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     口服药物都要经过小肠吸收。我们首先用表述分子三维结构的VolSurf参数建立了药物小肠吸收模型,取得较好的结果(模型的相关性为r2 = 0.82,留一交叉验证方法证明模型的预测能力为q2 =0.67)。对其它数据不太可靠的化合物按照数据评价的质量进行分类预测,存在整体误差,能根据数据来源进行较好的解释,证明所建立的模型具有较好的预测能力。对参数进行分析表明有利于人体小肠吸收的药物分子特征包括:分子量中心与亲水、疏水中心高的不平衡性,分子内较大的疏水区域,分子内少的氢键给体以及低的亲水-亲脂平衡,即疏水性在分子中占主导地位。
     药物透过Caco-2单细胞层的渗透系数的数学模型给出了较好的结果(r2 = 0.95,q2 = 0.75)。对其它类药物进行预测,发现用结构不同的化合物所建立的模型对肽类药物以及同系物分子均有一定的预测能力,但是当分子的柔性键多,可能形成分子内氢键时,模型的预测能力大大下降。药物透过Caco-2单细胞层的影响因素较人体小肠复杂,分子内较多的氢键给体和受体均对Caco-2单细胞层的渗透性不利,对Caco-2单细胞层渗透性高的药物分子必须具有合适的氢键给体和受体。分子内局部能量极小值越大,对渗透越有利。同时,体积大且球形性高的分子对渗透有利。
     药物经皮吸收的主要屏障部位在角质层,由于该层为死细胞层,使得药物经皮渗透影响因素与其它生物膜有较大的不同。药物经皮吸收的数学模型较好(r2 = 0.86,q2 = 0.80)。参数分析表明具有高疏水性的分子有利于经皮吸收,分子内亲水区域较大时不利于经皮吸收。当分子内三个能量极小值较小,且它们之间的相互距离较大时有利于经皮吸收。同时,当分子体积的增大引起分子亲水-疏水平衡减小时会导致药物经皮渗透性的增大。一定的亲水区域对经皮吸收有利。以所建立的模型作为训练集,对其他各类药物进行预测。结果表明模型对小分子的结构不同的化合物预测能力较好,但对甾类化合物的预测出现了系统偏差。对有争议的数据进行了预测,取得与文献报道相一致的结果。
The thesis is about theoretical study on absorption and metabolism process of pharmacokinetics characters. The mathematical models are built for prediction of drug absorption through biological membranes including human small intestine, Caco-2 cell monolayers, human skin and blood-brain barrier. The preliminary study is performed on influencing factors of hydroxylation for drug metabolism.
     All oral drugs are absorbed through small intestine. The mathematical model of intestinal absorption is built with VolSurf descriptors, which describe molecular three-dimensional structure. The good result is gained (the correlation coefficient (r2) is 0.82 and the predictivity by cross validation (q2) is 0.67). We predict other unreliable data according to their quality with the model. The entire difference can be explained well on the basis of data source, which shows that the model owns the good predictivity. The molecular characters favorable to human intestinal absorption include the high imbalance between the center of mass of a molecule and the barycentre of its hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, high hydrophobic regions, less hydrogen bond donors, as well as low hydrophilic-lipophilic balance, that is hydrophobic region dominates in the molecule.
     The mathematical model of the permeability coefficients of drugs through Caco-2 cell monolayers shows the good result (r2 = 0.95 and q2 = 0.75). The prediction results demonstrate that the model has some predictivity for peptide drugs and homologues. But the predictivity of the model decreases when more flexible bonds in the molecule result in intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The influencing factors are more complicated than human intestine. Not the more but the suitable hydrogen bond donors and acceptors are favorable to the permeability. The large local energy minima are beneficial to the permeability of drugs. At the same time, large volume and high globularity are favorable factors.
     Because the principal barrier, the stratum corneum, is in essence a dead layer in the living organism, the influencing factors of human percutaneous absorption of drugs are different from other biological membranes. The good mathematical model of percutaneous absorption shows r2 is 0.86 and q2 is 0.80. High hydrophobicity is favorable and large hydrophilic region is unfavourable to skin penetration. Low three local energy minima and far distances between them are beneficial to penetration. Meanwhile, when molecular volume increasing brings about hydrophilic-lipophilic balance decreasing, percutaneous permeability increases. Some hydrophilic regions are favorable to penetration. Other kinds of drugs are predicted with the training set. The good results are gained from small diverse molecules. But the systematic difference exists for steroids. The predicted results for argumentative data are in agreement with the reference.
     The mathematical model is built between VolSurf descriptors and drug permeability of blood-brain barrier. The result shows r2 = 0.92 and q2 = 0.78. The model possesses good predictivity to two test sets from different sources. Analysis to descriptors shows the imbalance between the center of mass of a molecule and the barycentre of its hydrophobic regions is favorable to BBB permeability. Only suitable hydrophobic regions are beneficial
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