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     采用质子磁共振波谱(~1H MRS)法测定代谢正常人肝脏脂肪含量,并采用动态血糖监测系统观察全天血糖波动情况,旨在观察肝脏脂肪含量与血糖波动特征之间的关系。
     通过询问病史,测量身高、体重、腰围、臀围、血压,检测肝功能、肾功能、血脂谱。口服75g葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT),将47例各项检查均在正常范围的受试者确定为代谢正常人。然后对这组受试者应用~1H MRS法测定肝脏脂肪含量,应用动态血糖监测系统进行为期3日连续血糖监测。定量参数根据其分布正态性与否应用均值±标准差或中位数表示,采用Spearman相关分析,结果以P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。
     共获CGMS有效数据35例,其中男性20人,女性15人;年龄44.51±12.74岁,BMI22.43±1.81 kg/m~2,收缩压112.03±9.88mmHg,舒张压75(60-80)mmHg,甘油三酯0.96±0.37mmol/L,LDL-c:2.78±1.05 mmol/L,HDL-c:1.62±0.63 mmol/L,肝脏脂肪含量2.20(0-18.73)%,空腹血糖4.76±0.66 mmol/L,餐后2小时血糖5.30(2.79-7.50)mmol/L,CGMS所得平均血糖5.75±0.09 mmol/L,最高值8.35(6.50-12.25)mmol/L,最低值3.90±0.13 mmol/L,标准差0.80(0.45-1.85)mmol/L,平均血糖波动幅度(MAGE)2.32±0.83 mmol/L,大于7.8血糖时间比:2.50(0.00-25.00)%,小于3.9血糖时间比:0.00(0.00-28.00)%,大于5.6曲线下面积0.48(0.10-1.45)mmol/L~*h,大于6.1曲线下面积0.23(0.00-1.15)mmol/L~*h。
     To observe the association of liver fat content and blood glucose variation among normal population using ~1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and continuous glucose monitoring system.
     Materials and Methods
     Clinical data of 47 normal subjects had been chosen using demographic data and OGTT test.~1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used then to measure liver fat content,while continuous glucose monitoring system was used to acquire blood glucose profile for 3 consecutive days.Differences were considered statistically significant if P<0.05.
     Among 47 normal subjects,liver fat content of 37 subjects(78%) were<5%, 4(9%) were≥5%~<10%,6(13%) were≥10%.
     According to the median value of liver fat content,normal population were divided into two groups:fat content<2.21%group(n=23),and fat content≥2.21% group(n=24).HDL-c was significantly lower among the group whose fat content was relatively higher,but TG,fasting C peptide,fasting insulin level and HOMA-IR were significantly lower.The Insulin-AUC and 30 minutes Insulin-plus were significantly higher in fat content≥2.21%group(P=0.003,P=0.003).
     Liver fat content showed statistically significant positive correlations with TG(r=0.329),AST(r=0.323),GGT(r=0.308),fasting insulin level(r=0.413),2h insulin level(r=0.333),fasting C peptide level(r=0.334),HOMA-IR(r=0.423)(P<0.05),and no correlations with age,BMI,BP,TC,LDL-c,HDL-c,ALT,AKP,GGT,fasting and 2h blood glucose,2h C peptide level.
     According to liver fat content,normal population were divided into three groups: fat content<5%group(n=37),fat content 5%~10%group(n=4) and fat content>10%group(n=6).Fasting insulin level,Insulin-AUC and 30 minutes Insulin-plus were different among 3 groups,and increased with liver fat content. HOMA-IR is significantly higher in fat content≥10%group than that in fat content<5%group(P=0.003).
     CGMS data of 35 subjects had been acquired,Among whom 20 were male, 15were female.Mean age was 44.51±12.74years,BMI was 22.43±1.81 kg/m~2,SBP was 112.03±9.88mmHg,DBP was 75(60-80) mmHg,TG was 0.96±0.37mmol/L, LDL-c was 2.78±1.05 mmol/L,HDL-c was 1.62±0.63 mmol/L,liver fat content was 2.20(0-18.73)%,FBG was 4.76±0.66 mmol/L,2h-BG was 5.30(2.79-7.50)mmol/L, CGMS mean BG was 5.75±0.09 mmol/L,maximum BG was 8.35(6.50-12.25) mmol/L,minimum BG was 3.90±0.13 mmol/L,SDBG was 0.80(0.45-1.85) mmol/L,MAGE was 2.32±0.83 mmol/L,Time%_(7.8) was 2.50(0.00-25.00)%, Time%_(3.9) was 0.00(0.00-28.00)%,AUC_(5.6) was 0.48(0.10-1.45) mmol/L~*h, AUG_(6.1) was 0.23(0.00-1.15) mmol/L~*h.
     According to liver fat content,normal subjects were divided into two groups:fat content<5%group(n=28) and fat content≥5%group(n=7).Mean BG and AUC_(5.6) are significantly higher among the group whose fat content was above normal (P=0.027,P=0.023).
     Spearman analysis showed there was a significant positive correlation between liver fat content and mean CGMS BG(r=0.338,P=0.047),AUC_(5.6)(r=0.408, P=0.015) and AUC_(6.1)(r=0.409,P=0.015).No correlation was showed between liver fat content and maximum BG,minimum BG,SDBG,MAGE,Time%_(7.8) and Time% _(3.9).
     We found that 22%of population who had normal glucose metabolism had fatty liver.Liver fat content was associated with insulin resistance and blood glucose level, especially postprandial blood glucose.
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