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Geoffrey Chaucer, honored as father of English poetry, is a distinguished medieval English writer. His representative work, The Canterbury Tales is an encyclopedic literary work that epitomizes the achievements of Middle English literature and lays the foundation for English literary tradition in the following centuries. Since its publication, The Canterbury Tales has attracted continuous attention and has been studied by critics and scholars from different perspectives and with different critical methods. On the basis of previous studies, this dissertation mainly applies Bakhtinian dialogical theory about polyphony, carnivalization and intertextuality, together with the New Criticism, Narratology, New Historicism and Cultural poetics, to make a systematical in-depth study of the plurality and dialogue in the text and to reveal the multiplicity and originality of Chaucer's literary thought and artistic features.
     Besides the introduction and conclusion, this dissertation falls into four chapters. The introduction starts with a brief presentation of the great importance of Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales in English literary history and a review of earlier critical studies at home and abroad from which this dissertation particularly benefits. It also demonstrates the applicability of Bakhtinian theory and modern narrative strategy to this study of plurality and dialogue in The Canterbury Tales. Finally, it introduces the basic views, the content, and the structure of the dissertation.
     Chapter One discusses the plurality in The Canterbury Tales. It focuses on the multi-level narrative structure, the variety of narrative viewpoints, diversity of literary genres and multiple thematic concerns to reveal the essential nature of plurality of the text. The poet uses the pilgrimage as the main narrative structure as well as its narrative frame and many other medieval narrative forms so as to give a multi-level narrative structure to this masterpiece.The text makes a good use of different narrators, including Chaucer the poet, Chaucer the pilgrim, and the pilgrim-narrators, to narrate the pilgrimage and the stories from different perspectives, which significantly increases the plurality and dialogue of the work. Moreover, in the text, the poet employs almost all the major medieval literary genres such as romance, fabliau, allegory and religious narratives, behind each of which stands a long established tradition. Therefore the diversity of genres presents the plurality and interaction of different cultural and literary traditions and thoughts. The last part of this chapter analyzes the thematic plurality and openness through a discussion of the contradictions and conflicts in values among the stories by the pilgrims.
     Chapter Two aims to demonstrate the polyphonic dialogue in the text. This chapter starts from analyzing the micro-dialogue in narrative texture to the macro-dialogue between different genres, between narrative structures, and between different cultural and intellectual thoughts. Bakhtin thinks that a polyphonic dialogue takes place between independent, fully valued, and unmerged voices in a work. In this work, the author does not impose his idea upon those pilgrims who come from all walks of life, not treating them as his spokesman, but let them represent their own interests, express their own independent consciousness, and stand for their own values. Besides, Chaucer combines those stories by pilgrims with the interactions of the pilgrims on the pilgrimage. Through the contradictions and conflicts among those pilgrims, the text highlights their dialogic relationship.
     Chapter Three focuses on the analysis of carnivalesque dialogue in the text. As an important component of Bakhtinian theory, carnivaleque poetics advocates a kind of equal and dialogic spirit, a kind of humanist thought. Living in a transitional period of profound changes, Chaucer is not only influenced by medieval carnivalesque literary tradition, but also affected by humanist thoughts newly germinated in Italy, which together produce the carnival and dialogic spirit in his work.The carnivalesque dialogue of the text is fully presented in the carnivalized social context, the carnivalesque pilgrimage, the carnivalesque plaza language, and the carnivalesque features of those genres employed by different pilgrims in telling their stories.
     Chapter Four mainly explores the intertextual dialogue of the text. The chapter mainly employs intertextual theory and Bakhtin's thinking about intertextuality to analyze the intertextual features in The Canterbury Tales, focusing on the intertextual dialogue between The Canterbury Tales and such major medieval European cultural and literary traditions as French, Italian, classic, and religious, and their representative schools and writers. Thus, the dissertation broadens and deepens its study of the plurality and dialogue of The Canterbury Tales on the level of cultural and literary traditions.
     The dissertation concludes that the plurality and dialogue of The Canterbury Tales, that is, the text's polyphony, carnivalization, intertextual dialogue, by nature reflects the cultural plurality in medieval English society and different schools of literary traditions and thinking at that time and, therefore, have special cultural and literary significance.
①参见Harold Bloom, ed., Classical Critical Views: Geoffrey Chaucer (New York: Infobase, 2008)5-6.
    ② 参见John H. Fisher, The Importance of Chaucer (Carbondale and Edwardsville:Southern Illinois UP,1992)148-150.
    ① 详见Piero Boitani, English Medieval Narrative in the 13th and 14th Centuries, trans. Joan Krakover Hall (Cambridge:Cambridge UP,1982)138-273.
    ① 参见Corinne Saunders, ed., "The Development of Chaucer Criticism." In Chaucer,5-21, Blackwell Guides to Criticism (Oxford:Blackwell,2001) 10.
    ② 详见C. S. Lewis, The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition (London: Oxford UP, 1936) 157-198.
    ① 参见D.W. Robertson, A Preface to Chaucer: Studies in Medieval Perspective (New Jersey: Princeton UP,1962)3.
    ① 参见Ralph. Baldwin, The Unity of Canterbury Tales (Copenhagen:Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1955).
    ② 参见Bernard F. Huppe, A Reading of the Canterbury Tales (New York:State U of New York, 1967).
    ③ 本森(Benson)认为乔叟为每则故事创造出完整的,富有独特的诗学形式,这一点以往从未有人如此做过。具体参见C David. Benson, Chaucer's Drama of Style: Poetic Variety and Contrast in the Canterbury Tales (Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1986) 20-25.
    ② 参见Robert M. Jordan, Chaucer's Poetics and the Modern Reader (Berkeley:U of California P, 1987) 20.
    ① 参见Kathryn L. Lynch, ed., Chaucer s Cultural Geography (New York:London: Routledge, 2002).
    ② 详见李耀宗:“汉译欧洲中古文学的回顾与展望”,《国外文学》1(2003)27
    ① 黄呆忻先生诗体翻译的《坎特伯雷故事》最早是在1999年由南京译林出版社出版,后有2001年台北猫头鹰出版社出版,2007年由上海译文出版社出版。
    ① 参见肖明翰:《乔叟对英国文学的贡献》,载《外国文学评论》,2001年第四期,第85-94页。
    ① 如乔叟在早期创作的《声誉之宫》中就曾使用这种艺术表现手法。
    ① 参见刘进:《乔叟梦幻诗研究》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第11-12页。
    ① 本文所引《坎特伯雷故事》中的原文均出自杰弗里·乔叟:《坎特伯雷故事》,黄杲炘译,上海:上海译文出版社,2007年。
    ① 详见Judith Ferster, "Genre in and of the Canterbury Tales", in Saunders's A Concise Companion to Chaucer, (Oxford:Blackwell,2006) 181.
    ① 详见布斯:《小说修辞学》,华明等译,北京:北京大学出版社,1987年,第80—82页。
    ① 有关乔叟诗歌中的反讽艺术,详见Earle Birney, Essays on Chaucerian Irony (Toronto: Toronto UP,1985).
    ① 参见R. M. Wilson, Early Middle English Literature,3rd(London: Methuen,1968) 193.
    ① 在《百鸟议会》里,乔叟借用鸟类开会择偶的故事来隐射当时英国社会中存在的问题。
    ② 《圣经》,新约全书,提摩太前书的第6章10节,第334页。
    ① 在中世纪,基督教神学是占绝对统治地位的思想体系,在意识形态领域里具有无上的权威,对人们的精神文化生活产生巨大的影响,所以被称为“信仰的时代”。详见埃文斯(Evans),G.R:《中世纪的信仰》,茆卫彤译,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年。
    ① 参见Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer,2nd ed. (Cambridge:Cambridge UP,2003) 17.
    ② 这一观念源自《圣经》。Dyas将人生喻为去往天堂的朝圣旅程(life conceived as a pilgrimage towards a heavenly destination),她认为,相对于去圣地朝圣,人生的朝圣历程更有意义,具体详见Dee Dyas, Pilgrimage in Medieval English Literature 700-1500 (Cambridge:Cambridge UP,2001)247.
    ① 参见C.David Benson,"Their Telling Difference:Chaucer the Pilgrim and His Two Contrasting Tales", Chaucer Review 18,(1983-84):71.
    ① 详见肖明翰:《英语文学传统之形成:中世纪英语文学研究》(上、下),北京:社会科学文献出版社,2009年,第619-620页。
    ② 参见韦勒克、沃伦著:《文学理论》,刘象愚等译,北京:三联书店,1989年,第72页。
    ① 详见Harold Bloom, ed., Geoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales (New York:Infobase,2008) 90.
    ① 详见肖锋:《巴赫金“微型对话”与“大型对话”》,载《俄罗斯文艺》,2002年第5期,第70-73页。
    ① 详见肖明翰:《《试论<坎特伯雷故事>的多元与复调》,载《外国文学研究》,2006年第四期,第74-83页。
    ① 《圣经·新约全书·提摩太前书》6:10。
    ① 详见乔纳森·卡勒:《结构主义诗学》,盛宁译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1991年。
    ① 详见John Hines, The Fabliau in English (London:Longman,1993) 1-23.
    ① 详见查尔斯·霍默·哈斯金斯:《12世纪文艺复兴》,夏继果译,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年。
    ① 详见史亚娟的博士论文《文化的狂欢——文化诗学视野下的<坎特伯雷故事>》,首都师范大学,2008年,第71-75页。
    ① 参见白春仁:《巴赫金——求索对话思维》,载《文学评论》,1998年第五期,第102页。
    ② 参见史亚娟的博士论文《文化的狂欢:文化诗学视野下的<坎特伯雷故事>》中绪论部分第21-22页。
    ① 详见巴赫金:《巴赫金全集第六卷》,李兆年、夏忠宪等译,石家庄:河北教育出版社,1998年,第4页。
    ① 详见巴赫金:《巴赫金全集》(第六卷)拉伯雷研究,李兆林,夏忠宪等译,石家庄:河北教育出版社,1998年,第5-20页
    ① 特勒将林勃或临界状态(liminality)定义为路途或疆界中的过渡状态或过程,他认为朝圣旅程是一种从常规的社会责任和压力中解脱出来的表征形式。具体详见Victor Turner and Edith Turner, Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Perspective:Anthropological Perspectives (Oxford:Blackwell,1978)7.
    ① 详见Laura Kendrick, Chaucerian Play: Comedy and Control in The Canterbury Tales (Berkeley: U of California P,1988) 111-121.
    ① 参见何岳球:((<坎特伯雷故事>中的狂欢化喜剧特色》,载《外国文学研究》,2003年第2期,第55-59页。
    ① 详见Derek Brewer,Tradition and Innovation in Chaucer (Maiden: Blackwell,2004) 91.
    ② 参见马克思、恩格斯:《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷,北京:人民出版社,1995年,第269页。
    ① 详见R.A. Shoaf, Dante, Chaucer and the Currency of the Word: Money, Image, Reference in Late Medieval Poetry. (Okla: Pilgrim Books,1983).
    ② 详见Winthrop Wetherbee, Chaucer and the Poets:An Essay on Troilus and Criseyde (Ithaca: Cornell UP,1984).
    ③ 参见Karla Taylor, Chaucer Reads the Divine Comedy (Stanford,CA:Stanford UP,1989) 209.
    ① 详见Richard Neuse, Chaucer's Dante: Allegory and Epic Theatre in The Canterbury Tales (Berkeley and Los Angeles:U of California P,1991) 15-140.
    ① 薄伽丘的《菲洛斯特拉托》和《苔塞伊达》是两部八行体的长诗,分别从维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》和《特洛伊传奇》中汲取素材,歌颂了现实生活的美好和爱情的欢乐,开创意大利骑士史诗和民间说唱文学的先河。《骑士的故事》早在诗人创作《坎特伯雷故事》之前便已完成,后被诗人编入作品中。
    ② 中世纪文学将娱乐作为文学创作的理想目标。
    ③ 详见W.F Bryan and Germaine Dempster, eds., Sources and Analogues of the Chaucer's the Canterbury Tales (Chicago:U of Chicago P.1941)14-20.
    ① 意大利评论界把薄伽丘的《十日谈》和但丁的《神曲》相媲美,称之为《人曲》。
    ① 转引自胡龙彪:《拉丁教父波爱修斯》,北京:商务印书馆,2006年,第6页。
    ① 参见《圣经,新约全书》,提摩太前书的第6章10节,第334页。
    ① 参见Piero Boitani, English Medieval Narrative in the 13th and 14th Centuries, trans. Joan Krakover Hall, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP,1982)137.
    ① 参见肖明翰:《乔叟的探索与<百鸟议会>的成就》,载《四川外语学院学报》,2002年第2期,第3-6页。
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