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For the automotive industry, increasing competition in the market accelerates the rateof enterprise's flexibility growing. Under the background of strong flexible manufacturing,how to make employees keep high performance level is an important research subject.Considering the flexible manufacturing as the background, regarded the social exchangetheory as theoretical basis and the automobile manufacturing enterprises with their front lineproduction staff as object, this thesis mainly explore the general theory model research oforganization-employee exchange, then empirical test the relationship between theorganizational support and the performance of flexible employee.
     The specific research process and the specific research conclusion of this paper are asfollows:
     First of all, this paper comprehensively reviews the social exchange theory, andsummarizes the organizational support, organizational belonging, the sense of awe andorganizational justification. On this bases, according to social exchange theory and thelogic train of thought of organizational support behavior→employee mentality→employeebehavior, this paper analyzes the main body, content, resources and behavior patternsinvolved in all kinds of supportive behavior which organizations provide for employees,identify employee mentality and employee behavior influenced by organizational supportbehavior, build a generic theory model of organization-employee exchange which involvesemployee mentality variables including the sense of belonging and the sense of awe. At thesame time, this model is a closed model with feedback.
     After that, analyze the overall characteristics of manufacturing system and the newcharacteristics of first-line production staff under the background of flexible manufacture,form the behavior and performance requirements of flexible employees and according to thetheory model of organization-employee exchange construct the relationship model oforganization-flexible employee exchange, and put forward relevant relationship hypothesis.
     Finally, using the survey data test the variables and relationship assumptions involvedin the relationship model. Through the empirical study, we found that there is reliably anew variable performance evaluation of flexible production staff different with rigid staff.For flexible personnel, the personnel management mode of management-and-control typelacks of effectiveness, and the personnel management model of support type has reliableefficacy. The sense of belonging and the sense of awe which employees experience in the organization are two independent variables. By influencing the sense of belonging of flexibleemployees, the reinforcement support which the organization provide for flexibleemployees then further influences the performance of flexible employees. By influencing thesense of awe of flexible employees, the rejection support (mainly refers to workpunishment) of which the organization provides for flexible employees then further affectemployee performance. And organizational justice plays a strong regulatory role in theprocess of these two effects.
3此时期的论文包括Graen, Dansereau,&Minami,1972;Graen, Orris,&Johnson,1973;Dansereau, Cashman,&Graen,1973;Dansereau, Graen,&Haga,1975; Graen,&Cashman,1975。周明建,宝贡敏(2005)和杨洁(2010)认为领导-成员交换理论起源于Dansereau,Graen和Haga1975年的研究,但1975年的论文中提到Dansereau, Cashman和Graen在1973年的论文中已经对VDL进行了研究(Dansereau, Graen,&Haga,1975,p.48)。
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