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Learning belief of the college student is the deep structure for heart and psychological framework for behavior, which is the essential determinant for learning quality of students. Based on both problem awareness and current situation, the status of learning beliefs of college students in China is analyzed, in order to hold beliefs of college students learning and explore thekey point of reform for solving learning problem of college level.
     As research of learning beliefs of college students is still at starting stage, literature review and theory foundation are well explored and organized in this research. According to demands for higher education development in China, the research framework is scientifically designed. Depending on conceptual definition of learning belief, the structure of college students learning beliefs system has been constructed, the questionnaire has been drew up, as well as the nationwide survey relying on National College Student Survey(NCSS). Nearly60thousand data has been collected, to multi-dimensional of analyze of overall status, group differences, influence factors and contributing factors for learning beliefs of college students. Interviews of varied types of college students have been implanted, in terms of data analysis results. Quantitative and qualitative research method are complementary adopted in this research, and rational thinking is also combined, so as to illustrate the internal and external relation of learning belief deeply, and set up the triangle model of college students learning beliefs system and three factor model of college students development from learning perspective.
     Here are main conclusions below:
     1.Learning beliefs of college students have a multi-dimensional system, which knowledge acts as the axis. Learning essence belief and learning power belief are subject belief, which are core for the whole system; teacher role belief and learning environment belief play as fundamental and supporting role. The tri-angle model of college students learning belief system is established.
     2.Collegestudent's development contains three elements, belief, learning and quality. According on results of empirical study and three elements theory of higher education organization, the three-factor model of college student development, from perspective of learning, is set up. Knowledge is the starting, belief is the power, learning is the mission, and quality is the target.
     3.The learning beliefs of college students in China are generally good at present. There are diversified differences in different types of students. Basically speaking, college students incline to belief of knowledge application, which has stronger internal learning power. They also have positive attitude to the role of teacher and learning environment. Students in different gender academic year, types of universities, family background and learning achievement have large differences in learning belief. Modern college students'get individuality in learning belief, and rational.
     4. Learning beliefs of college students are influenced by college environment student's involvement, faculty belief, peer effect and political course. These factors above play distinctive role in learning belief creation, based on large quantity of data analysis and interview.
     5.Learning beliefs of college students play both value and power supporting role in learning process, which also decide the overall direction of learning. The system of learning beliefs is complicated, not in simply linearlogic relation. Sometimes, some other intermediary factors are needed for indirect influence. Good learning beliefs are able to instruct learning very well.
     Depending on analysis and conclusions, some suggestion are proposed, education quality view based on quality, establishment of regular learning belief assessment system, and college culture creation of shared belief by college members are constitution for learning beliefs of college students, which of great help for college students learning and development.
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