Consumer Law? [J]. German Law Journal,2006, vol.7:1109-1136.
    163 See United States v. Union Circulation Co., Inc. et al.,1982 WL 1912 (N. D. Ga.1982).
    164 See Directive 2005/29/EC. article 6.
    165 See Directive 2005/29/EC, article 7.
    166 See Pete Garey. The Harsh Side of the Housing Boom [N]. San Jose Mercury News,2007,3(16).
    174 See Gillian K. Hadfield, Robert Howse, Michael J. Trebilcock. Information-Based Principles for Rethinking Consumer Protection Policy [J]. Journal of Consumer Policy,1998, vol.21(2):140.
    175 See Consumer Affairs Victoria. Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implicatio ns [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009, p.9, online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resources-and-education/research.
    178 See Directive.85/577/EEC.
    179 See Report on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Consu mer Rights [R], COM (2008) 614 final, p.14, online available at:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDo c.do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2011-0038&language=EN.
    185 See Sendhil Mullainathan, Richard H. Thaler, Behavioral Economics (September 2000), MIT Dept. of Economics Working Paper No.00-27 [EB/OL].:http://ssrn.com/abstract=245828 or doi:10.2139/ssrn.245828.
    186 See Russell B. Korobkin, Thomas S. Ulen. Law and Behavioral Science:Removing the Rationality Assumption from Law and Economics [J]. California Law Review,2000, vol.88:1113-1123.
    188 See Sendhil Mullainathan, Richard H. Thaler, Behavioral Economics (September 2000), MIT Dept. of Economics Working Paper No.00-27 [EB/OL].:http://ssrn.com/abstract=245828 or doi:10.2139/ssrn.245828.
    189 See Thomas Wilhelmsson, Geraint Howells, HansW. Micklitz. European Consumer Law, in European Private LawA Handbook [M]. Berne:Stampfli Publishers Ltd,2009:273.
    190 See Claire Souren. the Efficiency of a Cooling off Period [D]. Erasmus Progamme, European Master in Law and Economics Year 2005-2006:32.
    191 See Consumer Affairs Victoria. Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implicatio ns [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009, p.13, online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resourc es-and-education/research.
    192 See Sharon Oster, Fiona Scott Morton. Does the Endowment Effect Exist in a Real Market? [EB/OL].: http://else.econ.ucl.ac.uk/conferences/consumer-behaviour/scottmorton.pdf.
    193 See Motor Car Traders Acts 1986 (Vic), Section 43, online available at:http://corrigan.austlii.edu.au/au /legis/vic/consol_act/mcta 1986194/.
    194 See Hamish G.W. Seaward, Simon Kemp. Optimism Bias and Student Debt [J]. New Zealand Journal of Psychology,2000, vol.29:17.
    195 See the proposal by Heck, published in the proceeding of the 21st German Lawyers day of 1891,2nd. Volume, p.180-182.
    210参见《联合国消费者保护指南》(United Nations guidelines for consumer protection)第13条,英文文本参见:http://www.un.org/documents/ecosoc/res/1999/eres1999-7.htm。
    222 See Claire Souren. the Efficiency of a Cooling off Period [Dl. Erasmus Progarnme, European Master in Law and Economics, Year 2005-2006:19.
    223 See Judgment of the Court (First chamber) of 26/10/2006, Case C-168/05 Elisa Maria Mostaza Claro v. Centro Movil Milenium SL, ECR [2006] p.I-10421.
    224 See Judgment of the Court of 27/6/2000, Joint cases C-240/98 to C-244/98 Oceano Grupo Editorial, S.A. and Salvat Editores, S.A. v. Rocio Murciano Quintero et al. ECR [20001 p.I-04941.
    227 See Christian Twigg-Flesner. Innovation and EU Consumer Law [J]. Journal of Consumer Policy,2005, vol.28: 419.
    228 See Claire Souren. the Efficiency of a Cooling off Period [D]. Erasmus Progamme, European Master in Law and Economics, Year 2005-2006:20.
    229 See Claire Souren. the Efficiency of a Cooling off Period [D]. Erasmus Progamme, European Master in Law
    230 See Eirik G. Furubotn, R. Richter. Institutions and Economic Theory:The Contribution of the New Institutional and Economics, Year 2005-2006:36. Economics (Economics, Cognition and Society) [M]. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,2000:186.
    231 See Omri Ben-Shahar, Eric A.Posner. The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law [J]. The Journal of Legal Studies, 2011, vol.40:127.
    232 See Consumer Affairs Victoria. Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implicatio ns [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009, p.20, online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resourc es-and-education/research.
    233 See Rekaiti P., Van den Bergh R. Cooling-Off Periods in the Consumer Laws of the EC Member States. A Comparative Law and Economics Approach [J]. Journal of Consumer Policy,2000, vol.23:382.
    234 See Enkeleda Olldashi, Zamira Xhaferri. Cooling-off Periods from a Law and Economics Perspective[J]. Revista Shqiptare per Studime Ligjore,2011, vol.2:157.
    235 See Marco B.M. Loos, Right of Withdrawal, Center for the Study of European Contract Law Working Pape Series, No.2009/04, p.17, online available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1350224.
    236 See Directive 97/7/EC. article 6.
    237 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 13 (1).
    238 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 16.
    239 See Omri Sen-Shahar, Eric A.Posner. The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law [J]. The Journal of Legal Studies, 2011, vol.40:122.
    240 See Directive 2002/65/EC, article 6 (2).
    242参见《欧共体委员会1985年12月20日关于非营业地订立合同的消费者保护指令》(Council Directive of 20 December 1985 to Protect the Consumer in Respect of Contracts Negotiated away from Business Premises)。
    243该指令的全称为Directive 94/47/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 October 1994 on the protection of purchasers in respect of certain aspects of contracts relating to the purchase of the right to use immovable properties on a timeshare basis。
    244该指令全称为Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts。
    245该指令全称为Directive 2002/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2002 concerning the distance marketing of consumer financial services and amending Council Directive 90/619/EEC and Directives 97/7/EC and 98/27/EC。
    246参见《欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2002年11月5日关于人寿保险的第2002/83/EC号指令》(Directive 2002/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 November 2002 concerning life assurance),英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32002L0083:EN:NOT.
    247参见《欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2008年4月23日关于消费者信贷合同及废止委员会第87/102/EEC号指令的第2008/48/EC号指令》(Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Cuncil of 23 April 2008 on credit agreements for consumers and repealing Council Directive 87/102/EEC),英文文本参见:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2008:133:0066:0092:EN:PDF.
    248该指令全称为Directive 2008/122/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 January 2009 on the protection of consumers in respect of certain aspects of timeshare, long-term holiday product, resale and exchange contracts.
    249该指令全称为Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011on consumer rights, amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 85/577/EEC and Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council.
    250这个文本对撤回权使用了多种表述,如" right of cancellation"、" right of renunciation "
    251 See Directive 85/577/EEC. article 4.
    252 See Directive 85/577/EEC, article 5.
    254该指令中关于撤回权的表述为"right of withdrawal".
    255与85/577/EEC指令的7天(seven days)不同,这里的撤回期间是7个工作日(seven working days)。
    256 See Directive 97/7/EC, article 6(1), article 7(3).
    257 See Directive 97/7/EC, article 6, article 7.
    258 See Report on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Consu mer Rights [R]. COM (2008) 614 final, p.12, online available at:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDo c.do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2011-0038&language=EN.
    259该指令中对消费者撤回权的表述是"right of withdrawal "。
    260 See Directive 2011/83/EU. article 9(1).
    261 See Directive 2011/83/EU. article 10.
    262 See Directive 2011/83/EU. article 12.
    263 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 13,14.
    264 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 9.
    265对于撤回权的表述,在94/47/EC中使用不统一,相关的有"withdraw without giving any reason"、 "withdrawal period"、"the right to cancel",而在2008/122/EC中概念比较统一,如" right of withdrawal"、 "withdrawal form"、"withdrawal period"
    266 See Directive 2008/122/EC. article 9.
    267 See Directive 94/47/EC. article 6.
    268 See Directive 2008/122/EC. article 11.
    269 See Directive 94/47/EC, article 7.
    271 Directive 2002/65/EC、Directive 2002/83/EC和Directive 2008/48/EC三个指令中对撤回权的表述分别为"right of withdrawal"、"right of cancellation'和" right of withdrawal"。
    272 See Directive 2002/65/EC, article 2 (a).
    273 See Directive 97/7/EC, article 2.
    274 See Directive 2008/48/EC, article 14,15.
    292 See Directive 85/577/EEC. article 1.
    293 See Directive 85/577/EEC, article 3(3).
    294 See DCFR article Ⅱ-5:201 (1).
    295 See Directive,2011/83/EU article 2(9).
    296 See Directive,2011/83/EU article 2(8).原文表述为:‘'Off-premises contract means any contract between the trader and the consumer:(a) concluded in the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, in a place which is not the business premises of the trader; (b) for which an offer was made by the consumer in the same circumstances as referred to in point (a); (c) concluded on the business premises of the trader or through any means of distance communication immediately after the consumer was personally and individually addressed in a place which is not the business premises of the trader in the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer; or (d) concluded during an excursion organised by the trader with the aim or effect of promoting and selling goods or services to the consumer". See Directive 2011/83/EU, article2(8).
    297 See Peter Rott. Renationalisation of direct selling—the impact of the new Consumer Rights Directive on financial services [J]. ERA Forum,7 February 2012, p.1-10.
    298即欧洲货币单位(Eutopean Currency Unit,简称ECU),是欧洲共同体国家共同用于内部计价结算的一种货币单位,是推行欧元的先导,欧洲货币体系的关键一环。
    299 See Directive 85/577/EEC, article 3(1).
    300参见《消费者保护条例》(The Consumer Protection (Cancellation of Contracts Concluded away from B usiness Premises) Regulations 1987), section 3(2) (f),英文文本参见:http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/19 87/2117/contents/made。
    301 See Directive 97/7/EC, article 2(1).
    302 See Directive 97/7/EC, article 2(4).
    303 See Directive 97/7/EC, annex 1.
    304 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 6 (1).原文表述为:"distance contract" means any contract concluded between the trader and the consumer under an organised distance sales or service-provision scheme without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the time at which the contract is concluded.
    305 See Directive 97/7/EC (20).
    306 See Directive 85/577/EEC, article 3(2).
    307 See Directive 97/7/EC. article 3.
    308 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 3(3).
    309 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 16.
    310 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 25/4/2005, Case C-350/03 Elisabeth Schulte, Wolfgang Schulte v. Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia AG, ECR [2005] p.Ⅰ-9215.
    311 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 25/4/2005, Case C-229/04 Crailsheimer Volksbank eG v. Klaus Conrads, Frank Schulzke und Petra Schulzke-Losche, Joachim Nitschke, ECR [2005] p.Ⅰ-9273.
    312 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 10/4/2008, Case C-412/06 Annelore Hamilton v. Volksbank Filder eG, ECR [2008] p.Ⅰ-2383.
    313 See Peter Rott. Renationalisation of direct selling—the impact of the new Consumer Rights Directive on financial services [J]. ERA Forum,7 February 2012, p.1-10.
    314 See Study Group on a European Civil Code, Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference [M]. Munich:Sellier, 2009:391.
    315 See Directive 94/47/EC. article 2.
    316 See Directive 2008/122/EC. article 2.
    317 See Directive 2002/65/EC. article 2(a).
    318 See Directive 97/7/EC. article 2.
    319 See Directive 2002/65/EC, article 6(2).
    320 See Directive 2002/83/EC, article 2(1)(a).
    321 See Directive 2002/83/EC. article 35(1).
    322 See Directive 2002/83/EC, article 35(2).
    323 See Directive 2008/48/EC, article 3(c).
    324 See Directive 2008/48/EC. article 2.
    325 See Report on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Consu mer Rights[R], COM (2008) 614 final, p.14, online available at:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc. do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2011-0038&language=EN.
    326 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 22/4/1999, case C-423/97 Travel Vac SL v. Manuel Jose Antelm Sanchis, ECR [1999] p.Ⅰ-2195.
    327 See Marco B.M. Loos. Review of the European consumer acquis [M]. Munich:Sellier,2008:10.
    328 See Marco B.M. Loos. Rights of Withdrawal [EB/OL]. Centre for the Study of European Contract Law, Working Paper Series, No.2009/04 p.5, online available at:http://ssrn.com/abstract=1350224.
    329 See Review of Consumer Acquis Document, p.8 [EB/OL].:http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cons int/safe_shop/dist_sell/sum_responses_ consultations_en.pdf.
    330 See Luke Garrod et al. Competition Remedies in Consumer Marktes [J]. Loyola Consumer Law Review, vol. 21 (4):475.
    331 See Directive 2002/65/EC,article 6(2).
    332 See Directive 2002/83/EC, article 35(1).
    333 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 6(2).
    334 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 9(2).
    335 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 13/12/2001, case C-481/99 Georg Heininger and Helga Heininger v. Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank AG, ECR [2001] p.Ⅰ-09945.
    336 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 17/12/2009, Case C 227/08 Martin Martin v. EDP Editores, SL, ECR [2009] p.Ⅰ-11939.
    337 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 10/4/2008, case C-412/06 Annelore Hamilton v. Volksbank Filder eG, ECR [2008] p.Ⅰ-02383.
    338 See Consumer Affairs Victoria, Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implicatio ns [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009, p20, online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resourc es-and-education/research.
    339 See Geraint Howells, Norbert Reich.The current limits of European harmonization in consumer contract law [J]. ERA Forum,2011, vol.12:53-54.
    340 See Report on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Consu mer Rights[R], COM (2008) 614 final, p.15, online available at:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc. do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2011-0038&language=EN.
    341 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 6(3).
    342 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 6(4).
    343 See Directive 2008/48/EC, article 14(7).
    344 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 9(3).
    345 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 9.
    346 See Directive 85/577/EEC, article 4.
    347 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 6(h) (i) (j).
    348 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 6, annex I.
    349 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 5(4).
    350 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 6(4).
    3512011/83/EU指令对持久介质的表述:"'durable medium'means any instrument which enables the consumer or the trader to store information addressed personally to him in a way accessible for future reference for a period of time adequate for the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored "。
    352 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 7(1).
    353 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 8(1), (4).
    354 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 4.
    355 See Directive 85/577/EEC, article 4.
    355 See Directive 85/577/EEC, article 1. article 4.
    357 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 6(1).
    358 See Directive 2002/65/EC, article 5(1), (2).
    359 See Directive 85/577/EEC. article 5(1):Directive 2011/83/EU. article 11(1) (b).
    360 See Directive 85/577/EEC,Article 5.
    361 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 22/4/1999, case C-423/97 Travel Vac SL v. Anselm Sanchis, ECR[1999]p.I-2195.
    362 See Evelyne Terryn. The Right of Withdrawal [A]. In:Reiner Schulze, Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law [M]. Munich:Sellier,2008:163.
    363 See Study Group on a European Civil Code, Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference [M]. Munich:Sellier, 2009:368.
    364 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 11.
    365 Acquis Principles article 5:102, See Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles) [M]. Munich:Sellier,2009:240.
    366 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 7.
    367 See Directive 85/577/EEC, article 5(2), article 7.
    368 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 22/4/1999, Case C-423/97 Travel Vac SL v. Anselm Sanchi ECR[1999]p.Ⅰ-2195.
    369 See Directive 2011/83/EU. article 12.
    370 See DCFR Annex, Christian von Bar, Eric Clive, Hans Schulte-Nocke. Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) Interim Outline Edition [M]. Munich: Sellier.2008:560.
    371 See Evelyne Terryn. The Right of Withdrawal [A]. In:Reiner Schulze, Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law [M]. Munich:Sellier,2008:164.
    372 See Directive 2011/83/EU. article 13.
    373 See Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 15/4/2010,Case C-511/08 Handelsgesellschaft Heinrich Heine GmbH v. Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen eV, ECR [2010] p.Ⅰ-03047.
    374 See Study Group on a European Civil Code, Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference [M]. Munich:Sellier, 2009:375.
    375 See Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 3/9/2009, C-489/07 Pia Messner v. Firma Stefan Kriiger, ECR [2009] Ⅰ-07315.
    376 See Marco B.M. Loos. Review of the European consumer acauis [M]. Munich:Sellier.2008:12-13. http://ssrn.com/abstract=1350224.
    377 See Marco B.M. Loos. Rights of Withdrawal, p.23-24, [EB/OL].:
    378 See Acquis Principles Article 5:106, Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles) [M]. Munich:Sellier,2009:266.
    379 See DCFR article Ⅱ-5:106 (2).
    380 See Peter Rott. Harmonising Different Rights of Withdrawal:Can German Law Serve as an Example for EC Consumer Law? [J]. German Law Journal,2006, vol.7:1131.
    383 See DCFR article Ⅱ-5:106 (2).
    384 See Directive 2008/48/EC.3(n).
    385 See Report on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Consu mer Rights[R], COM (2008) 614 final, p.22, online available at:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc. do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2011-0038&language=EN.
    386 See Peter Rott. Harmonising Different Rights of Withdrawal:Can German Law Serve as an Example for EC Consumer Law? [J]. German Law Journal,2006, vol.7:1131.
    387 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 25/10/2005, Case C-350/03 Elisabeth Schulte and Wolfgang Schulte v. Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia, ECR [2005] p.Ⅰ-9215.
    388 See Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 25/10/2005, Case C-229/04 Crailsheimer Volksbank eG v. Klaus Conrads and Others, ECR [2005] p.Ⅰ-9273.
    389 See Peter Rott. Renationalisation of Direct Selling--the Impact of the New Consumer Rights Directive on Financial Services [J]. ERA Forum,7 February 2012, p.3-6.
    390 See Norbert Reich, Harmonisation of European Contract Law:with Special Emphasis on Consumer Law [J]. China-EU Law,2011, vol.1:65.
    391 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 15.
    392 See DCFR article Ⅱ-5:106(1).
    393 See Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform. Proposed Consumer Rights Directive-a Consultation [R], Crown Copyright,2008, p.31. online available at:http://www.bis.gov.uk/files/file48791.pdf.
    394 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 7(1).
    395 See Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 22/4/1999, case C-423/97 Travel Vac SL v. Manuel Jose Antelm Sanchis, ECR [1999] p.Ⅰ-2195.
    396由于在美国法上消费者撤回权也不是一个统一的概念,在《冷静期规则》中使用的是Right of Cancellation、Right to Cancel,在《诚实借贷法》中使用的是Right of rescission、Right to Rescind,在本节中涉及法律文本中关于消费者撤回权的表述,基本上尊重原法律文本的表述,不统一使用消费者撤回权这一概念。
    398 See Joan M. Burda.An Overview of Federal Consumer Law [M]. Chicago:General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section, American Bar Association,1998:147.
    399 See 16 C.F.R. section 429.0.
    400 See 15 U.S.C.A. section 1635.
    401 See 16 C.F.R. section 429.3.
    403在16 C.F.R. section 429.1中该标题使用的是大写"NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL".
    404在16 C.F.R. section 429.1中该标题使用的是大写"NOTICE OF CANCELLATION"
    406 See 16 C.F.R. section 429.1.
    407 See 16 C.F.R. section 429.1.
    410 See U.S. Census Bureau:2.6 million More Americans Pushed Into Poverty in 2008, Sci. Letter, Sept.222009, online available at:http://www.bread.org/media/releases/us-census-bureau-26.html.
    411 Payday Lending,可翻译为“工资日贷款”,有人将其称作高利贷。维基百科对“工资日贷款”的定义如下:工资日贷款是一种小额、短期贷款,用于贷款人下一次发薪之前临时急用所需(因此还款日期也就是 下次发薪之时)。这种贷款额额度往往在100美元到1500美元之间,通常还款期限是2周,通常年利率在390%到780%。也就是说,每贷款100美元,按期还款的时候(一般是两周左右)需要缴付的利息是15到30美元。这种贷款形式往往是那些拥有不良信用记录的消费者唯一的贷款来源,因为他们一般无法得到银行贷款、信用卡或其他方式的低息贷款。
    413 See National Consumer Law Center, Consumer for Auto Reliability and Safety, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Union. Comments Regarding Cooling-off Rule Regulatory Review 16 C.F.R.§429 [R]. Comment Project No.P087109, Sept.25,2009. online available at:http://www.ftc.gov/os/comments/coo lingoffrulereopen/543750-00004.pdf.
    415 See Baum v. Great W. Cities, Inc.,703 F.2d 119 (10th Cir.1985); see also Fulton v. Hecht,580 F.2d 1243 (5th Cir.1978), cert, denied,440 U.S.981 (1979).
    416 See FTC Advisory Opinion [EB/OL].:http://www.ftc.gov/ftc/opinions.shtm.
    417 See John R. Kennel, Anne Knickerbocker et al. Corpus Juris Secundum:Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit Ml. New York:Thomson Reuters.2012.47 C.J.S. Interest & Usurv § 475.
    418 See Beach v. Great Western Bank,670 So.2d 986 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App.4th Dist.1996).
    419 See Theresa Leming, Jack K. Levin, Eric Surette, Lisa A. Zakolski. American Jurisprudence:Consumer and Borrower Protection [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters.2012,17 Am. Jur.2d Consumer Protection § 138.
    420 See Theresa Leming, Jack K. Levin, Eric Surette, Lisa A. Zakolski. American Jurisprudence:Consumer and Borrower Protection [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters 2012,17 Am. Jur.2d Consumer Protection § 136.
    422 See John R. Kennel, Anne Knickerbocker et al. Corpus Juris Secundum:Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters 2012,47 C.J.S. Interest & Usury §479.
    423 See Suzan L. Smith v. Highland Bank,108 F.3d 1325 (11th Cir.1997).
    424 See Veale v. Citibank, F.S.B.,85 F.3d 577 (11th Cir.1996).
    425 See Edna JACKSON v. Syd GRANT, Belle G. Grant.876 F.2d 764.57 USLW 2726 No.87-2801.
    426 See Consumer Credit Protection subchapter I part B,15 USCA § 1635.
    427 See David R. Beach, et ux. v. Ocwen Federal Bank, No.97-5310.523 U.S.410,118 S.Ct.1408.
    428 See Diane K. Hefferman v. Bernadette Y. Bitton, Nathan Bitton, Edward F. Reid.882 F.2d 379 (9th Cir.1989).
    429 See Larry Meyer, Virginia Badalamente Meyer v. Ameriquest Mortgage Company,342 F.3d 899. (9th Cir. 2003).
    430 See In re Ethel J. Dawson.437 B.R.15 (Bkrtcy. D. Dist. Col.,2010).
    431 See John R. Kennel, Anne Knickerbocker et al. Corpus Juris Secundum:Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters 2012,47 C.J.S. Interest & Usury § 476.
    432 See Westbank v. Maurer,276 Ⅲ. App.3d 553,213 Ⅲ. Dec.360,658 N.E.2d 1381 (2d Dist.1995).
    433 See John R. Kennel, Anne Knickerbocker et al. Corpus Juris Secundum:Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters 2012,47 C.J.S. Interest & Usury § 479.
    434 See Alberta Taylor v. Domestic Remodeling, Inc.,97 F.3d 96 (5th Cir.1996).
    "" See Norfolk Division, Sharon F. Moore v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Civil Action No.2:08cv413,597 F.Supp.2d 612.
    436 See Theresa Leming, Jack K. Levin, Eric Surette, Lisa A. Zakolski. American Jurisprudence:Consumer and Borrower Protection [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters 2012,17 Am. Jur.2d Consumer Protection § 144.
    437 See Rowland v. Magna Millikin Bank of Decatur, N.A.,812 F. Supp.875 (C.D. Ⅲ.1992). Borrower Protection [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters 2012,17 Am. Jur.2d Consumer Protection § 146.
    438 See Theresa Leming, Jack K. Levin, Eric Surette, Lisa A. Zakolski. American Jurisprudence:Consumer and
    439 See Rachbach v. Cogswell,547 F.2d 502 (10th Cir.1976); Brown v. National Permanent Federal Sav. and Loan Assn,683 F.2d 444 (D.C. Cir.1982).
    440 Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practice Act, see 815 ILL. COMP. STAT. section 505/1 (West 2004).
    441 See Timeshare Rescission Period in US [EB/OL].:http://rcivip.com/timeshare-rescission-period-in-us/.
    442 See Vacation And Timeshare Plans, chapter 721 section 10, online available at:http://www.leg.state.fl.u s/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=Ch0721/SEC10.HTM&Title=->2007-> Ch0721->Section%2010#0721.10
    444 See Uniform Consumer Credit Code 1974 article 3 part 5, online available at:http://uniformlaws.org/A ct.aspx?title=Consumer Credit Code.
    445通过的11个州分别为:Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming. See Legislative Fact Sheet-Consumer Credit Code, online available at:htt p://uniformlaws.org/LegislativeFactSheet.aspx?title=Consumer Credit Code.
    446 See Uniform Consumer Credit Code 1974, article 3 part 5.
    448 See Ala. Code 1975 section 8-19A-14.
    449 See N.Y. Gen. Bus. section 218-a, available at http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/A3010-2011.
    450 See Omri Ben-Shahar, Eric A.Posner. The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law [J]. The Journal of Legal Studies, 2011. vol.40:125.
    451 See Cal. Civ. Code § 1723.
    452 See Cal. Veh. Code section 11709.2.
    453 See National Consumer Law Center, Consumer for Auto Reliability and Safety, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Union. Comments Regarding Cooling-off Rule Regulatory Review 16 C.F.R. § 429 [R]. Comment Project No.P087109, Sept.25,2009, online available at:http://www.ftc.gov/os/comments/coo lingoffrulereopen/543750-00004.pdf.
    454 See John R. Kennel, Anne Knickerbocker et al. Corpus Juris Secundum:Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit [M]. New York:Thomson Reuters 2012,47 C.J.S. Interest & Usury § 475.
    455 See Jason Scott Johnston. The Return of Bargain:an Economic Theory of How Sandard-form Contracts Enable Cooperative Negotiation between Businesses and Consumers [J]. Michigan Law Review,2006, vol.104:873.
    450 See Jason Scott Johnston. The Return of Bargain:an Economic Theory of How Sandard-form Contracts Enable Cooperative Negotiation between Businesses and Consumers [J]. Michigan Law Review,2006, vol.104:874.
    457 See Rekaiti P., Van den Bergh R. Cooling-Off Periods in the Consumer Laws of the EC Member States. A Comparative Law and Economics Approach [J]. Journal of Consumer Policy,2000, vol.23:380.
    458沃尔玛是美国最大的零售超市,据2009年的数据其在同行业中占有约11%的市场份额。See Wal-Mart celebrates its growing market share [EB/OL].:http://money.cnn.com/2009/06/05/news/companies/wal-mart.sh areholders.meeting.fortune/.
    460 See Walmart Returns FAQ [EB/OL].:http://www.walmart.com/cp/Returns-Policy/538459.
    461 See Amazon Product Return Policies [EB/OL].:http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref =hp_901888_prodland?nodeld= 15015721.
    462 See Jason Scott Johnston. The Return of Bargain:an Economic Theory of How Sandard-form Contracts Enable Cooperative Negotiation between Businesses and Consumers [J]. Michigan Law Review,2006, vol.104:873.
    463 See Tony Sciarrotta. How Philips Reduced Returns [J]. Supply Chain Mgmt. Review,2003, vol.7:32.
    464 See Jason Scott Johnston. The Return of Bargain:an Economic Theory of How Sandard-form Contracts Enable Cooperative Negotiation between Businesses and Consumers [J]. Michigan Law Review,2006, vol.104:874.
    466 See Jan M. Smits. The Right to Change Your Mind? Rethinking the Usefulness of Mandatory Rights of Withdrawal in Consumer Contract Law [J]. Penn State International Law Review,2011, vol.29:677.
    470 See Omri Ben-Shahar. Eric A.Posner. The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law [J]. The Journal of Legal Studies, 2011. vol.40:143.
    471 See Eric A. Posner. Law and Social Norms [M]. Cambridge Mass:Harvard University Press,2000:11.
    475 See Erin Ann O'Hara, Choice of Law for Internet Transactions:The Uneasy Case for Online Consumer Protection [J]. U. Pa. L. Rev,2005, vol.153:1883.
    476 See Horst Eidenmuller. Why Withdrawal Rights? [J]. European Review of Contract Law,2011, vol.7 (1):9.
    477 12 C.F.R. § 226.15(e)(1),226.23(e)(1).
    478 Baker v. Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse,673 N.Y.S.2d 281,283 (N.Y. City Ct.1998).
    479 See Omri Ben-Shahar, Eric A.Posner. The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law [J]. The Journal of Legal Studies, 2011. vol.40:116.
    480 See Omri Ben-Shahar, Eric A.Posner. The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law [J]. The Journal of Legal Studies, 2011, vol.40:117.
    482 See Geraint Howells, Thomas Wilhelmsson. EC and US Approaches to Consumer Protection-Should the Gap Be Bridged? [A]. In:A. Barav, D. A. Wyatt. Yearbook of European Law [M]. Clarendon:Oxford University Press, 1997, vol.17:262.
    483 See Norbert Reich, Harmonisation of European Contract Law:with Special Emphasis on Consumer Law [J]. China-EU Law,2011, vol.1:88.
    484 See Micklitz Hans-W Stephen. Consumer Policy in the European Community:Before and After Maastricht [J]. Journal of Consumer Policy,1993(16):preface.
    486 Ewoud Hondius. The Innovative Nature of Consumer Law [J]. Journal of Consumer Policy. Online First,16 February 2012, p.4.
    487 See Cristina Poncibo. Some Thoughts on the Methodological Approach to EC Consumer Law Reform [J]. Loy. Consumer L. Rev,2009, vol.21:353.
    501 See Omri Ben-Shahar, Eric A.Posner. The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law [J]. The Journal of Legal Studies, 2011, vol.40:143.
    509参见张靖.英国冷却期制度的立法探究及启示[J].长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版),2011(3);周显 志,陈小龙.英美日消费信用合同“冷却期”制度及其借鉴[J].世界经济,2002(8);赵明非.美国法上的“冷却期”制度及其借鉴意义[J].孝感学院学报,2011(3);王晓明.我国消费者冷静期制度的构建[J].山西省政法管理干部学院学报.2010(6);王娟.论冷静期制度在我国《消费者权益保护法》中的构建[J].河北广播电视大学学报,2009(9).
    510参见《联合国消费者保护指南》(United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection)第46条,英文文本参见:http://www.un.org/documents/ecosoc/res/1999/eres1999-7.htm.
    514 See Jane K. Winn, Brian H. Bix. Diverging Perspectives on Electronic Contracting in the U.S. and EU [J]. Cleveland State Law Review,2006, vol.54:182.
    517 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 12.
    518 See Directive 2008/122/EC, article 8(1).
    519 See Directive 2011/83/EU, article 12.
    520 See DCFR Annex, Study Group on a European Civil Code, Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference [Ml. Munich:Sellier,2009:560.
    524参见刘青文.德国的消费者撤回权制度[J].世界经济政治论坛,2009 (4).
    525 See Timeshare Act 1992.
    526 See The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) (amendment) Regulations 2005.
    527 See The Cancellation of Contracts made in a Consumer's Home or Place of Work etc. Regulations 2008.
    528 See The Financial Services (Distance Marketing) Regulations 2004.
    529 See The Consumer Credit (EU Directive) Regulations 2010.
    530 See The Supply of Extended Warranties on Domestic Electrical Goods Order 2005, online available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005/37/contents/made.
    531 See Consumer Transactions with Statutory Contract Cancellation Rights, available at www.dca.ca.gov.
    532 See Cal. Civ. Code section 1689.6(a).
    533 See cal. Business and Professions Code section 17538(a).
    534 See cal. Business and Professions Code section 17538(a).
    535 See cal. Ins. Code section 786.
    See cal. Ins. Code section 10127.7
    537 See cal. Business and Professions Code section 11225(a).
    538 See cal. Business and Professions Code section 22442(f).
    539 See cal. Civ. Code § 1694.6(a).
    540 See John Van Alst. Fueling Fair Practices:a Road Map to Improved Public Policy for Used Car Sales and Financing [M]. Boston:National Consumer Law Center,2009:6.
    541 Consumer Affairs Victoria, Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implications [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009, p.82, online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resources-a nd-education/research.
    542 See Consumer Affairs Victoria, Cooling-off Periods in Victoria:Their Use, Nature, Cost and Implicatio ns [R]. Research Paper No.15, Jan.2009, p.20, online available at:http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resour ces-and-education/research.
    544 See Study Group on a European Civil Code, Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law:Draft Common Frame of Reference [M]. Munich:Sellier, 2009:375.
    545 Ewoud Hondius. The Innovative Nature of Consumer Law [J]. J Consum Policy.16 February 2012, p.4.
    546参见龙宗智,[德]Rudolf Steinberg.欧盟债法条例与指令全集[M].吴越等译.北京:法律出版社,2004,译序.
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