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University Science Park is an important part of national innovation system, key source of innovation regional economic development and technological progress, an incubator of social achievements into real productivity, and the key platform and social carrier for industry-university-research cooperation. But the spatial distribution of national university science parks in China shows obvious polarization. National university science parks layout closely integrates with university layout,96national university science parks are located in24provinces. Number of universities in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu accounts for40%of national number, and has obvious agglomeration characteristics. But there are still many functional obstacles, so that the fostering and the growth of the advantages of regional economic convergence should be taken seriously enough. The86University Science Parks incubator companies had average revenue of0.26billion yuan in2010, present significant polarization trend in space distribution. The average convergent rate of the National University Science Park in15sub-provincial cities and the National High-tech Zone in2010is just0.23%.The dissertation, based on the regional innovation theory and competitive advantage research from at home and abroad, analyses the stage of development and operation environment, designing the convergence mode of University Science Park and regional economic, putting forward the convergence mechanism. This paper concludes eight chapters:research goal and significance appears in chapater one with related research basis. The second chapter elaborates basic meaning and parts of University Science Park and regional economic convergence, concludes the fundamental modes. The third, forth, fifth chapters analyse agglomeration mechanism of University Science Park and regional economy from technique, industry and park agglomeration. The sixth chapter establishes three-force balance mechanism of cluster supporting,mutural push and linkage pull, constructs the evaluation index system of regional University Science Park economic convergence, proposes evaluation methods, calculates indexes of regional economic convergence, and evaluats three-force synergy by principal components analysis. The seventh chapter uses K-means cluster method to divide six blending paths of regional University Science Park economic convergence, and puts forward multi cluster incubating mode drived by technique agglomeration, multi chain interacting optimization drived by industry agglomeration, and multidots linkage mode drived by park agglomeration.The eighth chapter summarizes overall research conclusions, and analyzes research shortage, at last discusses convergence development trend.
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