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PartⅠEstablishment and maintenance of HCC tissue and data bank by information management
     Objective: To explore how to establish and maintenance HCC data bank of information management.Methods:HCC patients after operation were entered into HCC data bank, after signed informed consent. Fresh tissues were stored in liquid nitrogenSome tissue embedded in paraffin and the blood samples were collected. The collected clinical data and specimens is of information management.Resultes:304 cases of tissue specimens, 126 cases of blood samples, 114 cases of paraffin specimens of HCC were entered into HCC data bank. HCC data bank showed be suitable for molecular biologic research.Through information management, HCC data bank provide support for many research projects.Conclusion: Through establish and maintenance HCC data bank of information management, a good foundation is made for study of HCC.
     Part II Identification of differentially expressed genes associated with early recurrence of HCC using genechip technology
     Objective: To identify the differential expression genes associated with early recurrence after curative resection for HCC using genechip technology.Methods: 20 cases selected from ER group and nER group randomly were entered into this study. The cRNAs were hybridized with Affymetrix genechip. The picture signals were analyzed with GCOS1.2. GeneSpring 10.0 analysis software screened differential gene. The differential expression genes identified by GO analysis, cluster analysis, principal component analysis and pathway analysis.Resultes: There is 2214 differential expression genes analyzed by the GeneSpring software. GO analysis found the differential expression genes were associated with 28 GO terms.The 20 cases could be divided into ER and nER correctly by using clustering analysis and principal component analysis. Pathway analysis showed that differential expression genes participated in apoptosis, transcription, proliferation, processes, and differential expression genes and may be involved in the process of tumor recurrence.Conclusion: The application of Affymetrix genechip technique is a powerful strategy to identify differential expression genes associated with early recurrence for HCC. The further study of the differential expression genes may found molecular mechanism of early recurrence of HCC and screen some new potential therapeutic targets for HCC.
     PartⅢExpression of SOX4 and CD24 and early recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma: validation of their relationship and clinical significance
     Objective: To explore study the relationship between expression of SOX4 and CD24 gene and early recurrence after curative resection of HCC, and its clinical significance.Methods: SOX4 and CD24 expression of HCC in 60 patients and normal liver was studied with the methods of immunohisto- chemisty. Resultes: The positive expression of SOX4 and CD24 in HCC was higher than in normal liver. The positive expression of SOX4 and CD24 in HCC of ER after curative resection was higher than HCC of nER. Conclusion: SOX4 and CD24 was confirmed be associated with early recurrence of HCC after curative resection. Up-regulation of SOX4 and CD24may contribute to early recurrence potential of HCC. SOX4 and CD24 may be developed as a new and effective molecular target for HCC in future. The detection of SOX4 in HCC might sever as an important parameter for estimating the prognosis.
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